Earthquake with magnitude of ML 2.1 on date 11-05-2016 and time 19:24:56 (UTC) in region 2 km N Fonte (TV)

A magnitude ML 2.1 earthquake occured in region: 2 km N Fonte (TV), on

  • 11-05-2016 19:24:56 (UTC)
  • 11-05-2016 21:24:56 (UTC +02:00) Italian time

and geographic coordinates (lat, lon) 45.8060, 11.8740 at 7 km depth.

The earthquake was located by: Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV.

Search earthquakes: Any within 30 km radius

The values of hypocentral coordinates and magnitude may be revised at a later time as more information becomes available.

Municipalities within 20 km from the epicenter

Distances are determinated based on the geographic coordintes of the (Istat).
Municipality Region Dist Inh Cum Inh
Fonte TV 2 5923 5923
Paderno del Grappa TV 3 2192 8115
Asolo TV 3 9128 17243
Castelcucco TV 3 2215 19458
Crespano del Grappa TV 4 4520 23978
San Zenone degli Ezzelini TV 4 7411 31389
Monfumo TV 5 1398 32787
Possagno TV 6 2177 34964
Borso del Grappa TV 6 5924 40888
Mussolente VI 6 7658 48546
Cavaso del Tomba TV 6 2960 51506
Maser TV 8 5070 56576
Loria TV 9 9310 65886
Romano d'Ezzelino VI 9 14478 80364
Altivole TV 9 6911 87275
Riese Pio X TV 9 11067 98342
Cassola VI 10 14619 112961
Caerano di San Marco TV 10 8017 120978
Pederobba TV 11 7451 128429
Cornuda TV 11 6267 134696
Pove del Grappa VI 11 3083 137779
Bassano del Grappa VI 12 43372 181151
Alano di Piave BL 12 2827 183978
Solagna VI 12 1901 185879
Rosà VI 12 14417 200296
Rossano Veneto VI 13 8091 208387
Castello di Godego TV 13 7177 215564
Crocetta del Montello TV 13 6080 221644
Campolongo sul Brenta VI 13 818 222462
Quero Vas BL 14 3237 225699
Montebelluna TV 14 31228 256927
Segusino TV 14 1887 258814
Valdobbiadene TV 14 10388 269202
Vidor TV 14 3766 272968
San Nazario VI 15 1696 274664
Castelfranco Veneto TV 16 33234 307898
Galliera Veneta PD 16 7146 315044
Cismon del Grappa VI 17 906 315950
Cartigliano VI 17 3800 319750
San Martino di Lupari PD 17 13177 332927
Vedelago TV 17 16873 349800
Nove VI 18 5038 354838
Valstagna VI 18 1816 356654
Marostica VI 18 13989 370643
Tombolo PD 18 8352 378995
Trevignano TV 18 10761 389756
Tezze sul Brenta VI 19 12827 402583
Cittadella PD 19 20155 422738
Volpago del Montello TV 19 10151 432889
Moriago della Battaglia TV 19 2761 435650
Enego VI 20 1699 437349
Resana TV 20 9522 446871

Municipalities with at least 50000 inhabitants

An earthquake occurred to
33 Km W of Treviso (83731 inhabitants)
38 Km NE of Vicenza (112953 inhabitants)
44 Km N of Padova (210401 inhabitants)
55 Km NW of Venezia (263352 inhabitants)
63 Km W of Pordenone (51229 inhabitants)
65 Km E of Trento (117317 inhabitants)
80 Km NE of Verona (258765 inhabitants)
82 Km N of Rovigo (51867 inhabitants)
87 Km SE of Bolzano (106441 inhabitants)
Recent and historical seismicity
Seismic hazard
Felt maps
Locations history
Type Magnitude Date and Time (UTC) Latitude Longitude Depth (km) Published time (UTC) Author Location ID
ML 2.1 2016-05-11
45.8062 11.8735 7 2016-11-08
Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV 25237301
ML 2.1 2016-05-11
45.8107 11.8865 9 2016-05-11
Sala Sismica INGV-Roma 25017191
Preferred location and magnitude until now.
Origin information


Field Value
Time (UTC) 2016-05-11 19:24:56 ± 0.11
Latitude 45.8062 ± 0.0072
Longitude 11.8735 ± 0.0077
Depth (km) 7 ± 1 (from location)
Evaluation mode of Origin manual
Evaluation status of Origin reviewed
Version 1000 -> BULLETIN-INGV
Event type earthquake
Origin ID 25237301


Field Value
Preferred uncertainty description uncertainty ellipse
Semi-major axis of confidence ellipse (meter) 857
Semi-minor axis of confidence ellipse (meter) 434
Azimuth of major axis of confidence ellipse. Measured clockwise from South-North direction at epicenter (gradi) 160
Circular confidence region, given by single value of horizontal uncertainty (meter) 860.0
Confidence level of the uncertainty (%) 68


Field Value
Largest azimuthal gap in station distribution as seen from epicenter (degree) 92
Number of associated phases, regardless of their use for origin computation 55
Number of defining phases 48
RMS of the travel time residuals of the arrivals used for the origin computation (sec) 0.45
Epicentral distance of station closest to the epicenter (degree) 0.00000
Epicentral distance of station farthest from the epicenter (degree) 3.57930
Number of stations at which the event was observed 41
Number of stations from which data was used for origin computation 35
Magnitudes information


Field Value
Value 2.1
Uncertainty 0.3
Num. used stations 27
Type of magnitude ML
Reference to an origin 25237301
Agency INGV
Autore Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV
Time of creation (UTC) 2016-05-24 11:13:55


Field Value
Value 2.1
Uncertainty 0.3
Num. used stations 28
Type of magnitude ML
Reference to an origin 25017191
Agency INGV
Autore Sala Sismica INGV-Roma
Time of creation (UTC) 2016-05-11 19:36:53
Picking and Arrival
SCNL Time Uncertainty Polarity Evaluation_mode Phase Azimuth Distance(km) Takeoff_angle Residual Weight
IV.RDP.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:26:54.99 3.0 undecidable manual Sg 7.03 0
IV.SRES.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:26:45.99 3.0 undecidable manual Sg 397.3023 9.15 0
IV.MODR.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:26:09.46 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.44 0
IV.NARO.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:26:04.99 3.0 undecidable manual Sg 1.28 0
IV.SRES.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:57.37 3.0 positive manual Pg 397.3023 5.09 0
MN.AQU.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:49.38 3.0 negative manual Pn -3.26 0
IV.BRMO.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:36.87 0.6 undecidable manual S 303 137.2626 50 0.17 38
IV.EUCT.HNZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:34.43 3.0 negative manual Pn 3.65 0
IV.MAGA.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:26.64 0.6 undecidable manual S 268 96.3258 50 0.86 34
MN.TRI.BHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:22.66 1.0 undecidable manual P 94 146.742 50 1.38 12
SI.KOSI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:21.98 0.6 undecidable manual S 333 82.251 50 -0.04 44
OX.SABO.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:20.74 0.3 undecidable manual P 81 137.3625 50 0.91 45
SI.MOSI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:20.42 0.1 undecidable manual P 312 135.6642 50 0.85 62
IV.ZONE.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:20.39 0.3 undecidable manual P 269 135.9639 50 0.77 48
IV.BRMO.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:20.36 0.1 undecidable manual P 303 137.2626 50 0.54 70
ST.GAGG.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:19.94 0.6 undecidable manual S 294 76.9674 50 -0.67 38
IV.PTCC.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:19.73 0.3 undecidable manual P 59 131.9679 50 0.72 50
SI.RISI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:19.01 0.1 undecidable manual P 7 127.6722 50 0.67 68
SI.ROSI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:19.61 0.3 undecidable manual P 344 129.3705 50 1 44
OX.ZOU2.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:17.86 0.3 undecidable manual P 45 118.6923 50 0.9 47
NI.VINO.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:17.72 0.3 undecidable manual P 65 118.8921 50 0.74 51
SI.ABSI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:15.85 0.1 undecidable manual P 338 110.8002 50 0.12 82
OX.CLUD.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:15.90 0.6 undecidable manual P 47 105.9162 50 0.91 32
IV.MABI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:15.84 0.3 undecidable manual P 285 108.5136 50 0.46 57
IV.SALO.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:15.67 0.3 undecidable manual P 259 106.5156 50 0.58 55
NI.POLC.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:14.10 0.6 undecidable manual S 63 54.2013 50 -0.43 43
OX.MPRI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:13.93 0.3 undecidable manual P 60 98.4237 50 0.09 63
ST.DOSS.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:13.58 0.6 undecidable manual S 279 53.6019 50 -0.79 38
IV.MAGA.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:13.74 0.3 undecidable manual P 268 96.3258 50 0.23 62
IV.APPI.EHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:12.42 0.1 undecidable manual P 327 89.5437 50 -0.05 87
IV.FRE8.HNZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:11.19 0.6 undecidable manual S 58 43.8228 50 -0.57 42
SI.KOSI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:11.19 0.1 undecidable manual P 333 82.251 50 -0.15 86
ST.GAGG.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:10.34 0.1 undecidable manual P 294 76.9674 50 -0.19 86
IV.OPPE.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:10.93 0.3 undecidable manual P 225 77.5668 50 0.31 63
SI.LUSI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:09.77 0.1 undecidable manual P 284 73.7706 50 -0.27 86
IV.TREG.HNN. 2016-05-11T19:25:08.40 0.3 undecidable manual P 241 63.5919 50 -0.06 68
IV.ROVR.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:08.40 0.1 undecidable manual P 254 64.491 50 -0.21 88
OX.CIMO.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:08.37 0.3 undecidable manual P 38 71.2731 50 -1.28 43
IV.CTI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:07.62 0.6 undecidable manual S 327 31.9458 103 -0.5 44
IV.SANR.HNE. 2016-05-11T19:25:06.85 0.6 undecidable manual S 228 27.5502 105 0.22 47
NI.POLC.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:06.22 0.1 undecidable manual P 63 54.2013 50 -0.8 75
ST.DOSS.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:06.48 0.3 undecidable manual P 279 53.6019 50 -0.45 64
IV.TEOL.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:05.88 0.3 undecidable manual P 198 51.7038 50 -0.75 58
OX.VARN.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:05.76 0.6 undecidable manual S 41 27.3504 105 -0.8 39
IV.ZOVE.HNE. 2016-05-11T19:25:05.54 0.1 undecidable manual P 218 49.2174 50 -0.72 78
IV.FRE8.HNZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:04.55 0.3 undecidable manual P 58 43.8228 50 -0.87 55
IV.CRND.HNE. 2016-05-11T19:25:02.15 0.3 undecidable manual S 73 11.2776 123 0.73 62
IV.CTI.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:02.68 0.1 undecidable manual P 327 31.9458 103 -0.64 83
IV.SANR.HNE. 2016-05-11T19:25:02.27 0.3 undecidable manual P 228 27.5502 105 -0.18 71
OX.VARN.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:01.64 0.1 undecidable manual P 41 27.3504 105 -0.78 79
OX.CGRP.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:25:01.35 0.3 undecidable manual S 327 9.7791 126 0.36 71
IV.ASOL.HNE. 2016-05-11T19:24:59.50 0.3 undecidable manual S 106 2.2977 162 0.1 75
IV.CRND.HNE. 2016-05-11T19:24:59.73 0.1 negative manual P 73 11.2776 123 0.28 95
OX.CGRP.HHZ. 2016-05-11T19:24:59.27 0.1 negative manual P 327 9.7791 126 0.07 100
IV.ASOL.HNE. 2016-05-11T19:24:58.02 0.1 negative manual P 106 2.2977 162 -0.26 97
Station Magnitude and Amplitude
SCNL mag Generic_amplitude Period Type Category Unit Time_window_reference
SI.ABSI.HHE. ML:2.2 0.000121 0.3 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:36.12
SI.ABSI.HHN. ML:2.2 0.0001225 0.26 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:36.21
IV.APPI.EHE. ML:1.9 0.00009365 0.62 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:24.04
IV.APPI.EHN. ML:2.1 0.0001338 0.4 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:25.74
IV.BRMO.HHN. ML:1.9 0.00005015 0.3 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:40.42
IV.BRMO.HHE. ML:1.8 0.0000367 1.06 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:41.56
OX.CGRP.HHE. ML:2.3 0.00302 0.16 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:01.81
OX.CGRP.HHN. ML:2.2 0.0025949999999999997 0.24 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:01.91
OX.CLUD.HHE. ML:1.7 0.000049500000000000004 0.72 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:32.99
OX.CLUD.HHN. ML:1.7 0.00005095 0.32 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:32.97
IV.CTI.HHE. ML:2.4 0.00117 0.3 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:08.31
IV.CTI.HHN. ML:2.4 0.0011099999999999999 0.7 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:08.32
ST.DOSS.HHN. ML:2.0 0.000266 0.36 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:14.93
ST.DOSS.HNE. ML:2.1 0.00027550000000000003 0.34 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:14.93
ST.DOSS.HHE. ML:2.0 0.00024249999999999999 0.86 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:20.86
ST.DOSS.HNN. ML:2.0 0.0002205 0.86 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:20.86
ST.GAGG.HHE. ML:2.1 0.000169 0.38 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:21.56
ST.GAGG.HHN. ML:2.0 0.00016199999999999998 0.66 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:21.87
SI.KOSI.HHN. ML:1.8 0.00009035 0.2 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:22.30
SI.KOSI.HHE. ML:2.0 0.0001233 0.36 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:22.48
SI.LUSI.HHE. ML:2.0 0.000158 0.4 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:20.43
SI.LUSI.HHN. ML:2.3 0.000322 1.14 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:25.83
IV.MABI.HHN. ML:1.8 0.0000538 0.5 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:32.67
IV.MABI.HHE. ML:1.8 0.00005345 1.38 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:34.11
IV.MAGA.HHN. ML:2.3 0.0001995 1.24 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:31.76
IV.MAGA.HHE. ML:2.4 0.00023999999999999998 0.66 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:32.39
SI.MOSI.HHE. ML:2.3 0.000113 0.28 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:40.47
SI.MOSI.HHN. ML:2.4 0.0001705 0.34 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:39.61
OX.MPRI.HHN. ML:2.0 0.00011475 0.28 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:31.97
OX.MPRI.HHE. ML:2.0 0.0000899 0.24 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:31.35
NI.POLC.HHE. ML:2.2 0.0003765 0.22 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:16.79
NI.POLC.HHN. ML:2.2 0.00040500000000000003 0.18 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:17.35
IV.PTCC.HHE. ML:1.8 0.0000429 0.5 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:39.53
IV.PTCC.HHN. ML:1.9 0.0000497 0.22 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:39.42
SI.RISI.HHN. ML:2.2 0.000108 1.38 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:40.21
SI.RISI.HHE. ML:2.2 0.00009850000000000001 1.52 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:38.98
SI.ROSI.HHN. ML:2.0 0.0000688 0.84 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:23.47
SI.ROSI.HHE. ML:2.0 0.00006654999999999999 0.48 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:40.35
IV.ROVR.HHE. ML:1.5 0.000058399999999999997 0.78 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:22.90
IV.ROVR.HHN. ML:1.9 0.00013800000000000002 0.46 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:23.45
OX.SABO.HNE. ML:3.0 0.000602 0.2 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:39.46
OX.SABO.HNN. ML:3.1 0.0007305 1.16 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:39.36
OX.SABO.HHE. ML:2.4 0.000141 1.48 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:39.25
OX.SABO.HHN. ML:2.5 0.0001971 0.24 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:39.35
IV.SALO.HHN. ML:2.2 0.0001381 0.58 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:31.75
IV.SALO.HHE. ML:2.4 0.000215 0.36 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:31.63
IV.SALO.HNE. ML:2.4 0.000214 0.34 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:31.63
IV.SALO.HNN. ML:2.2 0.00014205 0.82 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:32.60
IV.STAL.HHN. ML:2.2 0.0002175 0.28 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:28.57
IV.STAL.HHE. ML:2.1 0.00017199999999999998 0.26 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:27.38
IV.TEOL.HHN. ML:2.6 0.001083 0.4 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:16.75
IV.TEOL.HHE. ML:2.6 0.0009904999999999998 0.42 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:16.91
OX.VARN.HHE. ML:2.3 0.00124 1.36 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:08.78
OX.VARN.HHN. ML:2.1 0.0006770000000000001 0.92 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:10.29
NI.VINO.HHE. ML:1.7 0.00003715 0.76 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:34.93
NI.VINO.HHN. ML:1.7 0.00003645 0.66 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:34.86
IV.ZONE.HHE. ML:2.4 0.00013350000000000002 0.48 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:38.48
IV.ZONE.HHN. ML:2.4 0.000158 1.36 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:38.44
OX.ZOU2.HHE. ML:2.0 0.00007345 0.5 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:36.67
OX.ZOU2.HHN. ML:1.8 0.0000504 1.3 AML other m 2016-05-11T19:25:41.67
TDMT - Time Domain Moment Tensor
Fault Plane solutions in the area
Type Description Link
QuakeML - small Event, Origin, FocalMechanism Download
QuakeML - full Event, Origin, FocalMechanism, Amplitude, Arrival, Pick, Station Magnitude Download
Waveforms Seismic signals in miniseed + resp format Download