Earthquake with magnitude of Md 2.2 on date 22-11-2001 and time 17:43:23 (Italy) in region 7 km NW Vallepietra (RM)

A magnitude Md 2.2 earthquake occured in region: 7 km NW Vallepietra (RM), on

  • 22-11-2001 16:43:23 (UTC)
  • 22-11-2001 17:43:23 (UTC +01:00) Italian time

and geographic coordinates (lat, lon) 41.9810, 13.1950 at 4 km depth.

The earthquake was located by: Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV.

Search earthquakes: Any within 30 km radius

The values of hypocentral coordinates and magnitude may be revised at a later time as more information becomes available.

Municipalities within 20 km from the epicenter

Distances are determinated based on the geographic coordintes of the (Istat).
Municipality Region Dist Inh Cum Inh
Vallepietra RM 7 283 283
Cappadocia AQ 8 528 811
Camerata Nuova RM 8 447 1258
Subiaco RM 10 9074 10332
Cervara di Roma RM 11 455 10787
Jenne RM 11 366 11153
Tagliacozzo AQ 11 6889 18042
Rocca di Botte AQ 12 856 18898
Pereto AQ 12 682 19580
Castellafiume AQ 12 1106 20686
Arcinazzo Romano RM 13 1348 22034
Affile RM 13 1548 23582
Agosta RM 13 1765 25347
Canterano RM 14 351 25698
Sante Marie AQ 14 1166 26864
Trevi nel Lazio FR 14 1822 28686
Rocca Canterano RM 14 196 28882
Marano Equo RM 15 779 29661
Filettino FR 15 565 30226
Oricola AQ 15 1244 31470
Scurcola Marsicana AQ 15 2824 34294
Carsoli AQ 16 5396 39690
Roiate RM 16 737 40427
Rocca Santo Stefano RM 16 975 41402
Capistrello AQ 16 5252 46654
Arsoli RM 16 1586 48240
Piglio FR 17 4666 52906
Anticoli Corrado RM 17 915 53821
Gerano RM 17 1263 55084
Roviano RM 17 1351 56435
Serrone FR 18 3099 59534
Bellegra RM 18 2887 62421
Cerreto Laziale RM 18 1118 63539
Riofreddo RM 18 781 64320
Canistro AQ 19 995 65315
Olevano Romano RM 19 6687 72002
Magliano de' Marsi AQ 19 3690 75692
Fiuggi FR 20 10536 86228

Municipalities with at least 50000 inhabitants

An earthquake occurred to
33 Km E of Tivoli (56533 inhabitants)
39 Km E of Guidonia Montecelio (88673 inhabitants)
45 Km SW of L'Aquila (69753 inhabitants)
48 Km NE of Velletri (53303 inhabitants)
60 Km E of Roma (2864731 inhabitants)
62 Km NE of Latina (125985 inhabitants)
62 Km NE of Aprilia (73446 inhabitants)
67 Km NE of Pomezia (62966 inhabitants)
76 Km NE of Anzio (54211 inhabitants)
79 Km SE of Terni (111501 inhabitants)
83 Km E of Fiumicino (78395 inhabitants)
86 Km SW of Teramo (54892 inhabitants)
90 Km W of Chieti (51815 inhabitants)
99 Km SW of Montesilvano (53738 inhabitants)
100 Km SW of Pescara (121014 inhabitants)
Recent and historical seismicity
Seismic hazard
Felt maps
Locations history
Type Magnitude Date and Time (UTC) Latitude Longitude Depth (km) Published time (UTC) Author Location ID
Md 2.2 2001-11-22
41.981 13.195 4 2013-07-15
Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV 431279
Preferred location and magnitude until now.
Origin information


Field Value
Time (UTC) 2001-11-22 16:43:23 ± 0.331
Latitude 41.9810 ± 0.0171
Longitude 13.1950 ± 0.0221
Depth (km) 4 ± 2 (from location)
Evaluation mode of Origin manual
Evaluation status of Origin reviewed
Version 1000 -> BULLETIN-VAX
Event type earthquake
Origin ID 431279


Field Value
Preferred uncertainty description horizontal uncertainty
Semi-major axis of confidence ellipse (meter)
Semi-minor axis of confidence ellipse (meter)
Azimuth of major axis of confidence ellipse. Measured clockwise from South-North direction at epicenter (gradi)
Circular confidence region, given by single value of horizontal uncertainty (meter) 2636.7
Confidence level of the uncertainty (%) 68


Field Value
Largest azimuthal gap in station distribution as seen from epicenter (degree) 196
Number of associated phases, regardless of their use for origin computation 9
Number of defining phases 9
RMS of the travel time residuals of the arrivals used for the origin computation (sec) 0.2
Epicentral distance of station closest to the epicenter (degree) 0.00138
Epicentral distance of station farthest from the epicenter (degree) 0.00761
Number of stations at which the event was observed 5
Number of stations from which data was used for origin computation 5
Magnitude information


Field Value
Value 2.2
Num. used stations 4
Type of magnitude Md
Reference to an origin 431279
Agency INGV
Autore Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV
Time of creation (UTC) 2013-01-04 23:47:10
Picking and Arrival
SCNL Time Uncertainty Polarity Evaluation_mode Phase Azimuth Distance(km) Takeoff_angle Residual Weight
--.MNS.Z. 2001-11-22T16:43:44.00 10.0 undecidable manual SG 316 0.5439 0.06 0.6
--.SDI.Z. 2001-11-22T16:43:43.31 10.0 undecidable manual SG 120 0.5328 0.08 0.6
--.NRCA.Z. 2001-11-22T16:43:40.97 10.0 undecidable manual PG 356 0.8436 0.27 0.6
--.VVLD.Z. 2001-11-22T16:43:36.00 10.0 undecidable manual SG 109 0.333 -0.22 0.5
--.SDI.Z. 2001-11-22T16:43:34.63 10.0 undecidable manual PG 120 0.5328 -0.12 1.5
--.MNS.Z. 2001-11-22T16:43:34.83 10.0 undecidable manual PG 316 0.5439 -0.32 0.6
--.VVLD.Z. 2001-11-22T16:43:30.94 10.0 undecidable manual PG 109 0.333 0.24 1.1
--.PTQR.Z. 2001-11-22T16:43:28.89 10.0 undecidable manual SG 75 0.1554 -0.54 0
--.PTQR.Z. 2001-11-22T16:43:26.87 10.0 negative manual PG 75 0.1554 0.09 3.4
TDMT - Time Domain Moment Tensor
Fault Plane solutions in the area
Type Description Link
QuakeML - small Event, Origin, FocalMechanism Download
QuakeML - full Event, Origin, FocalMechanism, Amplitude, Arrival, Pick, Station Magnitude Download