Earthquake with magnitude of Md 2.7 on date 11-09-1999 and time 07:49:10 (Italy) in region 2 km NW Lomagna (LC)

A magnitude Md 2.7 earthquake occured in region: 2 km NW Lomagna (LC), on

  • 11-09-1999 05:49:10 (UTC)
  • 11-09-1999 07:49:10 (UTC +02:00) Italian time

and geographic coordinates (lat, lon) 45.6850, 9.3620 at 18 km depth.

The earthquake was located by: Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV.

Search earthquakes: Any within 30 km radius

The values of hypocentral coordinates and magnitude may be revised at a later time as more information becomes available.

Municipalities within 20 km from the epicenter

Distances are determinated based on the geographic coordintes of the (Istat).
Municipality Region Dist Inh Cum Inh
Lomagna LC 2 4935 4935
Osnago LC 2 4806 9741
Montevecchia LC 3 2623 12364
Cernusco Lombardone LC 3 3876 16240
Missaglia LC 3 8681 24921
Ronco Briantino MB 4 3456 28377
Usmate Velate MB 4 10205 38582
Casatenovo LC 4 12951 51533
Carnate MB 4 7280 58813
Merate LC 4 14852 73665
Camparada MB 4 2049 75714
Monticello Brianza LC 5 4215 79929
Correzzana MB 5 2941 82870
Bernareggio MB 5 10992 93862
Viganò LC 6 2100 95962
Besana in Brianza MB 6 15467 111429
La Valletta Brianza LC 6 4687 116116
Olgiate Molgora LC 6 6397 122513
Sirtori LC 6 2819 125332
Robbiate LC 6 6324 131656
Lesmo MB 6 8505 140161
Aicurzio MB 6 2101 142262
Calco LC 6 5289 147551
Verderio LC 6 5729 153280
Barzanò LC 7 5140 158420
Santa Maria Hoè LC 7 2206 160626
Paderno d'Adda LC 7 3907 164533
Imbersago LC 7 2400 166933
Arcore MB 7 17874 184807
Sulbiate MB 7 4186 188993
Renate MB 7 4129 193122
Cremella LC 8 1741 194863
Vimercate MB 8 25938 220801
Castello di Brianza LC 8 2594 223395
Triuggio MB 8 8852 232247
Cassago Brianza LC 8 4399 236646
Albiate MB 8 6289 242935
Sovico MB 8 8393 251328
Macherio MB 8 7449 258777
Bellusco MB 9 7354 266131
Calusco d'Adda BG 9 8328 274459
Colle Brianza LC 9 1713 276172
Barzago LC 9 2437 278609
Villa d'Adda BG 9 4723 283332
Mezzago MB 9 4408 287740
Cornate d'Adda MB 9 10648 298388
Biassono MB 9 12091 310479
Airuno LC 9 2879 313358
Veduggio con Colzano MB 9 4396 317754
Brivio LC 9 4631 322385
Dolzago LC 10 2452 324837
Bulciago LC 10 2887 327724
Carvico BG 10 4656 332380
Burago di Molgora MB 10 4273 336653
Briosco MB 10 6010 342663
Villasanta MB 10 13894 356557
Carate Brianza MB 10 17884 374441
Solza BG 10 2079 376520
Verano Brianza MB 10 9221 385741
Valgreghentino LC 10 3464 389205
Sirone LC 10 2400 391605
Medolago BG 10 2332 393937
Concorezzo MB 11 15631 409568
Vedano al Lambro MB 11 7587 417155
Ornago MB 11 4931 422086
Garbagnate Monastero LC 11 2445 424531
Nibionno LC 11 3702 428233
Cisano Bergamasco BG 11 6394 434627
Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII BG 11 4408 439035
Busnago MB 11 6750 445785
Molteno LC 11 3585 449370
Suisio BG 11 3846 453216
Ello LC 12 1225 454441
Roncello MB 12 4431 458872
Costa Masnaga LC 12 4841 463713
Caprino Bergamasco BG 12 3105 466818
Cavenago di Brianza MB 12 7261 474079
Oggiono LC 12 8944 483023
Monte Marenzo LC 12 1947 484970
Pontida BG 12 3301 488271
Bottanuco BG 12 5148 493419
Agrate Brianza MB 12 15426 508845
Giussano MB 12 25529 534374
Lissone MB 12 44923 579297
Lambrugo CO 12 2466 581763
Arosio CO 12 4983 586746
Inverigo CO 13 9136 595882
Seregno MB 13 44651 640533
Monza MB 13 122671 763204
Lurago d'Erba CO 13 5438 768642
Chignolo d'Isola BG 13 3335 771977
Rogeno LC 13 3182 775159
Terno d'Isola BG 13 8014 783173
Cambiago MI 13 6843 790016
Torre de' Busi LC 13 2072 792088
Caponago MB 13 5245 797333
Carugo CO 14 6396 803729
Annone di Brianza LC 14 2328 806057
Olginate LC 14 7001 813058
Desio MB 14 41865 854923
Garlate LC 14 2732 857655
Mariano Comense CO 14 24484 882139
Bosisio Parini LC 14 3457 885596
Calolziocorte LC 14 14015 899611
Muggiò MB 14 23403 923014
Merone CO 15 4147 927161
Galbiate LC 15 8533 935694
Mapello BG 15 6815 942509
Grezzago MI 15 3030 945539
Monguzzo CO 15 2302 947841
Basiano MI 15 3650 951491
Trezzo sull'Adda MI 15 12063 963554
Vercurago LC 15 2831 966385
Brenna CO 15 2133 968518
Trezzano Rosa MI 15 5141 973659
Pessano con Bornago MI 15 9109 982768
Ambivere BG 15 2398 985166
Madone BG 15 3959 989125
Carugate MI 15 15146 1004271
Cabiate CO 15 7553 1011824
Carenno LC 15 1466 1013290
Masate MI 15 3530 1016820
Capriate San Gervasio BG 15 8066 1024886
Bonate Sopra BG 15 9630 1034516
Gessate MI 16 8872 1043388
Suello LC 16 1756 1045144
Brugherio MB 16 34255 1079399
Palazzago BG 16 4475 1083874
Bonate Sotto BG 16 6670 1090544
Cesana Brianza LC 16 2370 1092914
Pusiano CO 16 1367 1094281
Civate LC 16 3909 1098190
Anzano del Parco CO 16 1771 1099961
Filago BG 16 3218 1103179
Presezzo BG 16 4898 1108077
Meda MB 16 23351 1131428
Pozzo d'Adda MI 16 6032 1137460
Bussero MI 16 8582 1146042
Nova Milanese MB 16 23292 1169334
Pescate LC 16 2180 1171514
Eupilio CO 16 2633 1174147
Alserio CO 16 1227 1175374
Erve LC 17 722 1176096
Alzate Brianza CO 17 5026 1181122
Barzana BG 17 1951 1183073
Longone al Segrino CO 17 1878 1184951
Bellinzago Lombardo MI 17 3836 1188787
Brembate di Sopra BG 17 7892 1196679
Costa Valle Imagna BG 17 600 1197279
Orsenigo CO 17 2823 1200102
Gorgonzola MI 17 20233 1220335
Brembate BG 18 8616 1228951
Ponte San Pietro BG 18 11478 1240429
Cesano Maderno MB 18 38391 1278820
Erba CO 18 16415 1295235
Seveso MB 18 23431 1318666
Cernusco sul Naviglio MI 18 33436 1352102
Vaprio d'Adda MI 18 8808 1360910
Cinisello Balsamo MI 18 75078 1435988
Valmadrera LC 18 11659 1447647
Proserpio CO 18 926 1448573
Barlassina MB 18 6956 1455529
Cassina de' Pecchi MI 18 13652 1469181
Roncola BG 18 766 1469947
Almenno San Bartolomeo BG 18 6209 1476156
Figino Serenza CO 18 5255 1481411
Bovisio-Masciago MB 18 17017 1498428
Cologno Monzese MI 18 47971 1546399
Varedo MB 19 13256 1559655
Inzago MI 19 10927 1570582
Novedrate CO 19 2892 1573474
Albavilla CO 19 6449 1579923
Canonica d'Adda BG 19 4474 1584397
Malgrate LC 19 4228 1588625
Lentate sul Seveso MB 19 15897 1604522
Osio Sopra BG 19 5235 1609757
Bedulita BG 19 746 1610503
Almenno San Salvatore BG 19 5749 1616252
Ponte Lambro CO 19 4334 1620586
Dalmine BG 19 23281 1643867
Carimate CO 19 4485 1648352
Castelmarte CO 19 1320 1649672
Cantù CO 19 39930 1689602
Sesto San Giovanni MI 19 81608 1771210
Lecco LC 19 47999 1819209
Boltiere BG 19 6013 1825222
Mozzo BG 19 7481 1832703
Valbrembo BG 20 4229 1836932
Curno BG 20 7651 1844583
Treviolo BG 20 10682 1855265
Osio Sotto BG 20 12443 1867708
Albese con Cassano CO 20 4201 1871909
Strozza BG 20 1083 1872992
Capizzone BG 20 1270 1874262
Sant'Omobono Terme BG 20 3918 1878180
Paladina BG 20 4055 1882235
Canzo CO 20 5081 1887316
Vimodrone MI 20 17028 1904344
Fara Gera d'Adda BG 20 7979 1912323
Paderno Dugnano MI 20 46633 1958956
Caslino d'Erba CO 20 1669 1960625

Municipalities with at least 50000 inhabitants

An earthquake occurred to
13 Km NE of Monza (122671 inhabitants)
18 Km NE of Cinisello Balsamo (75078 inhabitants)
19 Km NE of Sesto San Giovanni (81608 inhabitants)
24 Km W of Bergamo (119381 inhabitants)
26 Km SE of Como (84495 inhabitants)
28 Km NE of Milano (1345851 inhabitants)
30 Km NE of Rho (50434 inhabitants)
36 Km E of Legnano (60262 inhabitants)
40 Km E of Busto Arsizio (83106 inhabitants)
44 Km E of Gallarate (53343 inhabitants)
44 Km E of Varese (80799 inhabitants)
56 Km NE of Vigevano (63310 inhabitants)
58 Km N of Pavia (72576 inhabitants)
63 Km E of Novara (104380 inhabitants)
69 Km W of Brescia (196480 inhabitants)
75 Km NW of Piacenza (102191 inhabitants)
80 Km NW of Cremona (71901 inhabitants)
Recent and historical seismicity

These maps show the seismic activity in different time intervals, before the seismic event to which they refer. Data reported in the first two maps come from the analysis carried out in real time by the personnel of the INGV Operating Rooms, immediately after each earthquake. The third map shows data from 1985 to the date of the earthquake: the locations are reviewed by the seismological analysts of the INGV Italian Seismic Bulletin (Bollettino Sismico Italiano dell’INGV). The localization parameters (hypocentral coordinates and magnitude) are the best possible estimate with the data available to the INGV, but are constantly updated according to further data that become available. The location and magnitude parameters, subsequently reviewed by seismological analysts, may vary.

Earthquakes of the 3 days preceding this event

Earthquakes of the 3 days preceding this event

This map shows the earthquake epicenters with magnitude ≥ 0.0, localized with data recorded by the National Seismic Network and other collaborative networks both in Italy and in neighboring countries, in the 72 hours preceding this event. The size of the circle indicates the different classes of magnitude. The colors indicate the different time intervals preceding the seismic event. The black and white star is the epicenter of the current earthquake.
Earthquakes of the 90 days preceding this event

Earthquakes of the 90 days preceding this event

This map shows the earthquake epicenters with magnitude ≥ 2.0, localized with data recorded by the National Seismic Network and other collaborative networks both in Italy and in neighboring countries, in the 90 days preceding this event. The size of the circle indicates the different classes of magnitude. The colors indicate the different time intervals preceding the seismic event. The black and white star is the epicenter of the current earthquake.
Earthquakes from 1985 to the date of the event

Earthquakes from 1985 to the date of the event

This map shows the earthquake epicenters with magnitude ≥ 3.0, localized with data recorded by the National Seismic Network and other collaborative networks both in Italy and in neighboring countries, from 1985 to the date of this event. The size of the circle indicates the different classes of magnitude. The colors indicate the different time intervals preceding the seismic event. The black and white star is the epicenter of the current earthquake.
Earthquakes since 1000 AD until 2019

Earthquakes since 1000 AD until 2019

This map shows the epicenters of the historical earthquakes catalogue CPT15 (Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani, 2015 version 3.0, since 1000 AD until 2019. The size of the square indicates the different classes of magnitude. For earthquakes with magnitude ≥ 6.0, it is also shown the year of occurrence and the magnitude value. The black and white star is the epicenter of the current earthquake.
Seismic hazard

Seismic hazard maps provide probabilistic estimates of the earthquake ground shaking exceeding a given threshold in a given geographic region within a given time window. Thus, it is not a deterministic prediction - a target that may be never reached given the complexity of the earthquake physical phenomenon - nor of the maximum expected earthquake since this has extremely low probabilities to occur.

In 2004, it was published the seismic hazard map of Italy ( that provides a picture of the most hazardous geographic regions. The seismic hazard map of Italy (GdL MPS, 2004; rif. Ordinanza PCM del 28 aprile 2006, n. 3519, All. 1b) provides the 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years of the horizontal acceleration at rock sites (i.e., Vs30>800 m/s; cat. A, 3.2.1 of the D.M. 14.09.2005).

The colours indicate the various values of the ground acceleration that have 10% to be exceeded within 50 years. In general, the colours associated to low values of acceleration refer to areas that are less hazardous and stronger earthquakes repeat less frequently although they may still occur.

Seismic hazard map

Seismic hazard map

This map shows the seismic hazard map of Italy for the region where the earthquake occurred.
Felt maps
Locations history
Type Magnitude Date and Time (UTC) Latitude Longitude Depth (km) Published time (UTC) Author Location ID
Md 2.7
ML-VAX 1.5
45.685 9.362 18 2013-07-15
Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV 373449
Preferred location and magnitude until now.
Origin information


Field Value
Time (UTC) 1999-09-11 05:49:10 ± 0.337
Latitude 45.6850 ± 0.0164
Longitude 9.3620 ± 0.0234
Depth (km) 18 ± 3 (from location)
Evaluation mode of Origin manual
Evaluation status of Origin reviewed
Version 1000 -> BULLETIN-VAX
Event type earthquake
Origin ID 373449


Field Value
Preferred uncertainty description horizontal uncertainty
Semi-major axis of confidence ellipse (meter)
Semi-minor axis of confidence ellipse (meter)
Azimuth of major axis of confidence ellipse. Measured clockwise from South-North direction at epicenter (gradi)
Circular confidence region, given by single value of horizontal uncertainty (meter) 2574.6
Confidence level of the uncertainty (%) 68


Field Value
Largest azimuthal gap in station distribution as seen from epicenter (degree) 135
Number of associated phases, regardless of their use for origin computation 10
Number of defining phases 10
RMS of the travel time residuals of the arrivals used for the origin computation (sec) 0.2
Epicentral distance of station closest to the epicenter (degree) 0.00405
Epicentral distance of station farthest from the epicenter (degree) 0.00947
Number of stations at which the event was observed 5
Number of stations from which data was used for origin computation 5
Magnitudes information


Field Value
Value 2.7
Num. used stations 2
Type of magnitude Md
Reference to an origin 373449
Agency INGV
Autore Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV
Time of creation (UTC) 2013-01-04 22:50:34


Field Value
Value 1.5
Num. used stations 3
Type of magnitude ML
Reference to an origin 373449
Agency INGV
Autore Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV
Time of creation (UTC) 2015-04-28 13:07:13
Picking and Arrival
SCNL Time Uncertainty Polarity Evaluation_mode Phase Azimuth Distance(km) Takeoff_angle Residual Weight
--.BR9.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:44.65 10.0 undecidable manual SN 40 1.0545 -0.15 0.4
--.ORO.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:43.76 10.0 undecidable manual SN 266 0.9657 1.1 0
--.MCGN.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:42.90 10.0 undecidable manual SN 285 0.9879 -0.44 0.2
--.BOB.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:41.84 10.0 undecidable manual SN 175 0.9213 0.29 0.4
--.BR9.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:30.53 10.0 positive manual PN 40 1.0545 0.14 2.2
--.MCGN.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:29.43 10.0 undecidable manual PN 285 0.9879 -0.12 1.2
--.BOB.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:28.51 10.0 undecidable manual PN 175 0.9213 0 1.3
--.ORO.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:28.84 10.0 positive manual PN 266 0.9657 -0.31 1.6
--.VAI.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:28.00 10.0 undecidable manual SG 293 0.444 0.68 0.1
--.VAI.Z. 1999-09-11T05:49:20.21 10.0 negative manual PG 293 0.444 -0.08 2.6
TDMT - Time Domain Moment Tensor
Fault Plane solutions in the area
Fault Plane solutions

Fault Plane solutions

The map reports the fault plane solutions for earthquakes in the region from 1977 to the date of this event. Red moment tensors are determined using the Regional Centroid Moment Tensor technique (RCMT, applied for earthquakes with magnitude larger than 4.5 in the Euro-Mediterranenan area. Occasionally, when a station azimuthal coverage exists RCMTs can be obtained also for earthquakes with magnitude down to 4.0. The gray moment tensors are obtained with the Time Domain Moment Tensor method (TDMT, /tdmt). This technique is applied to earthquakes with magnitude ML greater than 3.2, when it is possible. The size of symbols scales with the calculated moment magnitude Mw.
Type Description Link
QuakeML - small Event, Origin, FocalMechanism Download
QuakeML - full Event, Origin, FocalMechanism, Amplitude, Arrival, Pick, Station Magnitude Download