Terremoto di magnitudo ML 5.1 del 24-04-2022 ore 04:27:55 (UTC) in zona: Bosnia and Herz. [Land]

Un terremoto di magnitudo ML 5.1 è avvenuto nella zona: Bosnia and Herz. [Land], il

  • 24-04-2022 04:27:55 (UTC)
  • 24-04-2022 06:27:55 (UTC +02:00) ora italiana

con coordinate geografiche (lat, lon) 42.9620, 18.0460 ad una profondità di 21 km.

Il terremoto è stato localizzato da: Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV.

Ricerca terremoti: Qualsiasi nel raggio di 30 km

I valori delle coordinate ipocentrali e della magnitudo rappresentano la migliore stima con i dati a disposizione. Eventuali nuovi dati o analisi potrebbero far variare tali stime.

Visualizza la localizzazione con

Comuni entro 20 km dall'epicentro

Nessun comune italiano entro 20 km dall'epicentro.

Città più vicine con almeno 50000 abitanti

Nessun comune italiano entro 100 km dall'epicentro con almeno 50000 abitanti.

Sismicità recente e storica

Queste mappe mostrano l'attività sismica della zona in diversi intervalli temporali, precedenti all’evento sismico a cui si riferiscono. Per quel che riguarda le prime due mappe, i dati riportati provengono dalle analisi effettuate in tempo reale dal personale delle Sale Operative dell'INGV subito dopo ogni terremoto. La terza mappa mostra i dati dal 1985 alla data del terremoto: le localizzazioni sono riviste dagli analisti sismologi del Bollettino Sismico Italiano dell'INGV. I parametri della localizzazione (coordinate ipocentrali e magnitudo) sono la migliore stima possibile con i dati a disposizione dell’INGV, ma sono costantemente aggiornati in funzione di ulteriori dati che si rendano disponibili. I parametri della localizzazione e della magnitudo, successivamente rivisti dagli analisti sismologi, possono variare.

I terremoti dei 3 giorni precedenti l'evento

I terremoti dei 3 giorni precedenti l'evento

In questa mappa sono riportati gli epicentri dei terremoti con magnitudo ≥ 0.0, localizzati utilizzando i dati i registrati dalla Rete Sismica Nazionale e da altre reti in regime di collaborazione sia in Italia che nei Paesi confinanti, nelle 72 ore precedenti questo evento. La grandezza del cerchio indica le diverse classi di magnitudo. I colori indicano i differenti intervalli temporali che precedono l'evento sismico. La stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
I terremoti dei 90 giorni precedenti l'evento

I terremoti dei 90 giorni precedenti l'evento

In questa mappa sono riportati gli epicentri dei terremoti con magnitudo ≥ 2.0, localizzati utilizzando i dati i registrati dalla Rete Sismica Nazionale e da altre reti in regime di collaborazione sia in Italia che nei Paesi, confinanti nei 90 giorni precedenti questo evento. La grandezza del cerchio indica le diverse classi di magnitudo. I colori indicano i differenti intervalli temporali che precedono l'evento sismico. La stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
I terremoti dal 1985 alla data dell'evento

I terremoti dal 1985 alla data dell'evento

In questa mappa sono riportati gli epicentri dei terremoti con magnitudo ≥ 3.0, localizzati utilizzando i dati i registrati dalla Rete Sismica Nazionale e da altre reti in regime di collaborazione sia in Italia che nei Paesi confinanti, dal 1985 alla data di questo evento. La grandezza del cerchio indica le diverse classi di magnitudo. I colori indicano i differenti intervalli temporali che precedono l'evento sismico. La stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
I terremoti dall'anno 1000 al 2019

I terremoti dall'anno 1000 al 2019

In questa mappa sono riportati i terremoti del catalogo storico CPTI15 (Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani, v4.0, https://doi.org/10.13127/cpti/cpti15.4). La grandezza del quadrato indica le diverse classi di magnitudo. Fornisce dati parametrici omogenei, sia macrosismici, sia strumentali, relativi ai terremoti con intensità massima ≥ 5 o magnitudo ≥ 4.0 d'interesse per l'Italia nella finestra temporale 1000-2020. Per gli eventi di magnitudo stimata ≥ 6.0 è indicato l'anno in cui è avvenuto il terremoto. La stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
Pericolosità sismica

Con pericolosità sismica si intende lo scuotimento del suolo atteso in un sito a causa di un terremoto. Essendo prevalentemente un’analisi di tipo probabilistico, si può definire un certo scuotimento solo associato alla probabilità di accadimento nel prossimo futuro. Non si tratta pertanto di previsione deterministica dei terremoti, obiettivo lungi dal poter essere raggiunto ancora in tutto il mondo, né del massimo terremoto possibile in un’area, in quanto il terremoto massimo ha comunque probabilità di verificarsi molto basse.

Nel 2004 è stata rilasciata questa mappa della pericolosità sismica (http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it) che fornisce un quadro delle aree più pericolose in Italia. La mappa di pericolosità sismica del territorio nazionale (GdL MPS, 2004; rif. Ordinanza PCM del 28 aprile 2006, n. 3519, All. 1b) è espressa in termini di accelerazione orizzontale del suolo con probabilità di eccedenza del 10% in 50 anni, riferita a suoli rigidi (Vs30>800 m/s; cat. A, punto 3.2.1 del D.M. 14.09.2005).

I colori indicano i diversi valori di accelerazione del terreno che hanno una probabilità del 10% di essere superati in 50 anni. Indicativamente i colori associati ad accelerazioni più basse indicano zone meno pericolose, dove la frequenza di terremoti più forti è minore rispetto a quelle più pericolose, ma questo non significa che non possano verificarsi.

Mappa di pericolosità sismica

Mappa di pericolosità sismica

In questa mappa è riportato un particolare del modello di pericolosità sismica del territorio nazionale e la stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
Mappe di scuotimento

Le tre mappe mostrano i risultati dell'elaborazione denominata ShakeMap per la stima dei parametri di scuotimento del suolo sulla base dei dati registrati dai sismometri e dagli accelerometri e delle successive interpolazioni basate sulle conoscenze sismologiche. Le mappe di scuotimento - ShakeMap - sono calcolate solo a fini di ricerca e danno esclusivamente stime indicative dello scuotimento prodotto dal terremoto. Sono calcolate automaticamente dai dati strumentali registrati dalle stazioni sismiche ed aggiornate man mano che nuovi dati diventano disponibili. Per ulteriori informazioni è possibile consultare il sito https://shakemap.ingv.it. La stella nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto. I triangoli sono le stazioni accelerometriche e velocimetriche usate nel calcolo, colorate in base allo scuotimento registrato.

Mappa di scuotimento: intensità

Mappa di scuotimento: intensità

In questa mappa è riportata la distribuzione delle intensità strumentali. L’intensità è ricavata attraverso una legge empirica che correla i valori registrati di effettivo scuotimento del suolo, per esempio in termini di accelerazione e velocità del suolo, con l’intensità macrosismica relativa ai terremoti italiani, come riportata nel DataBase Macrosismico Italiano (DBMI15, https://doi.org/10.13127/cpti/cpti15.3).
Mappa di scuotimento: accelerazione

Mappa di scuotimento: accelerazione

In questa mappa è riportata la distribuzione delle accelerazioni di picco registrate, espresse in percentuale di g, l'accelerazione di gravità = 9.81 m/s².
Mappa di scuotimento: velocità

Mappa di scuotimento: velocità

In questa mappa è riportata la distribuzione delle velocità di picco espresse in cm/s.
Mappa del risentimento sismico
Mappa preliminare del risentimento dai questionari su web

Mappa preliminare del risentimento dai questionari su web

In questa mappa è riportata la distribuzione del risentimento del terremoto sul territorio, espresso in termini di intensità in scala MCS (Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg). Le intensità sono determinate utilizzando i dati dei questionari raccolti sul sito web http://www.hsit.it. Le intensità mostrate sono determinate considerando tutte le segnalazioni pervenute da ogni Comune, e sono tanto più affidabili quanto maggiore è il numero di questionari. I dati raccolti sono sottoposti ad un filtro automatico di tipo statistico, ma non sono verificati singolarmente. In particolare le intensità maggiori o uguali al VI grado della Scala MCS o EMS necessitano della verifica sul posto da parte di personale specializzato. La stella nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto. Questa mappa viene aggiornata ogni qualvolta i cittadini compilano nuovi questionari. In alto a destra, sono mostrati il numero dei questionari elaborati per ottenere questa mappa, la data e l’ora dell’ultimo aggiornamento.
Cronologia delle localizzazioni calcolate
Tipo Magnitudo Tempo origine (UTC) Latitudine Longitudine Profondità (km) Ora pubblicazione (UTC) Autore ID Localizzazione
ML 5.1 2022-04-24
42.9617 18.0463 21 2022-04-29
Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV 103893761
ML 5.1 2022-04-24
42.9373 18.0858 22 2022-04-24
Sala Sismica INGV-Roma 103688051
Localizzazione e magnitudo preferite finora.
Parametri della localizzazione preferita


Campo Valore
Tempo (UTC) 2022-04-24 04:27:55 ± 0.09
Latitudine 42.9617 ± 0.0063
Longitudine 18.0463 ± 0.0049
Profondità (km) 21 ± 1 (from location)
Metodo di valutazione manual
Stato della valutazione reviewed
Versione 1000 -> BULLETIN-INGV
Tipo di evento earthquake
ID localizzazione 103893761


Campo Valore
Tipo di incertezza uncertainty ellipse
Semi-asse maggiore dell'ellisse di confidenza (metri) 654
Semi-asse minore dell'ellisse di confidenza (metri) 204
azimuth dell’asse maggiore dell’ellisse di confidenza (gradi) 200
Regione di confidenza sul piano orizzontale espressa mediante singolo valore di incertezza (metri) 650.0
Livello di confidenza dell'incertezza (%) 68


Campo Valore
Maggiore gap azimutale nella distribuzione delle stazioni all'epicentro 130
Numero di fasi associato indipendentemente se utilizzate nella localizzazione (determinazione dell'Origin) 235
Numero di fasi 235
Scarto quadratico medio dei residui di tempo risultanti dal calcolo del tempo origine (Origin) della localizzazione (sec) 0.21
Distanza epicentrale della stazione piu' vicina (gradi) 0.26980
Distanza epicentrale della stazione piu’ lontana (gradi) 5.42651
Numero di stazioni in cui l’evento e’ stato osservato 227
Numero di stazioni usate nel calcolo dell'Origin 227
Parametri delle magnitudo


Campo Valore
Valore 5.1
Incertezza 0.3
Num. stazioni usate 519
Tipo di magnitudo ML
Localizzazione di riferimento 103893761
Agenzia INGV
Autore Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV
Tempo di creazione (UTC) 2022-04-28 12:53:42


Campo Valore
Valore 5.1
Incertezza 0.3
Num. stazioni usate 523
Tipo di magnitudo ML
Localizzazione di riferimento 103688051
Agenzia INGV
Autore Sala Sismica INGV-Roma
Tempo di creazione (UTC) 2022-04-24 05:00:23
Tempi di arrivo
SCNL Time Uncertainty Polarity Evaluation_mode Phase Azimuth Distance(km) Takeoff_angle Residual Weight
IV.ZCCA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:16.34 0.3 undecidable manual P 288 587.7672 54 2.04 0
GU.POPM.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:15.76 0.3 undecidable manual P 284 598.5453 54 0.12 0
IV.SERM.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:14.50 0.6 undecidable manual P 295 584.5704 54 0.6 0
IV.AIO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:14.94 0.1 positive manual P 204 602.3415 54 -1.17 0
IV.CRMI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:13.48 0.1 positive manual P 282 577.089 54 0.51 0
IV.CASP.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:13.54 0.6 undecidable manual P 271 583.8711 54 -0.28 0
IV.MPPT.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:12.92 0.3 undecidable manual P 284 570.6954 54 0.74 0
IV.MOCL.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:12.23 0.3 undecidable manual P 284 564.4128 54 0.84 0
IV.MPNC.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:11.36 0.3 undecidable manual P 204 580.3857 54 -2.02 0
IV.FREG.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:11.27 0.3 undecidable manual P 309 565.8114 54 -0.3 0
IV.SEI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:11.25 0.3 undecidable manual P 285 551.4369 54 1.48 0
IV.TEOL.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:11.98 0.3 undecidable manual P 300 572.5935 54 -0.43 0
IV.SOI.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:11.31 0.1 positive manual P 198 567.6984 54 -0.49 0
HL.VLS.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:10.56 0.3 undecidable manual P 157 572.3937 54 -1.83 0
OX.CAE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:10.29 0.3 undecidable manual P 309 557.8194 54 -0.28 0
IV.BOSL.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:10.66 0.3 undecidable manual P 284 547.8405 54 1.33 0
OX.PLRO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:10.44 0.3 undecidable manual P 318 554.223 54 0.32 0
NI.POLC.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:10.19 0.1 positive manual P 310 555.0222 54 -0.04 0
OX.CLUD.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:10.39 0.3 undecidable manual P 315 562.215 54 -0.72 0
IV.VISG.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:10.05 0.3 undecidable manual P 287 548.4399 54 0.65 0
IV.CSNT.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:09.66 0.3 positive manual P 278 548.9394 54 0.19 0
IV.MSRU.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:09.83 0.3 positive manual P 203 563.214 54 -1.41 0
OX.MLN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:09.85 0.3 undecidable manual P 311 556.1211 54 -0.51 0
IV.RUFI.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:08.61 0.3 undecidable manual P 283 535.6638 54 0.8 0
OX.MPRI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:08.07 0.1 negative manual P 314 540.2481 54 -0.31 0
OX.ACOM.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:08.23 0.3 undecidable manual P 320 534.465 54 0.56 0
OX.FUSE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:08.94 0.3 undecidable manual P 316 552.225 54 -0.93 0
NI.PALA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:08.52 0.3 undecidable manual P 314 544.2441 54 -0.37 0
MN.CEL.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:08.88 0.1 positive manual P 200 552.1251 54 -0.98 0
IV.IMOL.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:08.47 0.3 undecidable manual P 289 528.9705 54 1.48 0
IV.BRIS.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:07.02 0.1 positive manual P 288 523.476 54 0.72 0
RF.GEPF.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:07.08 0.3 undecidable manual P 315 534.0654 54 -0.53 0
IV.LMD.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:07.10 0.1 positive manual P 286 524.5749 54 0.66 0
OX.PRED.HHN. 2022-04-24T04:29:06.11 0.1 negative manual P 319 523.3761 54 -0.17 0
IV.PLAC.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:05.34 0.1 positive manual P 196 518.4921 54 -0.34 0
IV.JOPP.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:04.41 0.3 undecidable manual P 201 515.9946 54 -0.96 0
IV.CRE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:04.33 0.3 undecidable manual P 281 497.4243 54 1.28 0
IV.TOLF.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:04.18 0.1 positive manual P 261 504.2175 54 0.28 0
OX.DRE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:03.37 0.1 negative manual P 317 497.8239 54 0.26 0
MN.THL.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:03.18 0.3 negative manual P 137 501.5202 54 -0.38 0
IV.BARO.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:03.41 0.3 undecidable manual P 263 495.726 54 0.56 0
IV.CAFI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:03.50 0.1 positive manual P 277 493.728 54 0.91 0
IV.SSP9.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:02.40 0.3 undecidable manual P 280 482.4504 54 1.2 0
IV.MGAB.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:02.08 0.1 positive manual P 271 481.851 54 0.96 0
IV.PARC.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:01.19 0.1 positive manual P 281 474.8691 54 0.94 0
IV.BADI.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:01.17 0.3 positive manual P 279 472.7712 54 1.19 0
IV.GRI.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:01.02 0.3 undecidable manual P 197 479.0538 54 0.26 0
OX.SABO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:01.33 0.3 undecidable manual P 315 484.3485 54 -0.1 0
IV.ATMI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:29:00.92 0.3 positive manual P 277 469.3746 54 1.35 0
IV.APEC.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:59.28 0.1 positive manual P 280 459.2958 54 0.98 0
IV.ATVO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:59.18 0.1 positive manual P 278 458.5965 54 0.96 0
IV.ATPI.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:59.27 0.1 positive manual P 279 459.4956 54 0.93 0
IV.GIZZ.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:59.29 0.3 undecidable manual P 200 467.7762 54 -0.08 0
IV.PE3.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:58.75 0.1 positive manual P 282 455.1 54 0.96 0
IV.MURB.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:58.10 0.1 positive manual P 276 448.3179 54 1.15 0
IV.SRES.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:58.84 0.3 positive manual P 262 459.096 54 0.55 0
AC.PHP.HHE. 2022-04-24T04:28:58.10 0.6 undecidable manual S 125 242.1798 54 0.54 37
IV.RDP.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:58.69 0.3 undecidable manual P 255 457.1979 54 0.64 0
NI.DST2.HNZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:57.17 0.1 negative manual P 313 450.6045 54 -0.06 0
IV.MTCE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:57.19 0.3 positive manual P 258 446.1201 54 0.52 0
IV.MOMA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:57.75 0.1 positive manual P 270 445.4208 54 1.17 0
IV.NARO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:57.40 0.1 positive manual P 281 447.1191 54 0.6 0
IV.SERS.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:57.08 0.1 positive manual P 195 450.105 54 -0.08 0
MN.TRI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:57.40 0.3 undecidable manual P 313 456.3987 54 -0.55 0
IV.PIEI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:57.65 0.3 undecidable manual P 280 449.8053 54 0.52 0
IV.ATFO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:57.48 0.1 positive manual P 278 445.221 54 0.93 0
IV.CESX.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:57.61 0.3 positive manual P 267 446.1201 54 0.94 0
IV.ATCC.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:56.74 0.1 positive manual P 275 438.7275 54 0.99 0
IV.ASSB.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:56.36 0.3 positive manual P 273 437.1291 54 0.81 0
IV.CAR1.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:56.30 0.3 positive manual P 201 439.0272 54 0.51 0
IV.RCAV.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:56.04 0.3 undecidable manual P 255 435.6306 54 0.67 0
SL.LJU.BHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:56.88 0.1 positive manual P 322 440.8254 54 0.86 0
IV.LATB.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:56.75 0.1 positive manual P 250 448.218 54 -0.18 0
IV.ARRO.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:56.17 0.3 undecidable manual P 266 432.0453 54 1.25 0
MN.TIP.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:55.24 0.1 positive manual P 195 433.1442 54 0.18 0
IV.FOSV.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:55.24 0.1 positive manual P 277 429.4479 54 0.65 0
IV.MPAG.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:55.74 0.1 positive manual P 282 433.1442 54 0.68 0
IV.SPS2.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:55.36 0.3 positive manual P 200 431.4459 54 0.51 0
IV.FRON.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:55.91 0.1 positive manual P 280 434.3319 54 0.71 0
IV.CERT.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:55.65 0.3 positive manual P 257 429.4479 54 1.06 0
IV.SSFR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:55.24 0.1 positive manual P 279 428.8485 54 0.72 0
IV.IFOR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:54.82 0.1 positive manual P 236 426.9504 54 0.54 0
IV.COR1.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:54.08 0.3 undecidable manual P 282 414.0744 54 1.4 0
IV.CRTC.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:54.91 0.1 positive manual P 284 425.8515 54 0.76 0
IV.GIUL.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:54.24 0.1 positive manual P 250 423.0543 54 0.44 0
IV.GAVE.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:54.66 0.1 positive manual P 268 420.1572 54 1.22 0
IV.IMTC.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:54.29 0.1 positive manual P 236 424.9524 54 0.26 0
IV.ARVD.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:53.52 0.1 positive manual P 280 416.7717 54 0.5 0
IV.LNSS.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:53.42 0.1 positive manual P 266 409.479 54 1.31 0
IV.SNTG.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:53.16 0.1 positive manual P 276 414.6738 54 0.4 0
OT.OT15.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:53.90 0.6 undecidable manual S 205 226.9062 54 -0.37 43
IV.CESI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:53.95 0.1 positive manual P 272 417.2712 54 0.88 0
IV.CET2.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:53.35 0.1 positive manual P 205 418.8696 54 0.07 0
IV.MML1.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:53.01 0.1 positive manual P 274 411.7767 54 0.62 0
IV.IOCA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:53.85 0.1 positive manual P 236 421.4559 54 0.25 0
IV.NRCA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:52.02 0.1 positive manual P 270 400.9986 54 0.96 0
IV.GUAR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:52.79 0.3 undecidable manual P 253 408.8796 54 0.75 0
IV.CELI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:52.71 0.3 positive manual P 199 415.1733 54 -0.1 0
IV.RM33.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:51.65 0.1 positive manual P 264 396.8028 54 1.11 0
IV.GRIS.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:51.15 0.3 undecidable manual P 208 401.2983 54 0.06 0
IV.EL6.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:51.87 0.1 positive manual P 278 402.1974 54 0.66 0
IV.MC2.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:51.17 0.3 undecidable manual P 271 394.5051 54 0.93 0
SL.KOGS.BHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:51.23 0.1 positive manual P 341 411.8766 54 -1.18 0
IV.PTQR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:51.89 0.3 undecidable manual P 256 394.0056 54 1.7 0
IV.FDMO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:51.76 0.1 positive manual P 273 402.3972 54 0.53 0
IV.SENI.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:51.40 0.1 positive manual P 284 397.0026 54 0.84 0
MN.BLY.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:50.20 0.6 undecidable manual S 341 209.9343 54 -0.41 47
IV.LRP.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:50.89 0.1 positive manual P 250 393.8058 54 0.73 0
IV.CSP1.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:50.55 0.1 positive manual P 274 392.8068 54 0.51 0
IV.PIPA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:50.82 0.1 positive manual P 195 399.1005 54 0 0
IV.MCI.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:50.16 0.3 positive manual P 246 384.1266 54 1.21 0
IV.VVLD.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.32 0.1 positive manual P 253 381.9288 54 0.64 0
IV.MMN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.78 0.3 undecidable manual P 207 381.1296 54 1.2 0
IV.VTIR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.54 0.1 positive manual P 233 382.9278 54 0.73 0
IV.SMA1.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.98 0.1 positive manual P 266 385.2255 54 0.89 0
IV.POFI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.20 0.3 undecidable manual P 250 381.2295 54 0.61 0
MN.KEK.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.08 0.3 negative manual P 157 388.8219 54 -0.46 0
IV.VCRE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.47 0.1 positive manual P 233 381.5292 54 0.83 0
IV.TDS.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.82 0.3 positive manual P 202 392.9067 54 -0.23 0
IV.VBKN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.38 0.1 positive manual P 233 380.9298 54 0.83 0
IV.OVO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.63 0.1 positive manual P 233 383.2275 54 0.79 0
IV.MMO1.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.57 0.1 positive manual P 271 383.3274 54 0.71 0
IV.GUMA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.43 0.3 positive manual P 273 382.2285 54 0.71 0
IV.CAMP.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.47 0.1 positive manual P 264 380.6301 54 0.94 0
IV.BULG.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:49.95 0.1 positive manual P 216 389.1216 54 0.37 0
IV.MF5.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:48.49 0.3 undecidable manual P 272 372.2496 54 1.01 0
IV.MNTP.HNZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:48.52 0.3 undecidable manual P 275 371.5503 54 1.13 0
AC.SRN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:48.00 0.3 undecidable manual P 154 378.5322 54 -0.26 0
AC.LSK.HHN. 2022-04-24T04:28:48.39 0.1 negative manual P 145 377.0337 54 0.31 0
IV.MTRA.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:48.93 0.3 undecidable manual P 268 378.732 54 0.64 0
IV.PIGN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:48.36 0.1 positive manual P 240 373.5483 54 0.73 0
IV.FAGN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:48.29 0.3 positive manual P 260 372.3495 54 0.8 0
IV.CIMA.HNE. 2022-04-24T04:28:47.18 0.3 undecidable manual P 278 356.2767 54 1.69 0
IV.AOI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:47.08 0.3 positive manual P 282 364.9569 54 0.51 0
IV.CERA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:47.03 0.3 undecidable manual P 247 363.5583 54 0.63 0
IV.ASCOL.EHN. 2022-04-24T04:28:47.00 0.3 positive manual P 270 362.2596 54 0.76 0
IV.GIGS.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:47.47 0.3 undecidable manual P 263 368.9529 54 0.4 0
IV.TERO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:47.28 0.1 positive manual P 266 363.5583 54 0.89 0
IV.MNTT.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:47.79 0.1 positive manual P 273 361.1607 54 1.69 0
AC.PUK.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:47.85 0.6 undecidable manual S 123 182.1843 54 3.21 3
IV.PP3.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:47.14 0.3 undecidable manual P 279 361.86 54 0.95 0
IV.VAGA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:46.45 0.1 positive manual P 243 357.1758 54 0.85 0
SL.BOJS.BHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:46.58 0.1 negative manual P 323 358.974 54 0.75 0
IV.INTR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:46.14 0.1 positive manual P 254 354.7782 54 0.83 0
IV.OFFI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:46.72 0.1 positive manual P 271 354.0789 54 1.51 0
IV.T0110.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:46.51 0.1 positive manual P 258 357.975 54 0.81 0
IV.CADA.HNE. 2022-04-24T04:28:46.02 0.3 undecidable manual P 276 348.0849 54 1.54 0
IV.CMPR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:46.80 0.3 positive manual P 219 371.0508 54 -0.54 0
IV.RNI2.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:45.34 0.1 positive manual P 248 348.4845 54 0.82 0
AC.BCI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:45.40 0.6 undecidable manual S 111 177.5889 54 1.76 25
IV.SGG.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:45.08 0.1 positive manual P 241 348.3846 54 0.57 0
IV.VCEL.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:45.53 0.1 positive manual P 261 348.6843 54 0.99 0
IT.SULC.HNZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:45.88 0.3 undecidable manual P 255 352.4805 54 0.86 0
IT.SULA.HNN. 2022-04-24T04:28:45.95 0.3 undecidable manual P 255 351.6813 54 1.03 0
CR.ZAG.BHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:45.00 0.3 undecidable manual P 334 357.2757 54 -0.62 0
IT.SULP.HGN. 2022-04-24T04:28:45.85 0.3 undecidable manual P 255 350.4825 54 1.08 0
AC.KBN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:44.41 0.6 undecidable manual P 138 344.4996 54 0.39 0
IV.SLCN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:44.26 0.3 positive manual P 216 348.3846 54 -0.25 0
IV.CDRU.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:44.69 0.3 positive manual P 221 355.977 54 -0.76 0
IV.MIDA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:44.51 0.1 positive manual P 246 343.8003 54 0.57 0
IV.TRTR.HHE. 2022-04-24T04:28:44.43 0.3 undecidable manual P 269 336.3078 54 1.42 1
IV.VITU.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:44.43 0.3 positive manual P 236 343.6005 54 0.52 0
IV.SIRI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:44.93 0.3 positive manual P 211 357.4755 54 -0.7 0
IV.MTSN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:44.32 0.3 positive manual P 213 354.3786 54 -0.94 0
IX.MNT3.EHZ.02 2022-04-24T04:28:43.93 0.3 positive manual P 228 344.2998 54 -0.07 0
IX.NSC3.EHZ.02 2022-04-24T04:28:43.22 0.3 undecidable manual P 227 336.6075 54 0.17 1
IV.MCEL.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:43.43 0.3 positive manual P 213 346.6863 54 -0.86 0
IV.SCHR.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:43.72 0.3 undecidable manual P 209 347.2857 54 -0.66 0
IV.LPEL.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:43.16 0.3 positive manual P 253 331.8123 54 0.71 2
IV.PABO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:43.02 0.1 positive manual P 247 328.7265 54 0.95 3
IX.SRN3.HHZ.02 2022-04-24T04:28:43.92 0.3 positive manual P 219 348.2847 54 -0.58 0
IX.LGS3.HNE.01 2022-04-24T04:28:43.58 0.3 undecidable manual P 230 333.9102 54 0.87 2
IV.PSB1.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:42.60 0.1 positive manual P 235 328.8264 54 0.53 4
IV.BSSO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:42.13 0.3 positive manual P 242 324.0312 54 0.65 4
IV.MRB1.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:42.39 0.1 positive manual P 232 325.4298 54 0.74 5
IX.SCL3.EHZ.02 2022-04-24T04:28:42.62 0.3 undecidable manual P 221 327.3279 54 0.74 3
IX.PGN3.HHZ.02 2022-04-24T04:28:41.27 0.3 positive manual P 216 323.8314 54 -0.19 5
IV.SNAL.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:41.49 0.1 positive manual P 227 325.3299 54 -0.14 6
IV.MRLC.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:41.15 0.3 positive manual P 222 323.232 54 -0.23 5
IV.SACR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:41.89 0.3 positive manual P 239 324.8304 54 0.31 5
IX.RSF3.HHZ.02 2022-04-24T04:28:41.45 0.3 positive manual P 228 324.231 54 -0.05 5
IV.CRAC.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:40.64 0.1 positive manual P 206 315.8505 54 0.18 12
IX.SSB3.HHZ.02 2022-04-24T04:28:40.77 0.3 positive manual P 229 312.354 54 0.75 9
IV.SCTE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:40.51 0.1 positive manual P 174 322.4328 54 -0.77 6
IV.PTRP.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:40.86 0.3 positive manual P 212 316.6386 54 0.3 8
IV.GATE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:40.03 0.1 positive manual P 239 303.5628 54 1.1 15
IV.CAFE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:40.85 0.3 positive manual P 228 315.7506 54 0.41 8
IT.ORP.HGZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:38.98 0.3 undecidable manual P 232 295.2822 54 1.08 16
IV.VULT.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:38.35 0.3 positive manual P 223 299.5779 54 -0.08 19
IV.MOCO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:38.74 0.1 positive manual P 234 295.8816 54 0.76 23
IT.PLTA.HNN. 2022-04-24T04:28:38.36 0.3 undecidable manual P 247 292.1853 54 0.85 19
IV.SGTA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:38.82 0.1 positive manual P 228 299.7777 54 0.37 23
AC.VLO.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:38.83 0.3 undecidable manual P 156 301.476 54 0.16 17
IV.ACER.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:38.18 0.1 positive manual P 216 297.2802 54 0.03 27
IT.MCLF.HNE. 2022-04-24T04:28:37.82 0.3 undecidable manual P 247 287.7897 54 0.85 22
IV.MIGL.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:37.64 0.3 positive manual P 207 293.2842 54 -0.01 23
IT.LRNO.HNZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:37.60 0.3 undecidable manual P 244 286.4022 54 0.8 23
IV.PALZ.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:36.22 0.1 positive manual P 218 282.3063 54 -0.07 42
IT.GLNS.HNZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:36.95 0.3 positive manual P 247 281.3073 54 0.79 26
GE.MATE.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:35.76 0.1 positive manual P 204 279.5091 54 -0.18 44
IV.MELA.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:35.97 0.1 positive manual P 241 277.0116 54 0.35 45
OT.TAR1.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:35.25 0.1 positive manual P 193 277.4112 54 -0.43 43
OT.OT11.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:35.63 0.1 positive manual P 235 274.5141 54 0.32 48
CR.HVAR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:34.54 0.6 undecidable manual S 281 131.6682 95 1.44 29
OT.MASS.HHE. 2022-04-24T04:28:34.22 0.1 positive manual P 196 268.8309 54 -0.4 52
OT.OT16.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:34.18 0.1 positive manual P 243 266.733 54 -0.17 58
IV.MESG.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:33.55 0.3 positive manual P 184 263.6361 54 -0.41 43
OT.CGL1.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:33.34 0.1 positive manual P 190 260.3394 54 -0.21 63
OT.OT17.EHN. 2022-04-24T04:28:33.62 0.6 undecidable manual P 238 261.0387 54 -0.02 33
IV.MRVN.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:33.30 0.1 positive manual P 216 260.2395 54 -0.24 63
IV.AMUR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:32.90 0.1 positive manual P 208 257.1537 54 -0.25 66
AC.PHP.HHE. 2022-04-24T04:28:32.87 0.1 negative manual P 125 242.1798 54 1.58 45
IV.NOCI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:32.52 0.1 positive manual P 199 254.3565 54 -0.28 68
OT.OT06.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:31.46 0.1 positive manual P 236 245.9649 54 -0.3 75
OT.OT04.EHE. 2022-04-24T04:28:31.39 0.1 positive manual P 237 244.6662 54 -0.21 78
IV.APRC.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:31.54 0.1 positive manual P 238 244.866 54 -0.08 80
OT.OT03.EHE. 2022-04-24T04:28:30.87 0.1 positive manual P 236 240.4815 54 -0.21 81
MN.TIR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:30.93 0.1 negative manual P 140 233.1888 54 0.75 74
OT.OT07.EHE. 2022-04-24T04:28:30.91 0.1 positive manual P 233 241.98 54 -0.36 77
OT.OT05.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:30.85 0.1 positive manual P 235 247.0638 54 -1.06 56
IV.TREM.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:30.08 0.1 positive manual P 247 227.2059 54 0.65 80
OT.OT15.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:29.04 0.1 positive manual P 205 226.9062 54 -0.35 87
IV.SGRT.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:29.69 0.1 positive manual P 235 231.3906 54 -0.26 87
OT.OT12.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:29.40 0.1 positive manual P 231 229.1928 54 -0.28 88
MN.PDG.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:28.70 0.6 undecidable manual S 120 115.2957 95 -0.04 51
IV.MSAG.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:28.74 0.1 positive manual P 232 223.4097 54 -0.22 92
OT.OT14.EHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:27.40 0.1 positive manual P 237 211.3329 54 -0.05 100
MN.BLY.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:26.62 0.1 positive manual P 341 209.9343 54 -0.66 88
OT.OT13.EHN. 2022-04-24T04:28:25.63 0.1 positive manual P 233 194.2611 54 0.3 97
AC.PUK.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:24.80 0.1 negative manual P 123 182.1843 54 0.97 76
AC.BCI.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:22.41 0.3 positive manual P 111 177.5889 54 -0.84 60
CR.HVAR.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:16.77 0.1 positive manual P 281 131.6682 95 -0.4 95
MN.PDG.HHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:13.20 0.1 positive manual P 120 115.2957 95 -1.45 59
CR.STON.BHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:07.47 0.6 undecidable manual S 251 29.9478 116 1 37
CR.STON.BHZ. 2022-04-24T04:28:02.19 0.1 negative manual P 251 29.9478 116 0.4 94
Ampiezza e Magnitudo per ciascuna stazione
SCNL mag Generic_amplitude Period Type Category Unit Time_window_reference
CR.STON.BHN. ML:4.9 0.34761739999999997 0.2784 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:09.31
CR.STON.BHE. ML:4.8 0.29018714999999995 1.6416 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:10.84
MN.PDG.HHN. ML:4.9 0.068134395 0.5568 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:35.70
MN.PDG.HNN. ML:5.0 0.0685 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:35.71
MN.PDG.HNE. ML:4.8 0.055205645000000005 0.6016 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:36.87
MN.PDG.HHE. ML:4.8 0.05554672 0.6016 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:36.87
CR.HVAR.HHN. ML:5.6 0.2248844 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:37.23
CR.HVAR.HHE. ML:5.2 0.099485265 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:40.37
IV.VITU.HNE. ML:5.1 0.010366450000000001 1.6192 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:46.00
IV.SGG.HNE. ML:5.2 0.013576515 0.6592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:49.55
IV.SGG.HHE. ML:5.2 0.01382712 0.6592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:49.55
IV.SGG.HHN. ML:5.0 0.009528445 1.4208 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:55.91
IV.SGG.HNN. ML:5.0 0.009287784 1.4208 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:55.92
MN.BLY.HHE. ML:5.3 0.05342128 1.44 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:57.10
MN.BLY.HNE. ML:5.3 0.052738465000000005 1.4592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:28:57.10
IV.IOCA.HHE. ML:5.5 0.015449999999999998 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:01.45
IV.IOCA.HHN. ML:5.4 0.011810865 0.5792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:01.89
MN.BLY.HNN. ML:5.0 0.02952598 1.28 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:04.91
MN.BLY.HHN. ML:5.1 0.030693889999999998 1.2608 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:04.27
IV.AMUR.HNN. ML:4.9 0.013436485000000001 0.4896 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:04.49
IV.AMUR.HHN. ML:4.9 0.01464072 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:04.49
IV.CERT.HHE. ML:4.6 0.002005 0.5 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:06.53
OT.OT14.EHE. ML:5.3 0.058262685 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:08.83
OT.OT14.EHN. ML:5.4 0.06794999999999998 0.44 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:09.51
IV.OVO.HHE. ML:5.1 0.007712950499999999 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:10.89
IV.BULG.HHE. ML:4.9 0.0053016715 1.5392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:11.77
IV.BULG.HNE. ML:4.9 0.0051774245 1.5392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:11.77
OT.OT15.EHN. ML:5.0 0.02078791 0.4704 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:11.48
OT.OT12.EHE. ML:4.9 0.01805857 1.3792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:12.08
IV.MSAG.HHE. ML:4.8 0.01438026 1.0208 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:12.97
IV.MSAG.HNE. ML:5.2 0.03561261 1.04 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:12.98
IV.TOLF.HHE. ML:4.8 0.001913497 0.4192 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:14.36
IV.NOCI.HNN. ML:5.2 0.029896985 0.4 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:15.25
IV.NOCI.HHN. ML:5.2 0.030786924999999996 0.4 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:15.25
IV.OVO.HHN. ML:5.2 0.011462585 0.7776 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:15.69
IV.APRC.HHE. ML:5.2 0.03198818 0.8 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:18.96
IV.APRC.HNE. ML:5.2 0.032549999999999996 0.8 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:18.96
OT.OT12.EHN. ML:5.1 0.029271474999999998 1.1808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:18.16
IV.TREM.HNN. ML:5.6 0.08061107 1.3984 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:18.80
IV.TREM.HHN. ML:5.6 0.08394074 1.3984 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:18.80
OT.OT05.EHE. ML:3.2 0.000293 1.58 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:18.90
IV.MSAG.HHN. ML:5.0 0.025217185 0.7392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:19.64
IV.MSAG.HNN. ML:5.4 0.060704184999999994 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:19.64
IV.SGRT.HHN. ML:5.1 0.028846945 0.5792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:19.69
IV.SGRT.HHE. ML:5.1 0.030039935 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:20.42
OT.OT15.EHE. ML:4.9 0.0189 1.22 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:21.66
OT.TAR1.HHE. ML:5.1 0.018 1.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:21.20
OT.CGL1.HHN. ML:4.6 0.007452142499999999 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:21.56
IV.NOCI.HHE. ML:5.1 0.02399116 0.7392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:21.76
IV.NOCI.HNE. ML:5.1 0.022474889999999997 0.7392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:21.76
OT.CGL1.HHE. ML:4.6 0.006019070499999999 0.4576 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:22.29
OT.OT05.EHN. ML:4.9 0.015931365 0.8384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:22.99
IV.TREM.HNE. ML:5.5 0.068981975 1.2512 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:22.09
IV.TREM.HHE. ML:5.5 0.06559011499999999 0.7008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:23.08
IV.SOI.EHN. ML:4.7 0.0009736715 1.4816 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:24.84
IV.APRC.HHN. ML:5.3 0.04025 0.62 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:24.29
IV.APRC.HNN. ML:4.9 0.01675 0.62 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:24.29
IV.VITU.HHN. ML:5.2 0.015585314999999999 0.5184 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:26.46
IV.VITU.HNN. ML:5.2 0.01512618 0.5184 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:26.46
GE.MATE.HHE. ML:5.2 0.020776525 0.5184 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:27.63
IV.VITU.HHE. ML:5.2 0.015191615 0.4832 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:28.37
SL.BOJS.BHN. ML:5.4 0.018733020000000003 0.6016 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:28.28
GE.MATE.HHN. ML:5.2 0.022544195000000003 1.5808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:28.04
IV.VAGA.HNN. ML:5.3 0.016688609999999996 0.3616 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:29.43
IV.VAGA.HHN. ML:5.3 0.017218764999999997 0.3616 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:29.43
OT.OT11.EHN. ML:5.3 0.027820934999999998 0.9824 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:29.76
IV.AMUR.HNE. ML:4.9 0.015419174999999999 0.6272 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:29.91
IV.AMUR.HHE. ML:5.0 0.015625725 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:29.92
AC.SRN.HHE. ML:4.4 0.0019249999999999998 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:30.28
IV.MRVN.HHN. ML:4.8 0.01107 0.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:31.33
MN.KEK.HHN. ML:4.9 0.005166185 0.24 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:32.65
OT.TAR1.HHN. ML:5.2 0.023822955 1.44 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:32.09
IV.CERA.HHE. ML:5.0 0.00874 1.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:32.96
IV.CERA.HNE. ML:5.0 0.008565 1.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:32.97
IV.MELA.HHE. ML:5.6 0.05351435 1.2608 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:33.71
IV.MELA.HNE. ML:5.5 0.051593405 1.2608 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:33.71
IV.PIGN.HHE. ML:4.7 0.00381 1.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:33.08
IV.PIGN.HNE. ML:4.7 0.003776846 1.5008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:33.83
OT.OT16.EHN. ML:5.6 0.0615 1.28 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:34.28
IV.PIPA.HNN. ML:5.0 0.0062944395 0.3904 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:36.07
IV.PIPA.HHN. ML:5.0 0.006447732 0.4 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:36.07
IV.PALZ.HHN. ML:5.4 0.038535755000000005 1.04 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:36.73
IV.MRVN.HHE. ML:4.8 0.012471495 1.3216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:36.24
IV.CRAC.EHE. ML:5.6 0.042021955 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:36.64
IV.VAGA.HHE. ML:4.9 0.0067565975 0.3808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:37.29
IV.VAGA.HNE. ML:4.9 0.006575956500000001 0.3904 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:37.29
AC.SRN.HHN. ML:4.3 0.0014550000000000001 0.8 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:37.50
IV.MMN.HHN. ML:5.0 0.007305 0.92 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:37.58
IV.MNTT.EHN. ML:5.4 0.017484445 0.4 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:37.84
IV.GATE.HHE. ML:5.1 0.014183340000000001 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:37.88
IV.GATE.HNE. ML:5.1 0.014412290000000001 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:37.88
IV.CMPR.HHE. ML:4.8 0.005115000000000001 0.58 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:38.25
IV.CMPR.HNE. ML:4.8 0.00499228 0.5792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:38.26
IV.PIPA.HNE. ML:5.0 0.006095000000000001 0.34 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:38.94
IV.PIPA.HHE. ML:5.0 0.006045 0.32 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:38.94
OT.OT16.EHE. ML:5.6 0.06376192500000001 0.6816 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:38.94
IV.PALZ.HHE. ML:5.5 0.045261499999999996 0.9216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:39.06
IV.LRP.EHE. ML:4.8 0.004275 0.38 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:39.36
IV.SCTE.HHN. ML:5.1 0.013 0.62 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:39.30
IV.VCEL.EHE. ML:5.1 0.011395424999999999 0.4608 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:39.41
IV.SIRI.HNE. ML:5.0 0.007529999999999999 1.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.10
IV.SIRI.HHE. ML:5.0 0.007775000000000001 1.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.10
IV.MIGL.HHE. ML:5.6 0.05716805 1.2992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.83
IV.MOCO.HHE. ML:5.0 0.0132246585 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.08
IV.MOCO.HNE. ML:5.0 0.0129114525 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.08
IV.MRLC.HHE. ML:5.1 0.014171679999999999 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.38
IV.MRLC.HNE. ML:4.8 0.006880000000000001 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.38
IV.ACER.HHE. ML:5.5 0.040539095000000004 0.4384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.50
IV.ACER.HNE. ML:5.5 0.039524344999999995 0.432 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.51
IV.LNSS.HHE. ML:5.1 0.00784 0.38 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.55
OT.OT11.EHE. ML:5.1 0.02110189 0.5792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.65
IV.SGTA.HHN. ML:5.2 0.0188 1.36 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.75
IV.SGTA.HNN. ML:5.2 0.018787199999999997 1.36 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:40.75
IV.MCEL.HNN. ML:5.3 0.016149999999999998 0.92 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.60
IX.PGN3.HHN.02 ML:5.0 0.011025237 0.432 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.28
IX.PGN3.HNN.01 ML:5.0 0.01070918 0.464 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.29
IV.LNSS.HNE. ML:5.1 0.00772 0.52 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.63
IV.SGTA.HHE. ML:5.3 0.026434405 1.12 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.96
IV.SGTA.HNE. ML:5.3 0.02585 1.12 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.98
MN.KEK.HHE. ML:4.9 0.005009167 0.7392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.79
IV.CAFE.HHE. ML:5.1 0.01533575 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.46
IV.CAFE.HNE. ML:5.1 0.015301529999999999 0.6304 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.48
IV.MELA.HNN. ML:5.4 0.042010395000000006 1.0784 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.29
IV.MELA.HHN. ML:5.5 0.043128614999999995 1.1008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:41.28
IV.MTRA.EHN. ML:5.0 0.00785 0.42 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:42.24
IV.MTRA.HNN. ML:5.0 0.007915 0.42 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:42.24
IV.VULT.HHE. ML:5.3 0.0256 0.8 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:42.37
IV.VULT.HNE. ML:5.3 0.025257935 0.7808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:42.38
IV.GIGS.HHE. ML:4.4 0.0017424315 0.6208 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:42.49
IV.MMN.HHE. ML:5.0 0.00725 0.6 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:42.39
IV.LNSS.HHN. ML:5.2 0.0097780875 1.6384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:42.18
IV.LNSS.HNN. ML:5.2 0.0092549265 0.3616 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.18
IV.ACER.HHN. ML:5.5 0.03696975 0.6016 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.34
IV.ACER.HNN. ML:5.5 0.03604477 0.608 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.35
IV.SSFR.HNE. ML:5.1 0.006595000000000001 0.26 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.56
IV.SSFR.HHE. ML:5.1 0.006535 0.24 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.55
IV.CRAC.EHN. ML:5.6 0.042287464999999996 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.84
IV.VVLD.HHN. ML:5.1 0.007514390499999999 0.7008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.55
IV.VVLD.HNN. ML:5.0 0.0071096885 0.7008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.21
IV.VVLD.HHE. ML:5.0 0.0067619805 0.5408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.49
IV.VVLD.HNE. ML:5.0 0.0068359760000000006 0.5408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:43.49
IV.SSFR.HNN. ML:5.2 0.007795 1.78 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:44.02
IV.SSFR.HHN. ML:5.1 0.00652 1.78 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:44.91
IV.MCEL.HHN. ML:5.1 0.010277562 0.7008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:44.32
IV.MIGL.HHN. ML:5.7 0.06811570499999998 1.0592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:44.92
IV.MOCO.HNN. ML:4.8 0.009285 0.94 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:44.55
IV.MOCO.HHN. ML:4.9 0.009505335500000002 0.96 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:44.55
IV.SCTE.HHE. ML:5.0 0.011384198 1.12 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:44.31
IX.SSB3.HNE.01 ML:5.4 0.028869645 0.528 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.29
IX.SSB3.HHE.02 ML:5.4 0.02937616 0.528 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.29
IV.MRLC.HHN. ML:5.1 0.013727605 1.4976 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.85
IV.GAVE.EHE. ML:5.3 0.009065 1.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.88
IV.GAVE.HNE. ML:5.3 0.009235 1.58 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.10
IV.MRLC.HNN. ML:4.8 0.006565 1.5 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.85
IX.RSF3.HHN.02 ML:5.3 0.02162366 0.88 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.48
IX.RSF3.HNN.01 ML:5.3 0.02175 0.9 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.48
IV.CAFE.HHN. ML:5.0 0.010198627 0.9408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.14
IV.CAFE.HNN. ML:5.0 0.0103326705 0.96 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.14
IV.MC2.EHN. ML:5.4 0.0153212205 0.3392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.69
IV.NRCA.HHE. ML:4.9 0.004733162999999999 1.3216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.84
IV.NRCA.HNE. ML:4.9 0.0044312955 1.2896 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.20
IV.SNAL.HHN. ML:5.3 0.02019938 1.0816 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.96
IV.SNAL.HNN. ML:5.3 0.01912801 1.0688 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:45.98
IV.VCRE.HHE. ML:5.4 0.0185 1.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.76
IV.PSB1.HNE. ML:4.9 0.007935000000000001 1.28 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.23
IV.PSB1.HHE. ML:4.9 0.008385 1.26 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.23
IV.GRIS.EHN. ML:4.8 0.0035597485 0.4 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.16
IV.GRIS.HNN. ML:4.8 0.003581784 0.4 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.16
IV.MMO1.EHE. ML:5.1 0.00848 0.62 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.78
IV.MMO1.HNE. ML:5.2 0.009752618 0.5184 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.78
IX.MNT3.HNE.01 ML:4.9 0.007247648 0.656 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.91
IX.MNT3.EHE.02 ML:4.9 0.0069324875 0.624 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.60
IV.ARRO.EHE. ML:4.8 0.002701867 0.2592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.95
MN.TIP.HHE. ML:4.6 0.001718156 0.8384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.42
MN.TIP.HNE. ML:4.6 0.0017250000000000002 0.82 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.44
IV.FAGN.HHN. ML:5.4 0.016531679999999997 0.4832 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:46.74
IV.MML1.HNN. ML:4.9 0.004665 0.54 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.43
IV.MML1.EHN. ML:5.0 0.004730000000000001 0.54 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.44
IX.SCL3.EHN.02 ML:5.4 0.02475 1.28 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.35
IX.SCL3.HNN.01 ML:5.4 0.02264365 1.216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.37
IV.CERT.HNE. ML:5.1 0.006035 0.52 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.15
IV.SACR.HHE. ML:5.0 0.010071086000000002 0.9216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.64
IV.SACR.HNE. ML:5.0 0.009396957499999999 0.88 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.64
IV.GATE.HHN. ML:5.2 0.018322609999999996 0.6208 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.71
IV.GATE.HNN. ML:5.2 0.01848934 0.6304 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.71
IV.PTRP.HHN. ML:5.4 0.02764241 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.79
IV.SMA1.EHN. ML:5.1 0.007785 1.52 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.86
IV.MC2.EHE. ML:5.3 0.013322495 0.7008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:47.64
IV.CRTC.HHE. ML:5.2 0.00818 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.43
MN.TIP.HHN. ML:4.6 0.00165 1.2 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.24
MN.TIP.HNN. ML:4.6 0.0016749999999999998 1.2 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.25
IV.CAR1.HHE. ML:5.2 0.007117726 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.43
IV.CAR1.HNE. ML:5.2 0.007109999999999999 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.43
IV.NRCA.HNN. ML:5.0 0.006109999999999999 0.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.22
IV.NRCA.HHN. ML:5.1 0.0065872595 0.4608 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.22
IV.GUAR.HNN. ML:5.0 0.005915 0.42 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.39
IV.GUAR.HHN. ML:5.0 0.006125 0.42 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.39
IV.ASSB.HHN. ML:5.0 0.004683363 0.3424 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.65
IV.CRTC.HHN. ML:5.4 0.012909485 0.5792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.40
IV.CRTC.HNN. ML:5.6 0.01715843 0.5984 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.40
IV.RM33.HNN. ML:5.0 0.006778904 1.3216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.09
IV.RM33.EHN. ML:5.0 0.006845846500000001 1.3216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.09
IV.CESI.HHN. ML:5.2 0.00794 1.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.78
IV.CESI.HNN. ML:5.2 0.007679999999999999 1.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.79
IV.PTQR.HHE. ML:4.7 0.00326 1.38 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.25
IV.SPS2.HHN. ML:4.6 0.0019781935000000002 0.3616 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:48.80
IV.MRB1.HNN. ML:5.3 0.020410965 0.5504 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.02
IV.ASSB.HHE. ML:5.0 0.0048200000000000005 0.38 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.02
IV.MRB1.HHN. ML:5.3 0.02062628 0.5408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.02
IV.MPAG.EHN. ML:5.2 0.006637335 0.8608 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.60
IV.MPAG.HNN. ML:5.2 0.00675 0.84 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.60
IX.NSC3.HNN.01 ML:5.0 0.008595784 0.512 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.45
IX.NSC3.EHN.02 ML:4.9 0.0079771015 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.43
IV.VULT.HNN. ML:5.4 0.030699999999999998 0.66 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.58
IV.VULT.HHN. ML:5.4 0.031 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.57
SL.BOJS.BHE. ML:5.5 0.02460357 1.2 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.93
IV.BSSO.HHE. ML:5.0 0.0097956395 0.7776 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.41
IV.BSSO.HNE. ML:5.0 0.0097368205 0.7808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.42
IV.MMO1.HNN. ML:5.1 0.008481325999999999 0.5408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.18
IV.GIUL.HHE. ML:4.7 0.002355 0.66 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.96
CR.ZAG.BHE. ML:5.3 0.016149999999999998 1 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.20
IX.MNT3.HNN.01 ML:5.0 0.008298442 1.312 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.86
IX.MNT3.EHN.02 ML:5.0 0.0085966155 1.328 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.86
IV.SENI.HNE. ML:5.4 0.016372565 0.3392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.70
IV.MRB1.HHE. ML:5.2 0.016767435 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.89
IV.MRB1.HNE. ML:5.2 0.01636539 0.5792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.90
IV.GIUL.HHN. ML:4.8 0.00348 1.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:49.16
IV.MURB.HNE. ML:5.5 0.012069025 1.6384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.02
IV.PTRP.HHE. ML:5.3 0.0228 1.14 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.07
IV.SPS2.HHE. ML:4.5 0.00163 1.54 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.13
IV.MURB.HHN. ML:5.5 0.01370364 1.6384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.18
IV.MURB.HNN. ML:5.4 0.0112410995 1.6192 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.18
IV.PABO.HHN. ML:5.2 0.01646973 0.3808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.46
IX.SSB3.HHN.02 ML:5.3 0.021885585 0.784 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.49
IX.SSB3.HNN.01 ML:5.3 0.020539015 0.784 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.50
IV.MPAG.EHE. ML:4.9 0.004021768 0.5408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.69
IV.MPAG.HNE. ML:4.9 0.0038211335 0.5376 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.69
IV.SCHR.EHE. ML:4.8 0.00547 1.2 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:50.96
IV.PIEI.HNE. ML:4.9 0.003331208 1.68 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:51.04
IV.PIEI.HHE. ML:4.9 0.003163398 1.68 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:51.04
IV.FOSV.HNE. ML:4.9 0.003994483500000001 1.5008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:51.89
IV.FOSV.EHE. ML:4.9 0.00412 1.52 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:51.90
IV.GAVE.HNN. ML:4.8 0.003255 0.7 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:51.42
IV.GAVE.EHN. ML:5.3 0.01097125 0.6816 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:51.42
IV.ARRO.EHN. ML:4.9 0.00394 0.32 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:51.49
IV.FRON.EHE. ML:5.1 0.00589 0.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:51.74
IV.OFFI.HHE. ML:5.4 0.02088758 0.5216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:51.65
IV.ATCC.HNN. ML:5.4 0.01014 0.52 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:52.05
IV.ATCC.EHN. ML:5.4 0.0104222825 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:52.05
IV.CDRU.HHN. ML:4.6 0.0030700000000000002 1.36 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:52.13
IV.RDP.HHE. ML:5.2 0.006679999999999999 0.58 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:52.56
IX.RSF3.HNE.01 ML:5.3 0.018779605 0.768 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:52.62
IX.RSF3.HHE.02 ML:5.3 0.020742775 0.768 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:52.62
IV.OFFI.HHN. ML:5.4 0.022757415000000003 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:52.46
IV.LPEL.HHN. ML:4.9 0.0075991895 1.4784 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:52.26
IV.LPEL.HNN. ML:4.9 0.007315103000000001 0.512 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.26
IV.SNAL.HHE. ML:5.1 0.013116343499999999 1.1008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.09
IV.SNAL.HNE. ML:5.2 0.0145726085 1.1104 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.10
IV.PSB1.HNN. ML:5.0 0.009865668 0.9696 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.74
IX.PGN3.HHE.02 ML:4.9 0.0087616335 0.496 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.52
IX.PGN3.HNE.01 ML:4.9 0.008940000000000002 0.5 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.52
IV.PSB1.HHN. ML:5.0 0.0103046375 0.9408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.74
IV.PABO.HHE. ML:5.0 0.0093748435 0.6784 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.00
IV.RCAV.EHE. ML:5.0 0.004070000000000001 0.86 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.79
IV.BSSO.HHN. ML:5.1 0.011811992 0.88 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.83
IV.BSSO.HNN. ML:5.1 0.0115671755 0.8576 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.83
IV.PE3.EHE. ML:5.4 0.0095770725 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.29
IV.SERS.HHN. ML:4.7 0.0021828395 0.4224 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.42
IV.SERS.HNE. ML:4.7 0.00206 0.42 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.43
IX.SCL3.EHE.02 ML:5.1 0.012159265 1.024 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.73
IV.CERT.HHN. ML:4.9 0.0038950000000000005 1.34 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.77
IV.CERT.HNN. ML:4.9 0.0038860405 1.3408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.77
IX.SCL3.HNE.01 ML:5.1 0.013736785000000001 1.136 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.78
IV.MCEL.HHE. ML:5.0 0.0086439025 0.4384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.87
IV.MTSN.HHN. ML:4.9 0.0069266105 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.72
IV.MTSN.HNN. ML:4.9 0.00687277 0.5088 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:53.72
IV.MIDA.HHN. ML:5.0 0.0086981015 1.3792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.84
IV.PIEI.HHN. ML:4.8 0.002431343 0.3392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.27
IV.MF5.EHN. ML:5.1 0.008394008 0.6208 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.71
CR.ZAG.BHN. ML:5.4 0.0181 0.96 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.48
IV.LATB.EHN. ML:4.4 0.0009647248500000001 0.9024 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.16
IV.MCEL.HNE. ML:5.2 0.0154423535 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.65
IV.RCAV.EHN. ML:5.0 0.004676486499999999 0.7008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.70
IV.ATCC.EHE. ML:5.3 0.009875882 1.0208 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.72
IV.ATCC.HNE. ML:5.3 0.00980326 1.088 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.19
IV.SACR.HHN. ML:4.9 0.008197023 0.7776 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.74
IV.SACR.HNN. ML:4.9 0.00802 0.76 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.74
IV.ATFO.HHN. ML:5.2 0.00681 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.75
IV.ATFO.HNN. ML:5.2 0.00667 0.54 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.75
IV.CDRU.HNE. ML:4.8 0.004527065 0.5696 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.48
IV.CDRU.HHE. ML:4.8 0.0046825785 0.5792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.48
IV.PIEI.HNN. ML:4.7 0.0022674225000000004 0.4576 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:54.59
IV.CELI.HNE. ML:4.5 0.0017800000000000001 0.54 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.01
IV.CELI.HHE. ML:4.5 0.0017900000000000001 0.54 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.01
IV.SLCN.HNN. ML:5.0 0.008826485 1.4688 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.05
IV.SLCN.HHN. ML:5.0 0.009888629999999999 1.4592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.05
IV.CAMP.HHN. ML:4.9 0.004974999999999999 1.1 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.68
IV.MIDA.HHE. ML:5.1 0.010750925500000001 1.3984 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.85
IV.MIDA.HNE. ML:5.1 0.011153327499999999 1.3984 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.85
IV.GIGS.HHN. ML:4.5 0.00214 0.88 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.40
IV.APEC.HHN. ML:5.3 0.0070999999999999995 1 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.54
IV.GIZZ.HHN. ML:4.9 0.00319 0.24 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.47
IV.LPEL.HHE. ML:5.0 0.0106570715 0.7808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.25
IV.GIZZ.HHE. ML:4.9 0.0026352865000000003 0.3008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.79
IV.LPEL.HNE. ML:5.0 0.009965034 0.7776 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.25
IV.MOMA.HNE. ML:5.2 0.0063 0.44 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.94
IV.MOMA.HHE. ML:5.2 0.00683 0.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.95
IV.CESX.HHN. ML:5.0 0.00411 1.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.09
IV.SIRI.HHN. ML:4.8 0.005565309 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.67
IV.SIRI.HNN. ML:4.8 0.0055554745 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.67
IV.MTCE.HHN. ML:4.7 0.002029999 0.5984 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:55.94
IV.CESX.HHE. ML:5.1 0.004845 1.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:56.04
IV.MIDA.HNN. ML:5.0 0.0086217305 1.1392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:56.04
IX.NSC3.EHE.02 ML:4.9 0.00806 1.3 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:56.77
IX.NSC3.HNE.01 ML:5.0 0.008883063499999998 1.312 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:56.79
IV.SERS.HNN. ML:4.7 0.0019450000000000001 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:56.78
IV.NARO.HHE. ML:4.8 0.0025674575 1.4592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:56.00
IV.SERS.HHE. ML:4.7 0.002025 0.5 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:56.78
IV.MTCE.HHE. ML:4.9 0.003305 0.86 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:56.41
IV.CAMP.HHE. ML:4.8 0.00458 0.88 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:56.52
IV.APEC.HNE. ML:5.3 0.00769 1.44 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.10
IV.TDS.HHN. ML:4.5 0.0018134269999999998 1.1776 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.13
IV.SNTG.HNN. ML:4.8 0.0034449999999999997 1.54 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.92
IV.SNTG.HHN. ML:4.8 0.0034000000000000002 1.52 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.92
IV.VCEL.EHN. ML:5.2 0.0135567435 1.2 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.25
IX.SRN3.HHE.02 ML:5.1 0.011317645000000001 0.672 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.61
IX.SRN3.HNE.01 ML:5.1 0.011649999999999999 0.68 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.62
IV.T0110.HHE. ML:5.2 0.012613135 0.6592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.62
IV.RNI2.HHE. ML:5.1 0.011180254999999998 0.8384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.46
IV.RNI2.HNE. ML:5.1 0.011025130000000001 0.8416 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.46
IV.GRI.EHE. ML:4.9 0.0029417795 0.4608 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.77
IV.AOI.HHE. ML:5.1 0.008879999999999999 0.5 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.71
IV.MTSN.HHE. ML:4.9 0.007466657 1.44 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.97
IV.MTSN.HNE. ML:4.9 0.007483081999999999 1.4496 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:57.99
MN.THL.HHE. ML:4.8 0.0018755104999999999 0.32 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:58.29
IV.APEC.HNN. ML:5.3 0.0074 0.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:58.47
IV.SLCN.HNE. ML:5.1 0.011655364999999999 0.8896 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:58.10
IV.SLCN.HHE. ML:5.2 0.012862435 0.9024 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:58.10
IV.SCHR.EHN. ML:4.9 0.0066 0.86 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:58.60
IV.RNI2.HHN. ML:5.0 0.0093941575 1.1232 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:58.68
IV.RNI2.HNN. ML:5.0 0.0092453155 1.12 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:58.69
IV.APEC.HHE. ML:5.3 0.007275 0.54 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:58.70
IV.SENI.HNN. ML:5.5 0.01903545 1.6192 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.85
IV.MOMA.HNN. ML:5.2 0.0066484365 1.5488 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.85
IV.MOMA.HHN. ML:5.2 0.006974999999999999 1.54 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.85
IX.SRN3.HHN.02 ML:5.2 0.013949999999999999 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.53
IX.SRN3.HNN.01 ML:5.2 0.01367436 0.624 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.52
IV.VBKN.HHN. ML:5.5 0.020012259999999997 0.6176 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.09
IV.CMPR.HNN. ML:4.7 0.003691922 0.752 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.46
IV.MML1.HNE. ML:4.9 0.00405 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.97
IV.MML1.EHE. ML:4.9 0.00418 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.98
IV.TDS.HHE. ML:4.5 0.0018371615 0.8192 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.31
IV.CMPR.HHN. ML:4.7 0.0037688305 0.7392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:29:59.46
IV.FOSV.HNN. ML:5.0 0.004584858000000001 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.18
IV.FOSV.EHN. ML:5.0 0.0046961155 0.6976 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.19
IV.FRON.EHN. ML:5.0 0.00447 1.28 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.19
IV.CDRU.HNN. ML:4.6 0.0030499999999999998 1.22 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.81
IV.CAR1.HHN. ML:5.1 0.005064999999999999 1.22 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.25
IV.CAR1.HNN. ML:5.0 0.004952699 1.232 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.25
IV.GRI.EHN. ML:4.7 0.00173 0.52 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.39
IV.PP3.EHN. ML:5.3 0.01631981 0.88 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.48
IV.ATFO.HHE. ML:5.2 0.006217172 0.6816 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.51
IV.ATFO.HNE. ML:5.2 0.0060878995000000005 0.6624 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.51
IV.ATVO.HHN. ML:5.3 0.008145 0.9 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.27
IV.ATVO.HNN. ML:5.3 0.008205 0.9 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.27
IV.ATVO.HNE. ML:5.2 0.006135 0.9 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.73
IV.ATVO.HHE. ML:5.2 0.006585 0.9 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.73
IV.ATPI.HNN. ML:5.4 0.009321756499999998 1.2288 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.24
IV.ATPI.EHN. ML:5.4 0.009471472 1.2576 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.25
IV.INTR.HHN. ML:5.5 0.02574137 1.1808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.33
IV.INTR.HNN. ML:5.5 0.024891280000000002 1.1616 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:00.34
IV.INTR.HHE. ML:5.3 0.016592009999999997 1.0976 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.19
IV.INTR.HNE. ML:5.3 0.017085315 1.0976 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.20
IV.T0110.HHN. ML:5.1 0.01065 0.86 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.25
IV.PP3.HNE. ML:5.4 0.017686775 0.8704 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.90
IV.PP3.EHE. ML:5.3 0.014909939999999998 0.8384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.47
IV.AOI.HHN. ML:5.1 0.009166205000000002 0.6592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.85
IV.ATPI.HNE. ML:5.2 0.006359999999999999 0.66 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.53
IV.ATPI.EHE. ML:5.2 0.006005000000000001 0.66 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.53
IV.RDP.HHN. ML:5.3 0.008919999999999999 1.52 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.08
IV.CSP1.EHN. ML:5.4 0.014787455000000001 0.5376 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.64
IV.NARO.HHN. ML:4.8 0.00283 0.62 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:01.99
IV.GUMA.HNE. ML:5.4 0.015871975 1.2704 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.18
SL.KOGS.BHE. ML:5.9 0.04599634500000001 1.3984 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.21
IV.PIGN.HNN. ML:4.6 0.0031527475 0.752 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.39
IV.PIGN.HHN. ML:4.6 0.003152183 0.7616 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.39
IV.MTRA.EHE. ML:5.0 0.0077 0.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.44
IV.MTRA.HNE. ML:5.0 0.00763 0.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.21
IV.POFI.HNN. ML:4.8 0.004295 1.14 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.07
IV.POFI.HHN. ML:4.7 0.00342 1.16 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.06
IV.PE3.EHN. ML:5.5 0.012159469999999999 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.74
IV.MF5.EHE. ML:5.2 0.010341630000000001 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.77
IV.MNTT.EHE. ML:5.6 0.029574964999999998 0.9024 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:02.77
IV.PP3.HNN. ML:5.3 0.014387655 0.7392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:03.41
IV.CESI.HHE. ML:5.0 0.0054336985 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:03.44
IV.CESI.HNE. ML:5.0 0.005293583500000001 0.592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:03.45
IV.MMO1.EHN. ML:5.0 0.0071244225 0.6592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:03.52
IV.CERA.HHN. ML:5.1 0.0103153425 1.2992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:03.16
IV.CERA.HNN. ML:5.1 0.0101464095 1.3024 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:03.17
IV.VTIR.HHN. ML:4.8 0.0038697905000000003 0.5216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:03.71
IV.GUMA.HNN. ML:5.4 0.01837176 0.7584 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:04.33
IV.GUMA.HHN. ML:5.5 0.02046049 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:04.71
IV.LATB.EHE. ML:4.2 0.0006805 1.1 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:04.21
IV.VCRE.HHN. ML:5.3 0.014762440000000002 0.8 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:04.79
IV.ATMI.HHE. ML:5.4 0.010369035 0.6784 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:05.18
IV.POFI.HNE. ML:4.9 0.005745 1.14 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:05.97
IV.POFI.HHE. ML:4.8 0.00451 1.14 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:05.97
SL.KOGS.BHN. ML:5.8 0.033603575 0.6976 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:05.41
IV.FAGN.HHE. ML:5.3 0.014813405 0.5184 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:05.77
IV.ARVD.HHE. ML:4.8 0.0028486184999999995 0.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.31
IV.MURB.HHE. ML:5.4 0.0118819735 0.4 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.16
IV.RM33.EHE. ML:5.0 0.0067599999999999995 0.7 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.42
IV.RM33.HNE. ML:5.0 0.00686 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.42
IV.CRE.HHN. ML:5.0 0.0027884265 0.7392 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.53
IV.SSP9.EHN. ML:5.4 0.0089514495 0.5408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.84
IV.BARO.EHN. ML:4.9 0.0025537345 1.3216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.19
IV.BARO.HNN. ML:5.0 0.0026550000000000002 1.3 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.20
IV.FDMO.HHN. ML:4.8 0.00367 1.38 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.17
IV.MCI.EHN. ML:5.0 0.0061227035 1.2416 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.29
MN.THL.HHN. ML:4.9 0.0021009045 0.5408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.92
IV.CSP1.EHE. ML:5.4 0.014435835000000001 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:06.96
IV.PLAC.HHE. ML:4.8 0.0016640445 0.5984 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.11
IV.PLAC.HNE. ML:4.8 0.0017050000000000001 0.58 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.42
IV.GRIS.EHE. ML:4.9 0.004725 0.82 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.16
IV.GRIS.HNE. ML:4.9 0.004560000000000001 0.88 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.17
IV.GUMA.HHE. ML:5.4 0.018489815 1.36 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.92
IV.SMA1.EHE. ML:5.2 0.0092067215 0.6816 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.26
IV.PLAC.HHN. ML:4.8 0.0014921375 0.4832 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.30
IV.VTIR.HHE. ML:4.8 0.004005 1.24 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.00
IV.VBKN.HHE. ML:5.3 0.01477771 0.6208 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.63
IV.BULG.HHN. ML:5.0 0.0061599590000000004 1.5008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.85
IV.BULG.HNN. ML:5.0 0.006023308 1.4816 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:07.85
IV.EL6.EHE. ML:5.2 0.010103878 1.1808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:08.73
IV.MCI.EHE. ML:5.1 0.007945 1.24 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:08.76
IV.COR1.EHE. ML:5.1 0.006375 0.96 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:09.05
IV.TOLF.HHN. ML:4.8 0.00176 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:09.41
SL.LJU.BHE. ML:6.0 0.041299999999999996 0.7 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:09.94
IV.LRP.EHN. ML:4.5 0.00198 1.34 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:09.73
IV.EL6.EHN. ML:5.2 0.009694829 0.8224 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:09.35
IV.SENI.EHE. ML:5.0 0.006755000000000001 1.18 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:09.39
IV.COR1.EHN. ML:5.4 0.01282269 0.5792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:10.67
IV.FDMO.HHE. ML:4.8 0.004019999999999999 1.02 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:10.98
IV.ARVD.HHN. ML:4.7 0.0023820075000000004 0.6784 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:10.88
IV.SENI.EHN. ML:5.1 0.00767 1.1 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:10.67
IV.PTQR.HHN. ML:4.8 0.003965 1.32 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:10.74
IV.ATMI.HHN. ML:5.5 0.012119949999999999 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:11.06
IV.CRE.HHE. ML:5.0 0.003355 0.86 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:11.25
IV.CET2.HHE. ML:5.0 0.005865 0.68 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:11.64
IV.SNTG.HNE. ML:4.8 0.0033520620000000003 1.2896 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:11.32
IV.SNTG.HHE. ML:4.8 0.0034649999999999998 1.3 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:11.32
IV.MSRU.HHE. ML:5.1 0.0025949999999999997 0.34 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:11.42
IV.SEI.HHE. ML:5.4 0.00471 0.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:11.56
IV.BARO.EHE. ML:4.9 0.002474169 0.7968 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:11.39
IV.BARO.HNE. ML:4.9 0.0026081505 0.7904 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:11.40
IV.CET2.HHN. ML:5.4 0.011742945 1.3824 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:12.21
MN.CEL.HHE. ML:4.9 0.0015880665000000001 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:12.92
MN.CEL.HNE. ML:4.9 0.001545 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:12.92
IV.GUAR.HNE. ML:4.8 0.0035 0.78 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:12.46
IV.GUAR.HHE. ML:4.8 0.003565 0.78 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:12.85
IV.MSRU.HHN. ML:5.0 0.0017963165 1.2992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:13.17
MN.CEL.HNN. ML:4.9 0.0017160285000000003 1.5008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:13.96
MN.CEL.HHN. ML:4.9 0.0016777679999999998 1.5008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:13.96
IV.CELI.HNN. ML:4.6 0.002015 0.88 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:13.68
IV.CELI.HHN. ML:4.6 0.001995 0.88 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:13.68
IV.SOI.EHE. ML:4.8 0.001227735 0.4192 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:14.40
MN.TRI.HHN. ML:5.4 0.0110364 1.0784 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:15.82
IV.BRIS.HNE. ML:5.1 0.0029 1.56 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:15.86
IV.RUFI.EHN. ML:5.1 0.0026722595 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:16.55
IV.CRTC.HNE. ML:5.3 0.009276089500000001 0.9088 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:16.29
IV.RUFI.EHE. ML:4.9 0.00193 0.78 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:16.94
IV.CSNT.HHN. ML:5.1 0.002515 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:17.55
SL.LJU.BHN. ML:6.0 0.04477983000000001 1.2 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:17.09
IV.BOSL.HHN. ML:4.6 0.0009965 1.18 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:19.33
IV.CSNT.HHE. ML:4.8 0.0014541865 0.8 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:19.41
IV.SEI.HHN. ML:5.6 0.008454003 1.5008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:19.14
OX.SABO.HHN. ML:5.7 0.017013985 0.7616 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:20.43
OX.SABO.HNN. ML:6.3 0.065436815 0.7808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:20.43
IV.BOSL.HHE. ML:4.4 0.0006389173999999999 0.8992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:20.45
MN.TRI.HHE. ML:5.4 0.009811998500000002 0.9408 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:21.14
IV.MPNC.HHE. ML:5.3 0.003445 0.46 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:21.96
IV.PLAC.HNN. ML:4.8 0.001707392 0.9696 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:21.29
IV.SSP9.EHE. ML:5.0 0.0037014455 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:22.37
IV.BRIS.HHN. ML:4.7 0.0011550660000000002 1.44 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:23.25
IV.BRIS.HNN. ML:5.1 0.0028792815 1.4208 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:23.27
OX.SABO.HNE. ML:6.3 0.068729155 0.9216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:26.48
IV.MPNC.HHN. ML:5.3 0.00385 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:27.66
IV.IMOL.HNE. ML:5.2 0.004279999999999999 1.18 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:28.24
IV.IMOL.EHE. ML:5.1 0.00283 0.72 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:28.18
OX.PLRO.HHN. ML:5.4 0.0055857580000000006 0.5216 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:28.98
OX.DRE.HHE. ML:5.6 0.013175435000000001 1.3984 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:29.01
OX.DRE.HNE. ML:5.6 0.012677685000000001 1.3792 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:29.02
IV.BRIS.HHE. ML:4.7 0.001245 1.12 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:31.80
OX.DRE.HHN. ML:5.5 0.0089734225 0.6592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:32.50
OX.DRE.HNN. ML:5.5 0.008865 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:32.52
IV.MPPT.EHE. ML:5.0 0.0018050000000000002 0.82 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:32.89
RF.GEPF.HHN. ML:5.3 0.004774538 1.36 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:33.98
OX.MPRI.HHN. ML:5.4 0.005798737 1.2 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:35.77
OX.MPRI.HNN. ML:5.4 0.005542939 1.2192 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:35.78
RF.GEPF.HHE. ML:5.3 0.004347417500000001 1.1808 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:35.96
IV.MPPT.EHN. ML:5.0 0.0019249999999999998 1.06 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:37.88
NI.PALA.HHE. ML:5.8 0.01491972 1.2384 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:38.00
IV.IMOL.EHN. ML:5.0 0.002255 1.2 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:39.32
NI.PALA.HHN. ML:5.7 0.012192769999999999 1.0592 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:40.92
OX.PLRO.HNN. ML:5.7 0.009705 1.2 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:40.97
OX.MPRI.HHE. ML:5.4 0.005695 1.1 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:41.73
OX.MPRI.HNE. ML:5.4 0.0055023165 1.0816 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:41.73
IV.IMOL.HNN. ML:5.2 0.0037072055 0.96 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:41.49
OX.FUSE.HNN. ML:5.3 0.00392 0.86 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:41.38
OX.FUSE.HHN. ML:5.3 0.003992247 0.8576 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:41.38
OX.PLRO.HNE. ML:5.6 0.008137848 0.7008 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:42.65
OX.PLRO.HHE. ML:5.3 0.0039854095 0.6816 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:42.65
IV.FREG.EHE. ML:5.7 0.009350407 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:42.46
IV.FREG.HNE. ML:5.7 0.009371346499999999 0.4992 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:42.46
OX.FUSE.HHE. ML:5.3 0.0039613195 0.96 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:42.14
OX.FUSE.HNE. ML:5.3 0.0038359065 0.96 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:42.15
IV.FREG.HNN. ML:5.7 0.010155405999999999 0.4608 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:45.85
IV.FREG.EHN. ML:5.7 0.010087475 0.48 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:45.86
IV.TEOL.HHE. ML:5.9 0.015143315 0.64 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:45.96
IV.TEOL.HHN. ML:6.1 0.0243 0.96 AML other m 2022-04-24T04:30:47.02
TDMT - Time Domain Moment Tensor
Meccanismi di sorgente sismica nell'area
Meccanismi di sorgente sismica

Meccanismi di sorgente sismica

In questa mappa sono riportate i meccanismi di sorgente sismica dei terremoti dal 1977 alla data di questo evento. I tensori momento in rosso sono ottenuti con la tecnica del Regional Centroid Moment Tensor (RCMT, http://www.bo.ingv.it/RCMT; https://doi.org/10.13127/rcmt/euromed) e vengono calcolati per eventi sismici di magnitudo maggiore di 4.5 nella regione euro-mediterranea. Talvolta, se la disponibilità dei dati lo permette vengono calcolati anche per eventi di magnitudo inferiore, fino a 4.0. I tensori momento in grigio sono calcolati con la tecnica del Time Domain Moment Tensor (TDMT, /tdmt) per terremoti di magnitudo maggiore di 3.2, quando i dati lo permettono. La dimensione dei simboli è proporzionale alla magnitudo momento Mw dell’evento.
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QuakeML - small Event, Origin, FocalMechanism Download
QuakeML - full Event, Origin, FocalMechanism, Amplitude, Arrival, Pick, Station Magnitude Download
Forme d'onda Segnali sismici in formato miniseed + resp Download