Italian Seismic Bulletin

Italian Seismic Bulletin, September-December 2016

  • 2059 total earthquakes localized
    • 26 with magnitude M>=3.5
    • 1105 with magnitude M>=1.5
  • 441 used seismic stations
  • 8500 P wave pickings
  • 6080 S wave pickings

DOI: 10.13127/BSI/201603

Metadata (DataCite): JSON , XML


Bibliographic citation:

Rossi, A., Nardi, A., Marchetti, A., Mele, F. M., Margheriti, L. (2017). Bollettino Sismico Italiano (BSI), III quadrimestre 2016 (Version 1) [Data set]. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).


Bollettino Sismico Italiano, III quadrimestre 2016, version 1.0 contains 2059 earthquake locations in the Italian region in the time frame between 01-09-2016 and 31-12-2016, locations refer to earthquakes located by INGV. We exclude from this count the earthquakes of the central Italy sequence started on August 24th and not jet revised from the Italian seismic bulletin. BSI will make a special report on the sequence. The personnel on duty in the seismic survey room localized in the sequence more than 39000 events (22043 with magnitude M>=1.5, 190 with magnitude M>=3.5-the latter were revised by BSI including in the Bullettin 15263 picking P and 4729 picking S. The revised events include earthquakes with magnitude greater than 1.5 (1105); to locate the earthquakes we used 441 stations which contributed to the locations with 8500 P phases and 6080 S phases. Data have been recorded by the National Seismic Network, operated by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and regional and international networks operated by several providers. The Bollettino Sismico Italiano is available in Quakeml format and is described on a 4 months basis by a pdf document, but is also available in the ISIDe data-base for the period 1985-today. Both Quakeml files and pdf document are available at CNT webpage (