Data e Ora (UTC) Magnitudo Zona
2011-06-17 00:21:51 ML 4.0 Crete, Greece [Sea: Greece]
2011-06-17 22:08:18 Mw 5.4 Mid Indian Ridge [Sea]
2011-07-16 16:09:16 mb 4.3 Serbia [Land]
2011-07-21 22:52:44 ML 4.1 Costa Occidentale Peloponneso (GRECIA) ...
2011-07-28 09:18:10 mb 4.4 Greece [Sea]
2011-08-11 22:32:18 mb 4.9 Northern and central Iran [Land: Iran] ...
2011-08-20 09:07:48 ML 4.1 Bosnia and Herz. [Land]
2011-08-21 08:25:52 mb 4.0 Mar Ionio Meridionale (MARE)
2011-08-23 05:22:25 mb 4.0 Costa Occidentale Peloponneso (GRECIA) ...
2011-08-23 05:46:18 mb 5.3 Colorado, United States [Land: United States] ...
2011-08-24 08:08:13 mb 5.4 Norwegian Sea [Sea]
2011-09-04 23:13:58 mb 4.0 Greece
2011-09-14 13:36:32 mb 5.8 East of North Island, New Zealand [Sea: New Zealand] ...
2011-09-26 01:02:56 mb 5.1 Northwest Territories, Canada [Land: Canada] ...
2009-04-07 15:18:40 mb 4.9 Azores Cape St. Vincent Ridge [Sea] ...
2009-05-17 22:39:26 mb 4.5 Greece [Sea]
2009-05-24 14:29:16 ML 4.0 Macedonia [Land]
2009-05-24 18:50:18 ML 4.0 Macedonia [Land]
2009-05-28 08:24:44 Mw 7.1 North of Honduras [Sea: Honduras] ...
2009-05-28 21:20:23 mb 4.2 Poland
2009-05-29 21:33:50 mb 4.7 Iceland [Sea]
2009-06-08 23:11:31 ML 4.0 Mar Ionio Meridionale (MARE)
2009-06-22 18:15:38 Mw 5.4 Norway [Sea]
2009-06-25 20:08:20 mb 4.3 Mar Ionio Meridionale (MARE)
2009-07-01 10:54:34 mb 4.1 Greece [Sea]
2009-07-02 06:17:10 mb 4.3 Crete, Greece [Sea: Greece]
2009-07-07 16:31:40 Mw 5.7 Indian Ocean Triple Junction [Sea] ...
2009-07-15 09:22:29 Mw 7.8 Off west coast of South Island, New Zealand [Sea: New Zealand] ...
2009-07-25 01:43:42 Mw 5.9 United States [Sea]
2009-07-30 07:37:51 mb 4.9 Turkey