Terremoto di magnitudo ML 3.7 del 26-06-2023 ore 00:23:24 (Italia) in zona: Bosnia and Herz. [Land]

Un terremoto di magnitudo ML 3.7 è avvenuto nella zona: Bosnia and Herz. [Land], il

  • 25-06-2023 22:23:24 (UTC)
  • 26-06-2023 00:23:24 (UTC +02:00) ora italiana

con coordinate geografiche (lat, lon) 43.3860, 17.4060 ad una profondità di 2 km.

Il terremoto è stato localizzato da: Sala Sismica INGV-Roma.

Ricerca terremoti: Qualsiasi nel raggio di 30 km

I valori delle coordinate ipocentrali e della magnitudo rappresentano la migliore stima con i dati a disposizione. Eventuali nuovi dati o analisi potrebbero far variare tali stime.

Visualizza la localizzazione con

Comuni entro 20 km dall'epicentro

Nessun comune italiano entro 20 km dall'epicentro.

Città più vicine con almeno 50000 abitanti

Nessun comune italiano entro 100 km dall'epicentro con almeno 50000 abitanti.

Sismicità recente e storica

Queste mappe mostrano l'attività sismica della zona in diversi intervalli temporali, precedenti all’evento sismico a cui si riferiscono. Per quel che riguarda le prime due mappe, i dati riportati provengono dalle analisi effettuate in tempo reale dal personale delle Sale Operative dell'INGV subito dopo ogni terremoto. La terza mappa mostra i dati dal 1985 alla data del terremoto: le localizzazioni sono riviste dagli analisti sismologi del Bollettino Sismico Italiano dell'INGV. I parametri della localizzazione (coordinate ipocentrali e magnitudo) sono la migliore stima possibile con i dati a disposizione dell’INGV, ma sono costantemente aggiornati in funzione di ulteriori dati che si rendano disponibili. I parametri della localizzazione e della magnitudo, successivamente rivisti dagli analisti sismologi, possono variare.

I terremoti dei 3 giorni precedenti l'evento

I terremoti dei 3 giorni precedenti l'evento

In questa mappa sono riportati gli epicentri dei terremoti con magnitudo ≥ 0.0, localizzati utilizzando i dati i registrati dalla Rete Sismica Nazionale e da altre reti in regime di collaborazione sia in Italia che nei Paesi confinanti, nelle 72 ore precedenti questo evento. La grandezza del cerchio indica le diverse classi di magnitudo. I colori indicano i differenti intervalli temporali che precedono l'evento sismico. La stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
I terremoti dei 90 giorni precedenti l'evento

I terremoti dei 90 giorni precedenti l'evento

In questa mappa sono riportati gli epicentri dei terremoti con magnitudo ≥ 2.0, localizzati utilizzando i dati i registrati dalla Rete Sismica Nazionale e da altre reti in regime di collaborazione sia in Italia che nei Paesi, confinanti nei 90 giorni precedenti questo evento. La grandezza del cerchio indica le diverse classi di magnitudo. I colori indicano i differenti intervalli temporali che precedono l'evento sismico. La stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
I terremoti dal 1985 alla data dell'evento

I terremoti dal 1985 alla data dell'evento

In questa mappa sono riportati gli epicentri dei terremoti con magnitudo ≥ 3.0, localizzati utilizzando i dati i registrati dalla Rete Sismica Nazionale e da altre reti in regime di collaborazione sia in Italia che nei Paesi confinanti, dal 1985 alla data di questo evento. La grandezza del cerchio indica le diverse classi di magnitudo. I colori indicano i differenti intervalli temporali che precedono l'evento sismico. La stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
I terremoti dall'anno 1000 al 2019

I terremoti dall'anno 1000 al 2019

In questa mappa sono riportati i terremoti del catalogo storico CPTI15 (Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani, v4.0, https://doi.org/10.13127/cpti/cpti15.4). La grandezza del quadrato indica le diverse classi di magnitudo. Fornisce dati parametrici omogenei, sia macrosismici, sia strumentali, relativi ai terremoti con intensità massima ≥ 5 o magnitudo ≥ 4.0 d'interesse per l'Italia nella finestra temporale 1000-2020. Per gli eventi di magnitudo stimata ≥ 6.0 è indicato l'anno in cui è avvenuto il terremoto. La stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
Pericolosità sismica

Con pericolosità sismica si intende lo scuotimento del suolo atteso in un sito a causa di un terremoto. Essendo prevalentemente un’analisi di tipo probabilistico, si può definire un certo scuotimento solo associato alla probabilità di accadimento nel prossimo futuro. Non si tratta pertanto di previsione deterministica dei terremoti, obiettivo lungi dal poter essere raggiunto ancora in tutto il mondo, né del massimo terremoto possibile in un’area, in quanto il terremoto massimo ha comunque probabilità di verificarsi molto basse.

Nel 2004 è stata rilasciata questa mappa della pericolosità sismica (http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it) che fornisce un quadro delle aree più pericolose in Italia. La mappa di pericolosità sismica del territorio nazionale (GdL MPS, 2004; rif. Ordinanza PCM del 28 aprile 2006, n. 3519, All. 1b) è espressa in termini di accelerazione orizzontale del suolo con probabilità di eccedenza del 10% in 50 anni, riferita a suoli rigidi (Vs30>800 m/s; cat. A, punto 3.2.1 del D.M. 14.09.2005).

I colori indicano i diversi valori di accelerazione del terreno che hanno una probabilità del 10% di essere superati in 50 anni. Indicativamente i colori associati ad accelerazioni più basse indicano zone meno pericolose, dove la frequenza di terremoti più forti è minore rispetto a quelle più pericolose, ma questo non significa che non possano verificarsi.

Mappa di pericolosità sismica

Mappa di pericolosità sismica

In questa mappa è riportato un particolare del modello di pericolosità sismica del territorio nazionale e la stella bianca e nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto.
Mappe di scuotimento

Le tre mappe mostrano i risultati dell'elaborazione denominata ShakeMap per la stima dei parametri di scuotimento del suolo sulla base dei dati registrati dai sismometri e dagli accelerometri e delle successive interpolazioni basate sulle conoscenze sismologiche. Le mappe di scuotimento - ShakeMap - sono calcolate solo a fini di ricerca e danno esclusivamente stime indicative dello scuotimento prodotto dal terremoto. Sono calcolate automaticamente dai dati strumentali registrati dalle stazioni sismiche ed aggiornate man mano che nuovi dati diventano disponibili. Per ulteriori informazioni è possibile consultare il sito https://shakemap.ingv.it. La stella nera è l’epicentro del terremoto avvenuto. I triangoli sono le stazioni accelerometriche e velocimetriche usate nel calcolo, colorate in base allo scuotimento registrato.

Mappa di scuotimento: intensità

Mappa di scuotimento: intensità

In questa mappa è riportata la distribuzione delle intensità strumentali. L’intensità è ricavata attraverso una legge empirica che correla i valori registrati di effettivo scuotimento del suolo, per esempio in termini di accelerazione e velocità del suolo, con l’intensità macrosismica relativa ai terremoti italiani, come riportata nel DataBase Macrosismico Italiano (DBMI15, https://doi.org/10.13127/cpti/cpti15.3).
Mappa di scuotimento: accelerazione

Mappa di scuotimento: accelerazione

In questa mappa è riportata la distribuzione delle accelerazioni di picco registrate, espresse in percentuale di g, l'accelerazione di gravità = 9.81 m/s².
Mappa di scuotimento: velocità

Mappa di scuotimento: velocità

In questa mappa è riportata la distribuzione delle velocità di picco espresse in cm/s.
Mappa del risentimento sismico
Cronologia delle localizzazioni calcolate
Tipo Magnitudo Tempo origine (UTC) Latitudine Longitudine Profondità (km) Ora pubblicazione (UTC) Autore ID Localizzazione
ML 3.7 2023-06-25
43.3857 17.4058 2 2023-06-25
Sala Sismica INGV-Roma 118723441
Localizzazione e magnitudo preferite finora.
Parametri della localizzazione preferita


Campo Valore
Tempo (UTC) 2023-06-25 22:23:24 ± 0.5
Latitudine 43.3857 ± 0.0099
Longitudine 17.4058 ± 0.0148
Profondità (km) 2 ± 3 (from location)
Metodo di valutazione manual
Stato della valutazione reviewed
Versione 100 -> SURVEY-INGV
Tipo di evento earthquake
ID localizzazione 118723441


Campo Valore
Tipo di incertezza uncertainty ellipse
Semi-asse maggiore dell'ellisse di confidenza (metri) 1239
Semi-asse minore dell'ellisse di confidenza (metri) 208
azimuth dell’asse maggiore dell’ellisse di confidenza (gradi) 278
Regione di confidenza sul piano orizzontale espressa mediante singolo valore di incertezza (metri) 1240.0
Livello di confidenza dell'incertezza (%) 68


Campo Valore
Maggiore gap azimutale nella distribuzione delle stazioni all'epicentro 99
Numero di fasi associato indipendentemente se utilizzate nella localizzazione (determinazione dell'Origin) 159
Numero di fasi 24
Scarto quadratico medio dei residui di tempo risultanti dal calcolo del tempo origine (Origin) della localizzazione (sec) 0.35
Distanza epicentrale della stazione piu' vicina (gradi) 0.00000
Distanza epicentrale della stazione piu’ lontana (gradi) 2.92639
Numero di stazioni in cui l’evento e’ stato osservato 140
Numero di stazioni usate nel calcolo dell'Origin 17
Parametri della magnitudo


Campo Valore
Valore 3.7
Incertezza 0.3
Num. stazioni usate 332
Tipo di magnitudo ML
Localizzazione di riferimento 118723441
Agenzia INGV
Autore Sala Sismica INGV-Roma
Tempo di creazione (UTC) 2023-06-25 23:02:29
Tempi di arrivo
SCNL Time Uncertainty Polarity Evaluation_mode Phase Azimuth Distance(km) Takeoff_angle Residual Weight
OX.VARN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:25:28.48 3.0 undecidable manual Sn -1.45 0
OX.CAE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:25:26.13 3.0 undecidable manual Sn 0.65 0
GU.CIRO.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:25:17.26 3.0 positive manual Pn 2.35 0
AC.SRN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:25:15.16 3.0 undecidable manual Sn 0.88 0
OX.SABO.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:25:09.38 3.0 undecidable manual Sn -0.01 0
MN.KLV.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:25:02.65 3.0 negative manual Pn 1.73 0
IV.HLNI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:59.42 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.66 0
IV.SCTE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:59.93 3.0 undecidable manual Sn -0.31 0
IV.SLCN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:55.29 3.0 undecidable manual Sn -2.62 0
IV.RNI2.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:54.72 3.0 undecidable manual S 324.8304 6.01 0
IV.ZCCA.HNZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:53.88 3.0 undecidable manual Pg 14.88 0
IV.SGG.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:53.43 3.0 undecidable manual Sn 1.5 0
IV.PTRJ.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:52.60 3.0 undecidable manual Sn 2.26 0
OE.WTTA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:51.47 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.86 0
IV.MABI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:50.53 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.19 0
SI.ROSI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:50.03 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.69 0
IV.PLMA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:49.54 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.08 0
ST.RONC.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:48.38 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.59 0
SI.ABSI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:48.65 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.23 0
ST.OZOL.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:47.99 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.13 0
ST.GAGG.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:46.59 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.16 0
GU.EQUI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:46.35 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.31 0
IV.MAGA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:46.68 3.0 negative manual Pn -1.08 0
SI.KOSI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:46.08 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.13 0
IV.MSRU.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:45.18 3.0 positive manual Pn -1.01 0
MN.THL.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:45.60 3.0 negative manual Pn 2.28 0
ST.VARA.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:45.11 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.61 0
SI.LUSI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:45.34 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.76 0
GE.MATE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:44.32 3.0 undecidable manual Sn -1.77 0
MN.VLC.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:44.53 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.16 0
ST.DOSS.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:42.88 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.66 0
SL.BOJS.BHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:42.81 3.0 undecidable manual S 290.3871 1.53 0
IV.PLAC.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:42.03 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.41 0
IV.PII.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:42.73 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.1 0
IV.ROVR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:42.31 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.87 0
OX.MARN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:41.17 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.76 0
IV.NOCI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:40.30 0.6 undecidable manual S 186 289.488 38 -0.78 13
OX.AGOR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:39.24 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.11 0
AC.PUK.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:39.11 3.0 undecidable manual S 251.5593 6.2 0
IV.AMUR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:38.52 0.3 undecidable manual S 194 282.8058 38 -1.11 18
IV.ZOVE.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:37.50 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.99 0
IV.FNVD.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:37.22 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.01 0
IV.ASOL.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:36.99 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.05 0
OX.VARN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:36.11 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.6 0
OX.PLRO.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:34.57 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.9 0
IV.STAL.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:33.73 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.43 0
OX.CAE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:33.86 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.35 0
OX.MLN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:33.46 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.49 0
IV.SERS.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:33.86 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.46 0
NI.POLC.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:33.82 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.04 0
OX.FUSE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:33.20 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.22 0
NI.PALA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:32.48 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0 0
OX.MPRI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:31.75 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.23 0
IV.SFI.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:31.29 3.0 positive manual Pn 1.49 0
IV.CAR1.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:31.54 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.16 0
IV.PTCC.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:31.20 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.25 0
OX.ACOM.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:31.77 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.5 0
IV.SPS2.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:31.53 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.92 0
IV.CELI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:29.54 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.74 0
IV.CAFI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:29.08 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.63 0
IV.SACS.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:29.69 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.01 0
OE.ARSA.BHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:29.27 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.24 0
IV.CRE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:29.65 3.0 negative manual Pn 1.1 0
MN.KEK.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:29.19 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.18 0
NI.VINO.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:29.79 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.27 0
IV.CET2.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:28.10 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.35 0
IV.APRC.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:28.89 0.6 undecidable manual S 221 236.1858 38 -0.7 21
IV.PIPA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:27.18 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.04 0
OX.DRE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:27.01 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.21 0
IV.MGAB.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:27.85 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.27 0
XE.T0702.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:26.75 3.0 negative manual Pn 1.15 0
IV.TDS.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:26.26 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.51 0
mn.BZS.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:25.76 3.0 positive manual Pn 1.35 0
OX.SABO.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:25.07 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.1 0
MN.DIVS.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:25.56 0.6 undecidable manual S 68 221.8113 38 -0.93 22
XE.MORMA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:25.56 3.0 positive manual Pn 1.55 0
IV.SGRT.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:25.93 3.0 undecidable manual S 217 226.2069 38 -1.52 0
IV.GRIS.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:25.93 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.11 0
IV.CESX.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:24.25 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.49 0
IV.APEC.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:24.06 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.11 0
IV.ATPI.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:24.53 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.41 0
IV.BULG.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:23.92 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.32 0
IV.ARRO.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:23.97 3.0 positive manual Pn 1.83 0
IV.ATCC.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:22.32 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.35 0
IV.GIUL.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:22.44 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.62 0
IV.SALB.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:22.32 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.57 0
IV.MURB.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:22.91 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.11 0
IV.ATFO.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:22.32 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.17 0
IV.MGR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:22.01 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.13 0
IV.ASSB.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:22.85 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.86 0
XE.T0701.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:21.60 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.49 0
IV.FIAM.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:21.17 3.0 negative manual Pn 1.09 0
MN.PDG.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:21.06 3.0 undecidable manual S 125 184.2711 38 2.65 0
IV.GUAR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:21.05 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.09 0
IV.CMPR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:20.44 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.61 0
MN.TRI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:20.61 3.0 negative manual Pn -1.18 0
IV.FOSV.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:20.40 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.28 0
IV.FRON.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:20.60 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.36 0
IV.LRP.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:20.24 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.64 0
IV.CDRU.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:19.47 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.46 0
IV.SSFR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:19.95 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.46 0
IV.PTQR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:19.62 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.84 0
IV.LNSS.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:19.43 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0 0
IV.SCTE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:19.02 3.0 positive manual Pn -1.01 0
IV.SIRI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:19.73 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.66 0
IV.PIGN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:19.61 3.0 positive manual Pn 1.09 0
IV.MTSN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:19.33 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.44 0
SL.LJU.BHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:19.62 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.31 0
IV.MCEL.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:18.23 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.62 0
IV.RM33.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:18.34 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.22 0
IV.ARVD.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:18.28 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.57 0
IV.SLCN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:18.13 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.59 0
IV.MML1.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:18.59 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.24 0
IV.NRCA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:17.81 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.2 0
IV.VVLD.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:17.61 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.15 0
IV.FDMO.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:17.24 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.59 0
IV.SMA1.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:16.14 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.39 0
IV.VAGA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:16.64 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.44 0
IV.MMO1.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:16.00 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.2 0
IV.EL6.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:16.58 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.76 0
IV.PTRJ.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:15.10 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.63 0
SL.KOGS.BHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:15.97 3.0 positive manual Pn -1.21 0
IV.VITU.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:15.79 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.32 0
IV.MRB1.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:15.18 3.0 negative manual Pn 1.32 0
IV.CSP1.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:15.96 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.63 0
IV.GUMA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:15.99 3.0 negative manual Pn 0.61 0
IV.CING.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:15.81 3.0 undecidable manual Pn -0.59 0
IV.RNI2.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:14.06 0.6 undecidable manual P 324.8304 0.79 0
IV.SNAL.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:14.11 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.44 0
IV.MRLC.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:14.73 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.27 0
IV.INTR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:13.48 0.6 undecidable manual P 243 323.6316 38 0.36 13
IV.MIGL.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:13.54 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.27 0
IV.T0110.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:13.69 3.0 undecidable manual P 322.0332 0.77 0
IV.MNTT.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:13.45 3.0 positive manual Pn 0.58 0
IV.BSSO.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:12.05 3.0 undecidable manual P 307.5588 0.93 0
IV.ACER.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:12.17 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.47 0
GE.MATE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:11.18 3.0 negative manual Pn -0.9 0
IV.LPEL.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:11.20 0.6 undecidable manual P 242 301.7646 38 0.81 11
IV.SGTA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:11.73 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.35 0
MN.BLY.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:10.86 0.6 undecidable manual S 353 152.2365 50 0.98 32
IV.MOCO.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:10.99 3.0 undecidable manual Pn 0.85 0
SL.BOJS.BHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:10.12 0.6 positive manual P 290.3871 1.13 0
IV.PALZ.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:10.45 3.0 positive manual Pn -0.22 0
IV.GATE.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:10.19 0.6 undecidable manual P 291.3861 1.09 0
IV.NOCI.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:08.33 0.6 positive manual P 186 289.488 38 -0.54 14
IV.AMUR.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:07.51 1.0 positive manual P 194 282.8058 38 -0.53 8
IV.MRVN.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:07.16 3.0 negative manual Pn -1.19 0
AC.PUK.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:06.37 0.1 undecidable manual P 251.5593 2.22 0
IV.MELA.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:05.72 0.1 undecidable manual P 226 263.4363 38 0.09 42
IV.APRC.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:02.33 0.6 undecidable manual P 221 236.1858 38 0.09 26
IV.SGRT.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:00.97 0.1 undecidable manual P 217 226.2069 38 -0.03 56
MN.DIVS.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:24:00.08 0.1 undecidable manual P 68 221.8113 38 -0.37 54
OT.OT14.EHZ. 2023-06-25T22:23:58.87 1.0 positive manual P 217 205.5387 38 0.44 15
MN.PDG.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:23:56.44 0.1 undecidable manual P 125 184.2711 38 0.66 61
CR.HVAR.HHE. 2023-06-25T22:23:51.48 0.6 undecidable manual S 254 80.6637 50 0.71 42
MN.BLY.HHZ. 2023-06-25T22:23:50.66 0.1 undecidable manual P 353 152.2365 50 -0.2 81
CR.STON.BHZ. 2023-06-25T22:23:46.87 0.6 undecidable manual S 157 61.7937 50 1.13 35
CR.HVAR.HHE. 2023-06-25T22:23:39.43 0.1 undecidable manual P 254 80.6637 50 -0.39 91
CR.STON.BHZ. 2023-06-25T22:23:36.76 0.1 undecidable manual P 157 61.7937 50 -0.16 100
Ampiezza e Magnitudo per ciascuna stazione
SCNL mag Generic_amplitude Period Type Category Unit Time_window_reference
CR.STON.BHN. ML:3.3 0.004415 1.04 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:23:48.54
CR.STON.BHE. ML:3.6 0.0075899999999999995 0.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:23:48.42
MN.PDG.HNE. ML:3.6 0.00128 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:27.36
MN.PDG.HHE. ML:3.6 0.001305 0.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:27.36
MN.PDG.HHN. ML:3.6 0.001495 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:27.53
MN.PDG.HNN. ML:3.6 0.0015 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:27.53
OT.OT14.EHN. ML:3.9 0.002455 1.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:32.80
MN.DIVS.HHE. ML:3.1 0.00030600000000000007 0.44 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:34.56
MN.DIVS.HNE. ML:3.2 0.0003415 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:34.56
OT.OT14.EHE. ML:4.0 0.0025700000000000002 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:36.18
OE.ARSA.BHN. ML:3.3 0.00007805000000000001 0.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:36.60
IV.SGRT.HHE. ML:3.6 0.000986 0.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:36.69
IV.SGRT.HNE. ML:3.6 0.0009565 1.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:36.00
MN.DIVS.HHN. ML:3.2 0.00034750000000000004 0.7 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:37.42
MN.DIVS.HNN. ML:3.2 0.0003695 0.64 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:37.10
IV.AMUR.HNN. ML:3.8 0.000909 0.3 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:39.39
IV.AMUR.HHE. ML:3.7 0.0007495000000000001 0.28 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:39.45
IV.AMUR.HNE. ML:3.7 0.000687 0.28 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:39.46
IV.AMUR.HHN. ML:3.8 0.0009205000000000001 0.3 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:39.39
IV.APRC.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0009744999999999999 1.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:40.03
OX.PLRO.HNE. ML:4.2 0.0005965 0.62 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:40.73
OX.PLRO.HHE. ML:4.0 0.000322 0.64 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:40.74
IV.NOCI.HHE. ML:3.9 0.001135 0.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:40.96
IV.NOCI.HNE. ML:3.9 0.0010400000000000001 0.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:40.96
IV.NOCI.HHN. ML:4.0 0.001425 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:41.41
IV.NOCI.HNN. ML:4.0 0.001375 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:41.41
IV.SGRT.HHN. ML:3.5 0.0007289999999999999 1.26 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:41.33
IV.SGRT.HNN. ML:3.5 0.000723 1.26 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:41.33
GE.MATE.HHN. ML:4.2 0.001985 1.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:45.93
GE.MATE.HHE. ML:3.9 0.000966 0.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:46.35
AC.PUK.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0004915 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:46.70
IV.SGTA.HNN. ML:3.6 0.000585 0.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:47.46
IV.SGTA.HHN. ML:3.6 0.000505 0.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:47.46
IV.MIGL.HHN. ML:4.4 0.002695 0.36 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:48.41
IV.MIGL.HHE. ML:4.2 0.0017900000000000001 0.74 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:48.02
IV.SGTA.HNE. ML:3.6 0.000561 1.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:48.03
IV.SGTA.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0005275 1.44 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:48.03
IV.SGG.HNN. ML:5.4 0.02215 0.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:49.48
IV.SGG.HNE. ML:5.3 0.02125 0.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:49.48
AC.PUK.HHN. ML:3.4 0.000489 1.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:49.24
IV.PTRJ.HHN. ML:3.3 0.0001975 0.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:51.72
IV.APRC.HHN. ML:3.7 0.0011400000000000002 1.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:52.87
IV.MELA.HNE. ML:4.0 0.00163 1.1 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:53.31
IV.MELA.HHE. ML:4.0 0.001685 1.08 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:53.31
SL.BOJS.BHN. ML:3.9 0.001065 1.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:53.27
IV.MRVN.HHE. ML:3.4 0.00038 1.36 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:54.02
IV.T0110.HHN. ML:3.5 0.0003475 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:56.82
IV.RM33.HNN. ML:3.6 0.000365 1.22 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:57.65
IV.RM33.EHN. ML:3.6 0.0003265 1.12 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:57.66
IV.RNI2.HNE. ML:3.5 0.0002935 0.98 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:58.16
SL.BOJS.BHE. ML:4.0 0.001405 1.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:58.87
IV.PTRJ.HHE. ML:3.6 0.00036950000000000004 0.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:58.02
IV.RM33.EHE. ML:3.6 0.000291 1.1 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:58.04
IV.VITU.HHE. ML:3.7 0.00048499999999999997 0.44 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:58.76
IV.SGG.HHN. ML:3.5 0.000289 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:24:59.63
IV.PTQR.HHN. ML:3.5 0.000225 0.78 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:00.21
IV.SGG.HHE. ML:3.5 0.000307 0.44 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:00.26
IV.RM33.HNE. ML:3.7 0.00039349999999999997 1 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:01.28
IV.MOCO.HNN. ML:3.2 0.0002285 0.44 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:01.40
IV.MOCO.HHN. ML:3.2 0.000228 0.44 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:01.40
IV.VAGA.HHN. ML:3.6 0.000374 1.12 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:01.57
IV.VAGA.HNN. ML:3.6 0.0003765 1.12 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:01.57
IV.VAGA.HNE. ML:3.5 0.00026250000000000004 1.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:01.87
IV.VAGA.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0002495 1.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:01.88
IV.SMA1.EHN. ML:3.6 0.00036449999999999997 0.88 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:02.63
IV.EL6.EHE. ML:3.4 0.000236 0.34 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:02.52
IV.PIGN.HHE. ML:3.3 0.00014600000000000003 0.44 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:02.63
IV.PIGN.HNE. ML:3.3 0.000145 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:02.89
IV.PALZ.HHE. ML:4.0 0.0013700000000000001 1.18 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:02.29
IV.CDRU.HHN. ML:3.3 0.00014000000000000001 1.68 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:03.00
IV.MRVN.HHN. ML:3.4 0.00042249999999999997 0.68 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:03.16
IV.CMPR.HNE. ML:3.5 0.000199 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:04.95
IV.SSFR.HHE. ML:3.5 0.00022000000000000003 1.76 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:05.92
IV.CDRU.HHE. ML:3.4 0.000186 1.44 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:05.14
IV.CMPR.HHE. ML:3.5 0.0001985 1.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:05.95
IV.SSFR.HNN. ML:3.7 0.000356 0.74 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:05.21
IV.CMPR.HHN. ML:3.4 0.000183 0.34 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:05.22
IV.ACER.HNE. ML:4.0 0.00124 0.68 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:05.72
XE.T0701.HHE. ML:3.7 0.00033650000000000005 0.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:05.69
IV.SMA1.EHE. ML:3.6 0.000361 1.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:05.16
IV.PALZ.HHN. ML:3.9 0.0010585 0.92 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:06.43
IV.FIAM.HHN. ML:3.7 0.00034899999999999997 1.48 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:06.15
IV.MELA.HHN. ML:3.9 0.00127 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:07.47
IV.MELA.HNN. ML:3.9 0.00128 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:07.47
IV.MTSN.HNE. ML:3.6 0.00029049999999999996 0.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:07.84
IV.SALB.HHE. ML:3.9 0.0005095000000000001 0.24 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:07.78
IV.MGR.HHN. ML:3.5 0.0002115 1.08 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:07.67
IV.MRB1.HHE. ML:3.7 0.000546 1.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:07.80
IV.MTSN.HNN. ML:3.9 0.0005529999999999999 1.62 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:07.82
IV.MTSN.HHN. ML:3.9 0.0005629999999999999 1.64 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:07.83
IV.GIUL.HHE. ML:3.1 0.0000708 0.72 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.09
IV.ACER.HHN. ML:4.0 0.00124 1.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.21
IV.ACER.HNN. ML:4.0 0.00118 1.48 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.22
IV.MGR.HHE. ML:3.6 0.000251 0.94 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.74
IV.NRCA.HHE. ML:3.4 0.000193 0.48 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.55
XE.T0701.HNE. ML:3.5 0.00019250000000000002 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.99
IV.FRON.EHN. ML:3.5 0.00023099999999999998 0.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.54
IV.SIRI.HHN. ML:3.6 0.000264 1.7 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.04
IV.FIAM.HHE. ML:3.5 0.000244 1.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.19
IV.FIAM.HNE. ML:3.8 0.000406 1.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.20
IV.NRCA.HHN. ML:3.4 0.00020899999999999998 0.36 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:08.78
IV.GUAR.HHE. ML:3.2 0.00010300000000000001 0.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:09.04
IV.PTQR.HHE. ML:3.1 0.00010159999999999999 0.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:09.34
IV.RNI2.HHE. ML:3.4 0.00028349999999999995 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:09.37
IV.LNSS.HHN. ML:3.7 0.000363 0.8 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:09.38
IV.ARRO.EHN. ML:3.3 0.0001395 0.7 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:09.46
IV.ARRO.EHE. ML:3.3 0.0001185 0.7 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:09.13
IV.SLCN.HHE. ML:3.8 0.000454 0.34 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:09.67
IV.BSSO.HHN. ML:3.4 0.000277 0.7 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:09.52
IV.MOCO.HHE. ML:3.4 0.00032799999999999995 0.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:10.70
IV.BULG.HHN. ML:3.9 0.00049 0.94 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:10.70
IV.MOCO.HNE. ML:3.4 0.00033400000000000004 0.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:10.70
IV.BULG.HNN. ML:3.9 0.0004525 1.08 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:10.16
XE.T0701.HHN. ML:3.8 0.000399 1.34 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:10.80
XE.T0701.HNN. ML:3.5 0.00019250000000000002 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:10.60
IV.LRP.EHN. ML:2.8 0.000042550000000000004 0.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:10.81
IV.VITU.HHN. ML:3.8 0.0005635 1.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:10.88
IV.SALB.HNE. ML:3.9 0.000491 0.34 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:11.05
IV.LRP.EHE. ML:3.2 0.000117 1.64 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:11.13
IV.SIRI.HHE. ML:3.8 0.000413 0.74 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:11.53
IV.SIRI.HNE. ML:3.8 0.0003965 0.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:11.32
IV.MTSN.HHE. ML:3.6 0.000277 1.12 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:11.28
SL.KOGS.BHE. ML:4.5 0.002475 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:11.56
IV.MNTT.EHE. ML:3.9 0.0008594999999999999 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:11.39
IV.LNSS.HHE. ML:3.6 0.00029299999999999997 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:11.58
IV.ASSB.HHE. ML:3.5 0.00018449999999999999 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:11.68
IV.ATCC.EHN. ML:3.8 0.00035950000000000006 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:12.33
IV.MNTT.EHN. ML:4.0 0.0010819999999999998 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:12.71
IV.MRLC.HHN. ML:3.4 0.00027 0.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:12.62
IV.SIRI.HNN. ML:3.6 0.000262 0.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:12.97
IV.LPEL.HHN. ML:3.4 0.00028349999999999995 1.22 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:13.01
IV.LPEL.HHE. ML:3.5 0.000359 1.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:13.17
IV.CING.HHE. ML:3.2 0.00015 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:13.21
IV.INTR.HHE. ML:3.4 0.000258 0.62 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:13.43
IV.GRIS.EHE. ML:3.8 0.0003355 0.48 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:13.22
IV.GRIS.EHN. ML:3.8 0.00029949999999999996 1.08 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:13.86
IV.ATFO.HHN. ML:3.5 0.000203 0.76 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.01
XE.MORMA.HNN. ML:4.0 0.0006115000000000001 1.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.03
XE.MORMA.HHN. ML:4.0 0.0006055 1.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.03
XE.T0702.HHN. ML:4.0 0.00047950000000000005 0.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.45
XE.T0702.HNN. ML:3.7 0.00023199999999999997 0.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.45
IV.GIUL.HHN. ML:3.2 0.00009905 0.7 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.23
IV.TDS.HHE. ML:3.2 0.00008219999999999999 0.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.39
XE.MORMA.HHE. ML:4.2 0.0008309999999999999 1.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.84
XE.MORMA.HNE. ML:4.2 0.0008295 1.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.85
IV.ATCC.EHE. ML:3.7 0.00029749999999999997 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.90
IV.ATCC.HNE. ML:3.6 0.0002925 0.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.90
IV.MRB1.HNE. ML:3.7 0.0005325 1.12 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:14.39
IV.SSFR.HNE. ML:3.6 0.0002755 0.92 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.15
IV.PIPA.HHE. ML:3.8 0.00028100000000000005 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.20
IV.MRB1.HNN. ML:3.7 0.0005935 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.38
IV.MRB1.HHN. ML:3.8 0.0006255 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.38
IV.FIAM.HNN. ML:3.6 0.0003025 0.76 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.98
IV.VVLD.HHN. ML:3.4 0.000185 0.68 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.62
IV.MURB.HHN. ML:3.8 0.00041700000000000005 0.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.66
IV.SALB.HNN. ML:3.7 0.000289 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.69
IV.SALB.HHN. ML:3.7 0.00031800000000000003 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.69
IV.CESX.HHN. ML:3.4 0.0001505 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.45
IV.ACER.HHE. ML:4.1 0.0013 1.22 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:15.38
IV.ASSB.HHN. ML:3.6 0.00023999999999999998 0.78 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.40
IV.MGAB.HHE. ML:3.6 0.000186 1.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.08
IV.CESX.HHE. ML:3.5 0.00017749999999999998 1 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.14
XE.T0702.HHE. ML:3.9 0.00041749999999999996 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.24
XE.T0702.HNE. ML:3.6 0.000199 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.24
IV.GUMA.HNN. ML:3.9 0.0007045 0.48 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.75
IV.SSFR.HHN. ML:3.6 0.00026900000000000003 0.24 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.88
IV.ATCC.HNN. ML:3.8 0.0003725 1.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.91
IV.RNI2.HHN. ML:3.4 0.0002845 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.64
IV.RNI2.HNN. ML:3.4 0.00026549999999999995 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.64
OX.MARN.HHN. ML:4.4 0.0006425000000000001 0.08 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.97
OX.MARN.HHE. ML:4.1 0.0002525 0.08 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:16.97
IV.GUMA.HHE. ML:3.9 0.000748 1.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:17.02
IV.SCTE.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0002455 1.26 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:17.10
IV.GUAR.HHN. ML:3.4 0.000169 0.34 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:17.54
IV.SNAL.HNE. ML:3.5 0.0003355 0.9 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:17.15
IV.MRLC.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0004095 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:17.62
IV.CET2.HHE. ML:4.1 0.000494 1.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:18.88
IV.SNAL.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0003485 0.78 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:18.15
IV.CET2.HHN. ML:4.5 0.00126 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:18.39
IV.FOSV.EHN. ML:3.4 0.000162 1.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:18.96
IV.PIPA.HHN. ML:3.7 0.00020600000000000002 1.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:19.88
IV.MURB.HHE. ML:3.9 0.0005304999999999999 1.68 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:19.97
IV.TDS.HHN. ML:3.4 0.0001395 1.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:19.90
IV.CSP1.EHN. ML:3.8 0.0005740000000000001 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:19.15
IV.GUMA.HHN. ML:3.9 0.0007335 1.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:19.76
OE.ARSA.BHE. ML:3.1 0.00005715 1.2 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:19.90
IV.MCEL.HHN. ML:3.6 0.000265 0.96 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:19.99
IV.BSSO.HHE. ML:3.5 0.000358 0.76 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:20.36
IV.APEC.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0002185 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:20.44
MN.TRI.HHN. ML:3.7 0.0003095 0.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:20.23
AC.SRN.HHN. ML:2.8 0.00003229999999999999 1.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:20.14
IV.MURB.HNN. ML:3.8 0.000367 0.28 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:20.82
MN.TRI.HHE. ML:3.8 0.00040300000000000004 1.24 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:20.26
IV.CING.HHN. ML:3.2 0.000136 0.76 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:21.28
IV.MURB.HNE. ML:3.9 0.0005024999999999999 0.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:21.92
SL.LJU.BHE. ML:4.5 0.0022800000000000003 1.1 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:22.76
AC.SRN.HHE. ML:2.9 0.00003665 1.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:22.91
IV.MGAB.HHN. ML:3.7 0.0002205 1.62 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:22.18
IV.CELI.HHE. ML:3.5 0.00012265 1.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:23.02
IV.CELI.HHN. ML:3.5 0.0001325 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:23.07
IV.INTR.HHN. ML:3.9 0.0007689999999999999 0.9 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:23.64
IV.INTR.HNN. ML:3.8 0.0006630000000000001 0.92 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:23.65
SL.KOGS.BHN. ML:4.3 0.00174 1.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:23.71
IV.INTR.HNE. ML:3.5 0.00033899999999999995 1.16 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:24.07
IV.CAR1.HHN. ML:4.0 0.0003195 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:24.09
SL.LJU.BHN. ML:4.5 0.002175 1.3 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:24.91
IV.SPS2.HHN. ML:3.5 0.00011549999999999999 1.2 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:24.16
IV.T0110.HHE. ML:3.6 0.00036350000000000005 0.82 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:24.42
IV.SNAL.HNN. ML:3.6 0.00041200000000000004 0.62 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:24.57
IV.SNAL.HHN. ML:3.6 0.00041500000000000006 0.64 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:24.57
IV.CMPR.HNN. ML:4.2 0.00115 0.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:25.40
IV.GUMA.HNE. ML:3.9 0.0008075 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:25.57
IV.CRE.HHE. ML:3.5 0.00013900000000000002 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:25.73
IV.SFI.EHN. ML:3.4 0.00009355 1.22 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:25.74
IV.VVLD.HHE. ML:3.3 0.000177 1 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:25.31
IV.SACS.HHN. ML:3.4 0.00010614999999999999 1.26 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:26.82
IV.MMO1.EHN. ML:3.4 0.0002115 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:26.51
IV.CAR1.HHE. ML:4.0 0.00039 0.7 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:26.69
IV.MCEL.HHE. ML:3.5 0.000246 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:26.46
IV.SPS2.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0000999 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:26.83
IV.MMO1.EHE. ML:3.4 0.00022100000000000003 0.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:27.35
IV.CSP1.EHE. ML:3.8 0.0005629999999999999 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:27.46
IV.ATPI.EHN. ML:3.5 0.000175 1.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:28.78
IV.CAFI.HHN. ML:3.2 0.0000693 0.64 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:28.00
IV.SLCN.HHN. ML:3.6 0.00028750000000000005 0.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:28.54
IV.FRON.EHE. ML:3.4 0.0001735 0.62 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:28.55
IV.FDMO.HHN. ML:3.1 0.00011149999999999999 0.68 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:28.54
IV.ARVD.HHN. ML:3.2 0.0001205 1.3 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:28.90
IV.PIGN.HNN. ML:3.2 0.00011649999999999999 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:29.52
MN.KEK.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0001066 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:29.64
IV.FOSV.EHE. ML:3.4 0.00016599999999999997 0.76 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:29.55
IV.FOSV.HNE. ML:3.4 0.00019 0.76 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:29.55
IV.FDMO.HHE. ML:3.3 0.0001585 1.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:29.88
IV.PIGN.HHN. ML:3.2 0.0001175 1.48 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:29.15
IV.EL6.EHN. ML:3.5 0.0002635 0.82 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:30.11
IV.MML1.EHN. ML:3.3 0.0001645 1.4 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:30.22
IV.CAFI.HHE. ML:3.2 0.00007544999999999999 0.84 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:31.85
OX.PLRO.HNN. ML:4.4 0.0008600000000000001 1.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:32.08
OX.PLRO.HHN. ML:4.2 0.000504 1.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:32.87
IV.FOSV.HNN. ML:3.5 0.00023999999999999998 0.68 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:32.53
IV.ARVD.HHE. ML:3.2 0.0001214 0.58 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:33.80
IV.SERS.HHE. ML:3.4 0.00007780000000000001 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:34.30
IV.SACS.HHE. ML:3.3 0.00008094999999999999 0.94 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:34.52
IV.MML1.EHE. ML:3.4 0.000175 0.78 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:34.32
OX.DRE.HHE. ML:4.2 0.000729 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:34.64
OX.DRE.HNE. ML:4.1 0.0006810000000000001 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:34.65
IV.ATFO.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0002465 1.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:35.88
IV.SERS.HHN. ML:3.5 0.00010295 0.94 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:35.05
IV.CRE.HHN. ML:3.4 0.00010195 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:35.54
OX.VARN.HHE. ML:4.3 0.0005880000000000001 0.34 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:36.07
OX.VARN.HNE. ML:4.3 0.0005745 0.34 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:36.07
IV.BULG.HNE. ML:3.5 0.00017749999999999998 0.62 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:36.17
IV.BULG.HHE. ML:3.6 0.00020250000000000002 0.62 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:36.48
IV.SCTE.HHN. ML:3.5 0.000237 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:36.49
IV.ASOL.EHN. ML:4.6 0.001145 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:37.50
IV.ASOL.HNN. ML:4.9 0.002355 0.48 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:37.50
OX.SABO.HHE. ML:4.3 0.0009935 1.18 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:38.81
OX.SABO.HNE. ML:4.9 0.0040999999999999995 1.2 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:38.82
IV.PLAC.HNE. ML:3.6 0.00008365 0.76 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:40.13
OX.SABO.HNN. ML:4.9 0.004295 1.26 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:40.68
OX.SABO.HHN. ML:4.3 0.0011099999999999999 1.26 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:40.68
IV.FNVD.HHE. ML:3.7 0.0001265 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:41.10
ST.DOSS.HHE. ML:4.3 0.000361 0.26 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:41.36
ST.DOSS.HNE. ML:4.2 0.00032450000000000003 0.26 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:41.37
IV.ROVR.HHN. ML:4.3 0.0003815 0.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:41.69
IV.ROVR.HHE. ML:3.9 0.00014700000000000002 1.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:41.04
IV.APEC.HHN. ML:3.6 0.0002375 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:42.69
IV.ATPI.EHE. ML:3.5 0.000185 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:42.59
NI.VINO.HHE. ML:3.9 0.0003305 0.98 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:43.76
MN.KEK.HHN. ML:3.4 0.0000882 1.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:43.24
IV.PLAC.HHE. ML:3.6 0.00007879999999999999 0.52 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:44.18
IV.FNVD.HHN. ML:3.7 0.0001235 0.84 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:44.53
SI.LUSI.HHE. ML:4.2 0.00028450000000000003 1.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:44.08
OX.DRE.HHN. ML:4.1 0.0005495 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:45.57
OX.DRE.HNN. ML:4.0 0.00053 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:45.57
IV.PLAC.HNN. ML:3.7 0.00009545 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:46.10
IV.MSRU.HNE. ML:4.2 0.00028000000000000003 1.28 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:46.34
ST.VARA.EHN. ML:4.2 0.00026700000000000004 0.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:46.81
IV.MSRU.HHE. ML:4.2 0.00028500000000000004 1.26 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:46.34
IV.PII.HHE. ML:3.8 0.0001315 1.36 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:47.77
ST.DOSS.HHN. ML:4.2 0.00029749999999999997 0.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:47.21
ST.DOSS.HNN. ML:4.2 0.00030300000000000005 0.38 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:47.21
IV.MSRU.HNN. ML:4.2 0.000273 0.9 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:47.40
SI.LUSI.HHN. ML:4.6 0.000644 0.32 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:47.40
IV.MSRU.HHN. ML:4.2 0.0002565 0.9 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:47.85
IV.PII.HHN. ML:3.7 0.0001109 1.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:47.99
OX.MPRI.HHN. ML:4.1 0.000465 0.42 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:48.53
ST.VARA.EHE. ML:4.3 0.000329 0.24 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:48.50
IV.PTCC.HHN. ML:3.7 0.0001895 0.74 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:48.18
MN.THL.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0000461 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:49.60
IV.PLAC.HHN. ML:3.6 0.0000814 1.04 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:50.14
IV.PTCC.HHE. ML:3.8 0.0002215 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:51.24
NI.POLC.HHE. ML:4.4 0.000853 0.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:51.72
NI.VINO.HHN. ML:4.1 0.000474 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:52.78
NI.PALA.HHN. ML:4.4 0.000855 0.78 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:53.14
OX.ACOM.HHE. ML:4.1 0.00041799999999999997 1.28 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:53.23
OX.ACOM.HNE. ML:4.1 0.000454 1.28 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:53.88
MN.VLC.HHN. ML:3.4 0.000042749999999999996 0.82 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:53.05
IV.SFI.EHE. ML:3.3 0.0000873 0.66 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:53.56
NI.POLC.HHN. ML:4.5 0.0009730000000000001 0.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:54.65
GU.EQUI.HHE. ML:3.4 0.000037900000000000006 0.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:55.69
IV.STAL.HHE. ML:4.1 0.00039 0.5 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:55.48
IV.STAL.HNE. ML:4.1 0.0004005 0.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:55.51
OX.MLN.HHN. ML:4.0 0.000321 1.14 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:55.74
OX.CAE.HHN. ML:4.0 0.0003505 0.54 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:56.22
OX.ACOM.HHN. ML:4.1 0.0005195000000000001 0.62 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:56.23
OX.ACOM.HNN. ML:4.1 0.0005425 0.94 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:56.23
GU.EQUI.HHN. ML:3.4 0.00004175 0.46 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:56.12
OX.MPRI.HHE. ML:4.1 0.0004345 1.04 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:56.06
MN.VLC.HHE. ML:3.3 0.00003545 1.24 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:56.19
OX.FUSE.HHE. ML:4.0 0.000321 1.24 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:57.62
NI.PALA.HHE. ML:4.6 0.001265 1.14 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:58.67
IV.STAL.HHN. ML:4.0 0.0003045 0.6 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:58.88
OX.FUSE.HHN. ML:4.1 0.0003765 0.84 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:59.67
IV.STAL.HNN. ML:4.1 0.0003735 0.8 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:25:59.58
MN.THL.HHN. ML:3.4 0.00004435 0.64 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:00.32
OX.MLN.HHE. ML:3.9 0.000244 0.84 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:00.53
OX.CAE.HHE. ML:4.0 0.00028649999999999997 0.76 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:02.46
OX.VARN.HNN. ML:4.2 0.00042200000000000007 1.18 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:03.83
OX.VARN.HHN. ML:4.2 0.0004185 1.2 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:03.84
IV.ASOL.HNE. ML:4.8 0.001655 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:05.19
IV.ASOL.EHE. ML:4.5 0.0008294999999999999 0.56 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:05.19
IV.ZOVE.EHE. ML:4.0 0.00025550000000000003 0.74 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:07.32
IV.ZOVE.EHN. ML:4.0 0.0002655 1.04 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:08.81
OX.AGOR.HHE. ML:3.7 0.00011535000000000001 0.72 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:09.12
OX.AGOR.HHN. ML:3.7 0.0001215 1.16 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:09.09
SI.KOSI.HHN. ML:4.0 0.000177 0.74 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:14.12
SI.KOSI.HHE. ML:4.2 0.0002465 0.88 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:22.79
ST.GAGG.HNN. ML:4.1 0.00022600000000000002 1.3 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:23.77
ST.GAGG.HHN. ML:4.1 0.00021799999999999999 1.3 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:23.77
ST.GAGG.HHE. ML:4.2 0.00026549999999999995 0.82 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:24.08
ST.GAGG.HNE. ML:4.2 0.00023549999999999998 0.78 AML other m 2023-06-25T22:26:24.09
TDMT - Time Domain Moment Tensor
Meccanismi di sorgente sismica nell'area
Meccanismi di sorgente sismica

Meccanismi di sorgente sismica

In questa mappa sono riportate i meccanismi di sorgente sismica dei terremoti dal 1977 alla data di questo evento. I tensori momento in rosso sono ottenuti con la tecnica del Regional Centroid Moment Tensor (RCMT, http://www.bo.ingv.it/RCMT; https://doi.org/10.13127/rcmt/euromed) e vengono calcolati per eventi sismici di magnitudo maggiore di 4.5 nella regione euro-mediterranea. Talvolta, se la disponibilità dei dati lo permette vengono calcolati anche per eventi di magnitudo inferiore, fino a 4.0. I tensori momento in grigio sono calcolati con la tecnica del Time Domain Moment Tensor (TDMT, /tdmt) per terremoti di magnitudo maggiore di 3.2, quando i dati lo permettono. La dimensione dei simboli è proporzionale alla magnitudo momento Mw dell’evento.
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QuakeML - small Event, Origin, FocalMechanism Download
QuakeML - full Event, Origin, FocalMechanism, Amplitude, Arrival, Pick, Station Magnitude Download
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