Earthquake with magnitude of ML 3.5 on date 30-07-2024 and time 17:04:41 (UTC) in region 5 km SE Francica (VV)

A magnitude ML 3.5 earthquake occured in region: 5 km SE Francica (VV), on

  • 30-07-2024 17:04:41 (UTC)
  • 30-07-2024 19:04:41 (UTC +02:00) Italian time

and geographic coordinates (lat, lon) 38.5830, 16.1400 at 19 km depth.

The earthquake was located by: Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV.

Search earthquakes: Any within 30 km radius

The values of hypocentral coordinates and magnitude may be revised at a later time as more information becomes available.

Municipalities within 20 km from the epicenter

Distances are determinated based on the geographic coordintes of the (Istat).
Municipality Region Dist Inh Cum Inh
Francica VV 5 1651 1651
Acquaro VV 5 2484 4135
Dasà VV 5 1208 5343
Dinami VV 6 2168 7511
Arena VV 7 1456 8967
San Pietro di Caridà RC 7 1195 10162
Gerocarne VV 7 2248 12410
Mileto VV 7 6763 19173
San Gregorio d'Ippona VV 8 2527 21700
Soriano Calabro VV 8 2421 24121
San Costantino Calabro VV 8 2239 26360
Sorianello VV 8 1176 27536
Serrata RC 8 845 28381
Ionadi VV 9 4238 32619
Candidoni RC 10 416 33035
Filandari VV 10 1853 34888
Stefanaconi VV 11 2494 37382
Pizzoni VV 11 1143 38525
Vazzano VV 11 1067 39592
Vibo Valentia VV 11 33941 73533
San Calogero VV 11 4315 77848
Laureana di Borrello RC 11 5174 83022
Rombiolo VV 12 4569 87591
Sant'Onofrio VV 13 3067 90658
Cessaniti VV 13 3290 93948
Filogaso VV 14 1417 95365
Galatro RC 14 1709 97074
Feroleto della Chiesa RC 14 1695 98769
Maierato VV 15 2188 100957
Vallelonga VV 16 706 101663
Limbadi VV 16 3695 105358
San Nicola da Crissa VV 16 1335 106693
Maropati RC 16 1524 108217
Zungri VV 16 1976 110193
Giffone RC 16 1907 112100
Serra San Bruno VV 16 6734 118834
Anoia RC 17 2212 121046
Rosarno RC 17 14841 135887
Pizzo VV 17 9278 145165
Spadola VV 17 825 145990
Mongiana VV 17 740 146730
Simbario VV 18 966 147696
Capistrano VV 18 1042 148738
Brognaturo VV 18 735 149473
Melicucco RC 18 5101 154574
Fabrizia VV 18 2195 156769
Briatico VV 18 4053 160822
Zambrone VV 18 1775 162597
Nicotera VV 19 6290 168887
Cinquefrondi RC 19 6539 175426
Monterosso Calabro VV 20 1729 177155

Municipalities with at least 50000 inhabitants

An earthquake occurred to
47 Km SW of Lamezia Terme (70714 inhabitants)
54 Km SW of Catanzaro (90612 inhabitants)
67 Km NE of Messina (238439 inhabitants)
68 Km NE of Reggio di Calabria (183035 inhabitants)
80 Km S of Cosenza (67546 inhabitants)
Recent and historical seismicity

These maps show the seismic activity in different time intervals, before the seismic event to which they refer. Data reported in the first two maps come from the analysis carried out in real time by the personnel of the INGV Operating Rooms, immediately after each earthquake. The third map shows data from 1985 to the date of the earthquake: the locations are reviewed by the seismological analysts of the INGV Italian Seismic Bulletin (Bollettino Sismico Italiano dell’INGV). The localization parameters (hypocentral coordinates and magnitude) are the best possible estimate with the data available to the INGV, but are constantly updated according to further data that become available. The location and magnitude parameters, subsequently reviewed by seismological analysts, may vary.

Earthquakes of the 3 days preceding this event

Earthquakes of the 3 days preceding this event

This map shows the earthquake epicenters with magnitude ≥ 0.0, localized with data recorded by the National Seismic Network and other collaborative networks both in Italy and in neighboring countries, in the 72 hours preceding this event. The size of the circle indicates the different classes of magnitude. The colors indicate the different time intervals preceding the seismic event. The black and white star is the epicenter of the current earthquake.
Earthquakes of the 90 days preceding this event

Earthquakes of the 90 days preceding this event

This map shows the earthquake epicenters with magnitude ≥ 2.0, localized with data recorded by the National Seismic Network and other collaborative networks both in Italy and in neighboring countries, in the 90 days preceding this event. The size of the circle indicates the different classes of magnitude. The colors indicate the different time intervals preceding the seismic event. The black and white star is the epicenter of the current earthquake.
Earthquakes from 1985 to the date of the event

Earthquakes from 1985 to the date of the event

This map shows the earthquake epicenters with magnitude ≥ 3.0, localized with data recorded by the National Seismic Network and other collaborative networks both in Italy and in neighboring countries, from 1985 to the date of this event. The size of the circle indicates the different classes of magnitude. The colors indicate the different time intervals preceding the seismic event. The black and white star is the epicenter of the current earthquake.
Earthquakes since 1000 AD until 2019

Earthquakes since 1000 AD until 2019

This map shows the epicenters of the historical earthquakes catalogue CPT15 (Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani, 2015 version 3.0, since 1000 AD until 2019. The size of the square indicates the different classes of magnitude. For earthquakes with magnitude ≥ 6.0, it is also shown the year of occurrence and the magnitude value. The black and white star is the epicenter of the current earthquake.
Seismic hazard

Seismic hazard maps provide probabilistic estimates of the earthquake ground shaking exceeding a given threshold in a given geographic region within a given time window. Thus, it is not a deterministic prediction - a target that may be never reached given the complexity of the earthquake physical phenomenon - nor of the maximum expected earthquake since this has extremely low probabilities to occur.

In 2004, it was published the seismic hazard map of Italy ( that provides a picture of the most hazardous geographic regions. The seismic hazard map of Italy (GdL MPS, 2004; rif. Ordinanza PCM del 28 aprile 2006, n. 3519, All. 1b) provides the 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years of the horizontal acceleration at rock sites (i.e., Vs30>800 m/s; cat. A, 3.2.1 of the D.M. 14.09.2005).

The colours indicate the various values of the ground acceleration that have 10% to be exceeded within 50 years. In general, the colours associated to low values of acceleration refer to areas that are less hazardous and stronger earthquakes repeat less frequently although they may still occur.

Seismic hazard map

Seismic hazard map

This map shows the seismic hazard map of Italy for the region where the earthquake occurred.

These three maps show the results of the analysis using the software ShakeMap designed to provide the level of ground shaking experienced in a region using the data recorded by seismometers and strong motion instruments and seismological information regarding the attenuation of the wavefield with distance and the site characteristics. The Shakemaps are determined for research purposes to provide fast estimates of the level of ground shaking produced by the earthquake. The maps are calculated automatically and updated as more data become available. See for additional information. The black star indicates the epicenter. The triangles show the accelerometric and velocimetric stations used in the calculation, colored according to the recorded shaking.

Intensity Shakemap

Intensity Shakemap

This map shows the distribution of instrumental intensities. The intensity is derived through an empirical law that correlates the recorded values of actual ground shaking, e.g., acceleration and velocity, with the macroseismic intensity for Italian earthquakes, as reported in the Italian Macroseismic Database (DBMI15,
Peak ground acceleration Shakemap

Peak ground acceleration Shakemap

This map shows the distribution of peak ground acceleration expressed as percent of the acceleration of gravity (i.e., g = 9.81 m/s²).
Peak velocity Shakemap

Peak velocity Shakemap

This map shows the distribution of peak ground velocities expressed in cm/s.
Felt maps
Preliminary map of the earthquake effects from the web questionnaire

Preliminary map of the earthquake effects from the web questionnaire

This map shows the distribution of earthquake resentment in the area, expressed in terms of intensity on the MCS scale (Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg). Intensities are determined using data from questionnaires collected on the website The intensities shown are determined considering all the reports received from each municipality, and are all the more reliable the greater the number of questionnaires. The collected data are subjected to an automatic statistical filter, but are not checked individually. In particular, intensities greater than or equal to the VI degree of the MCS or EMS scale require on-site verification by specialized personnel. The black star is the epicenter of the earthquake that occurred. This map is updated every time citizens fill out new questionnaires. The number of questionnaires processed to obtain this map, the date and time of the last update are shown at the top right.
Locations history
Type Magnitude Date and Time (UTC) Latitude Longitude Depth (km) Published time (UTC) Author Location ID
ML 3.5 2024-07-30
38.5828 16.1397 19 2024-08-01
Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV 130296091
ML 3.5 2024-07-30
38.5795 16.1502 18 2024-07-30
Sala Sismica INGV-Roma 130279741
Rapid automatic
ML 3.8 2024-07-30
38.5855 16.1423 22 2024-07-30
Sistema Automatico Earthworm-1 130279361
Preferred location and magnitude until now.
Origin information


Field Value
Time (UTC) 2024-07-30 17:04:41 ± 0.04
Latitude 38.5828 ± 0.0018
Longitude 16.1397 ± 0.0035
Depth (km) 19 ± 1 (from location)
Evaluation mode of Origin manual
Evaluation status of Origin reviewed
Version 1000 -> BULLETIN-INGV
Event type earthquake
Origin ID 130296091


Field Value
Preferred uncertainty description uncertainty ellipse
Semi-major axis of confidence ellipse (meter) 296
Semi-minor axis of confidence ellipse (meter) 106
Azimuth of major axis of confidence ellipse. Measured clockwise from South-North direction at epicenter (gradi) 309
Circular confidence region, given by single value of horizontal uncertainty (meter) 300.0
Confidence level of the uncertainty (%) 68


Field Value
Largest azimuthal gap in station distribution as seen from epicenter (degree) 55
Number of associated phases, regardless of their use for origin computation 132
Number of defining phases 132
RMS of the travel time residuals of the arrivals used for the origin computation (sec) 0.21
Epicentral distance of station closest to the epicenter (degree) 0.05666
Epicentral distance of station farthest from the epicenter (degree) 2.65120
Number of stations at which the event was observed 111
Number of stations from which data was used for origin computation 111
Magnitudes information


Field Value
Value 3.5
Uncertainty 0.3
Num. used stations 184
Type of magnitude ML
Reference to an origin 130279741
Agency INGV
Autore Sala Sismica INGV-Roma
Time of creation (UTC) 2024-07-30 17:14:55


Field Value
Value 3.5
Uncertainty 0.3
Num. used stations 191
Type of magnitude ML
Reference to an origin 130296091
Agency INGV
Autore Bollettino Sismico Italiano INGV
Time of creation (UTC) 2024-08-01 10:27:12
Picking and Arrival
SCNL Time Uncertainty Polarity Evaluation_mode Phase Azimuth Distance(km) Takeoff_angle Residual Weight
IV.MMGO.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:24.77 0.3 undecidable manual P 251 294.2832 54 0.72 0
IV.CAFE.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:05:22.95 0.6 undecidable manual P 344 282.0066 54 0.43 0
IV.PALZ.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:05:22.13 0.6 undecidable manual P 357 262.4373 54 2.05 0
IV.SNAL.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:21.42 0.3 undecidable manual P 343 271.728 54 0.18 0
IX.MNT3.EHN.02 2024-07-30T17:05:20.40 0.3 undecidable manual P 339 268.1316 54 -0.39 0
IV.MRVN.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:20.90 0.3 undecidable manual P 1 274.9137 54 -0.75 0
IX.RDM3.HHZ.02 2024-07-30T17:05:20.78 0.3 undecidable manual P 349 259.5402 54 1.06 0
IV.SCTE.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:19.48 0.6 undecidable manual P 50 259.2405 54 -0.21 0
IV.MCRV.HNN. 2024-07-30T17:05:19.07 0.3 undecidable manual P 342 257.742 54 -0.43 0
IV.NOCI.HNN. 2024-07-30T17:05:19.40 1.0 undecidable manual P 18 257.1537 54 -0.03 0
IV.AMUR.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:19.52 0.6 undecidable manual P 9 260.8389 54 -0.37 0
IV.ACER.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:19.04 0.3 undecidable manual P 356 245.0658 54 1.11 0
IV.MRLC.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:18.40 0.3 undecidable manual P 347 247.4634 54 0.18 0
IX.SNR3.EHN.02 2024-07-30T17:05:18.34 0.3 undecidable manual P 342 252.1587 54 -0.47 0
IX.CMP3.HNE.02 2024-07-30T17:05:18.02 0.3 undecidable manual P 339 246.7641 54 -0.12 0
IV.MUCR.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:17.16 0.6 undecidable manual S 242 125.3745 94 -0.34 1
OT.TAR1.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:17.28 0.3 undecidable manual P 24 236.7852 54 0.39 0
IX.COL3.HHE.02 2024-07-30T17:05:17.13 0.6 undecidable manual P 344 243.4674 54 -0.6 0
IV.PTRP.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:15.37 0.6 undecidable manual P 358 215.118 54 1.17 0
IV.RESU.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:15.98 0.3 undecidable manual P 241 209.3349 54 2.5 0
IV.CDRU.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:14.16 0.6 undecidable manual P 342 223.3098 54 -1.05 0
IX.PGN3.HHN.02 2024-07-30T17:05:14.85 0.3 undecidable manual P 353 222.6105 54 -0.28 0
IV.HMDC.HNN. 2024-07-30T17:05:14.93 0.3 undecidable manual P 214 215.8173 54 0.64 0
IX.STN3.HNZ.02 2024-07-30T17:05:13.83 0.6 undecidable manual P 349 220.0131 54 -0.98 0
IX.SRN3.HHZ.02 2024-07-30T17:05:13.55 0.6 undecidable manual P 345 219.0141 54 -1.14 0
IV.HVZN.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:13.03 0.6 undecidable manual P 219 199.5447 54 0.77 0
IV.SCIAR.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:13.55 0.6 undecidable manual P 252 220.0131 54 -1.26 0
IV.HAVL.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:12.46 0.3 undecidable manual P 207 200.9433 54 0.02 0
IV.PETRA.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:05:11.88 0.6 undecidable manual P 245 195.0603 54 0.17 0
IV.SLCN.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:11.87 0.3 undecidable manual P 348 205.1391 54 -1.08 0
IV.CMPR.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:11.81 0.1 positive manual P 340 205.4388 54 -1.18 0
IV.MCEL.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:10.43 0.6 undecidable manual P 352 195.4599 54 -1.32 0
IV.GIB.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:10.52 0.3 undecidable manual P 251 195.4599 54 -1.23 0
IV.CELI.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:10.50 0.6 undecidable manual S 19 96.3258 95 0.72 39
IV.CSLB.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:10.13 0.3 undecidable manual P 249 194.9604 54 -1.56 0
IV.SSY.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:10.35 0.3 undecidable manual P 211 183.5829 54 0.08 0
IV.GALF.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:09.52 0.3 undecidable manual P 235 167.9097 54 1.2 0
IV.HLNI.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:09.33 0.3 negative manual P 219 176.1903 54 -0.02 0
IV.MTSN.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:09.21 0.1 undecidable manual P 350 189.6657 54 -1.82 0
IV.HCRL.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:05:09.22 0.3 undecidable manual P 214 173.6928 54 0.17 0
IV.SCHR.EHN. 2024-07-30T17:05:08.87 0.6 undecidable manual P 358 179.3871 54 -0.88 0
IV.MGR.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:08.35 0.6 undecidable manual P 344 179.6868 54 -1.43 0
IV.HAGA.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:08.89 0.3 undecidable manual P 211 167.8098 54 0.58 0
IV.MPNC.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:07.00 0.6 undecidable manual S 235 83.8494 96 0.55 44
IV.ESML.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:07.82 0.3 undecidable manual P 226 153.4353 54 1.29 0
IV.SPS2.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:06.50 0.6 undecidable manual S 12 80.4639 97 0.95 37
IV.MILZ.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:06.80 0.3 undecidable manual S 247 86.1471 96 -0.27 71
XE.TNOVA.HNE. 2024-07-30T17:05:06.04 0.1 undecidable manual P 4 154.7229 54 -0.65 0
IV.EPZF.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:05.72 0.1 undecidable manual P 233 139.9488 93 1.19 0
MN.CUC.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:05.58 0.3 undecidable manual P 350 159.0186 54 -1.63 0
XE.T0701.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:05.67 0.3 undecidable manual P 359 155.7219 54 -1.13 0
XE.LAICA.HNN. 2024-07-30T17:05:04.76 0.3 undecidable manual P 355 152.1366 54 -1.6 0
IV.SALB.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:04.67 0.1 undecidable manual P 7 144.6441 93 -0.58 0
XE.FRASC.HNE. 2024-07-30T17:05:04.48 0.3 undecidable manual P 4 139.6602 93 0 0
IV.CAR1.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:04.20 0.3 undecidable manual S 5 74.6697 97 0.18 72
XE.CNESE.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:04.27 0.1 positive manual P 358 145.5432 93 -1.12 0
IV.MSFR.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:04.35 0.3 undecidable manual P 246 147.8409 93 -1.39 0
IV.MTTG.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:04.20 0.6 undecidable manual S 211 74.8695 97 0.14 49
XE.MORMA.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:03.67 0.1 positive manual P 354 143.5452 93 -1.4 0
IV.MMN.HHE. 2024-07-30T17:05:03.97 0.3 undecidable manual P 355 145.6431 93 -1.44 0
XE.ZIDIL.HHE. 2024-07-30T17:05:03.12 0.3 undecidable manual P 4 133.4664 94 -0.41 0
XE.SHEVA.HNE. 2024-07-30T17:05:02.90 0.3 undecidable manual P 1 136.7631 94 -1.14 0
IV.SERS.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:02.90 0.3 undecidable manual S 43 69.0753 98 0.35 70
IV.MCPD.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:02.35 0.1 negative manual P 248 132.867 94 -1.09 0
IV.MSRU.HNZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:02.10 0.3 undecidable manual S 237 65.2902 98 0.56 66
IY.CIRK.HHE.00 2024-07-30T17:05:02.74 0.6 undecidable manual P 41 119.5914 94 1.34 5
IV.IFIL.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:02.74 0.3 undecidable manual P 270 135.6642 94 -1.13 0
IV.EPMN.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:02.40 0.3 undecidable manual P 225 119.0919 94 1.08 9
IV.GRIS.EHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:01.93 0.1 undecidable manual P 349 130.7691 94 -1.19 0
IV.PIPA.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:01.24 0.6 undecidable manual P 30 115.7952 94 0.42 13
IV.MUCR.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:01.72 0.1 negative manual P 242 125.3745 94 -0.57 3
XE.T0702.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:05:01.08 0.1 positive manual P 358 126.3735 94 -1.36 1
IV.ECTS.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:01.67 0.3 undecidable manual P 229 117.993 94 0.52 13
IV.SELL.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:01.20 0.6 undecidable manual S 43 61.2942 99 0.72 41
IV.TDS.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:00.98 0.3 undecidable manual P 8 120.6903 94 -0.59 8
IV.ISNA.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:05:00.06 0.3 undecidable manual P 269 111.8991 94 -0.16 30
IV.LIBRI.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:05:00.88 0.3 undecidable manual P 243 118.992 94 -0.43 11
IV.SOI.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:59.40 0.6 undecidable manual S 188 56.9985 100 0.04 50
IV.NOV.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:59.14 0.1 negative manual P 235 106.8153 95 -0.29 58
IV.BASIC.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:59.37 0.1 negative manual P 239 109.3128 95 -0.45 47
IV.AIO.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:59.00 0.3 undecidable manual P 230 104.118 95 -0.01 53
IV.LADO.EHE. 2024-07-30T17:04:59.69 0.3 undecidable manual P 43 106.3158 95 0.34 45
IV.CET2.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:58.73 0.3 undecidable manual P 351 106.116 95 -0.6 42
IV.IVLT.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:04:58.65 0.3 undecidable manual P 259 105.5166 95 -0.58 43
IV.IVUG.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:58.38 0.1 negative manual P 259 102.3198 95 -0.36 72
IV.SICLA.EHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:58.30 0.6 undecidable manual S 226 51.7038 101 0.33 47
IV.IVGP.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:04:58.43 0.6 undecidable manual P 259 104.4177 95 -0.63 30
3D.OEM8.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:04:58.75 0.1 undecidable manual P 264 106.9152 95 -0.69 51
IV.IVPL.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:58.50 0.1 negative manual P 258 103.2189 95 -0.39 69
IV.ILOS.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:04:58.82 0.3 undecidable manual P 262 104.5176 95 -0.26 50
3D.OEM9.HNE. 2024-07-30T17:04:58.28 0.1 negative manual P 258 102.12 95 -0.42 72
IV.STRE.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:04:57.04 0.3 undecidable manual P 287 83.6496 96 1.16 51
IV.IPNR.HHE. 2024-07-30T17:04:57.28 0.3 undecidable manual P 274 93.0402 95 -0.04 73
IV.CELI.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:57.78 0.1 positive manual P 19 96.3258 95 -0.05 93
IV.MILZ.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:56.35 0.1 negative manual P 247 86.1471 96 0.09 99
IV.STRC.HHN. 2024-07-30T17:04:56.67 0.3 undecidable manual P 286 85.248 96 0.54 67
IV.ISTR.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:56.34 0.6 undecidable manual P 286 85.1481 96 0.23 48
IV.STRG.HHE. 2024-07-30T17:04:56.19 0.3 undecidable manual P 288 83.9493 96 0.27 71
IT.DLNV.HNE. 2024-07-30T17:04:56.10 0.6 undecidable manual S 207 42.9237 104 0.44 46
IV.MPNC.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:55.97 0.1 negative manual P 235 83.8494 96 0.06 99
IY.MCDA.HHZ.00 2024-07-30T17:04:55.07 0.6 undecidable manual P 51 77.6667 97 0.1 49
IV.SPS2.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:55.44 0.1 positive manual P 12 80.4639 97 0.06 99
7C.CSMBE.HNE. 2024-07-30T17:04:55.46 0.3 undecidable manual P 8 79.1652 97 0.27 71
IV.GIZZ.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:55.60 0.6 undecidable manual S 8 44.4222 103 -0.47 46
IV.IST3.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:55.81 0.3 undecidable manual P 287 82.3509 96 0.14 73
IV.MTTG.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:54.34 0.1 positive manual P 211 74.8695 97 -0.19 96
IV.CSGE1.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:54.70 0.3 undecidable manual S 169 35.3424 108 0.97 55
IV.CAR1.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:54.54 0.1 positive manual P 5 74.6697 97 0.04 100
IY.OPPI.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:54.00 0.3 undecidable manual S 198 36.741 107 -0.09 74
IY.CNDF.HHZ.00 2024-07-30T17:04:53.36 0.1 undecidable manual P 201 68.8755 98 -0.25 95
IT.RCU.HNE. 2024-07-30T17:04:53.25 0.3 undecidable manual P 219 65.6898 98 0.12 74
IT.ARMO.HNZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:53.29 0.3 undecidable manual P 214 67.377 98 -0.1 73
IV.MSRU.HNZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:53.29 0.1 positive manual P 237 65.2902 98 0.22 96
IV.SERS.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:53.47 0.1 undecidable manual P 43 69.0753 98 -0.19 96
IV.GRI.EHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:53.30 0.3 undecidable manual S 42 35.9418 108 -0.59 66
IV.SELL.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:52.17 0.1 positive manual P 43 61.2942 99 -0.29 95
IT.SAAM.HNN. 2024-07-30T17:04:51.69 0.1 undecidable manual P 216 56.1993 100 0 100
IV.PLAC.HNZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:51.90 0.3 undecidable manual S 120 29.8479 112 -0.45 69
IV.SICLA.EHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:51.00 0.1 positive manual P 226 51.7038 101 -0.01 100
IY.CHCE.HHZ.00 2024-07-30T17:04:51.20 0.3 undecidable manual S 65 26.3514 116 -0.29 71
IV.SOI.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:51.78 0.1 positive manual P 188 56.9985 100 -0.03 99
IV.BRICA.EHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:49.30 0.3 undecidable manual S 329 18.3705 128 -0.38 70
IV.GIZZ.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:49.63 0.1 undecidable manual P 8 44.4222 103 -0.28 95
IT.DLNV.HNE. 2024-07-30T17:04:49.95 0.3 undecidable manual P 207 42.9237 104 0.27 71
IV.GRI.EHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:48.47 0.1 negative manual P 42 35.9418 108 -0.19 97
IV.CSGE1.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:48.94 0.1 positive manual P 169 35.3424 108 0.38 93
IY.OPPI.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:48.58 0.1 positive manual P 198 36.741 107 -0.19 96
IY.SPDC.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:47.50 0.1 undecidable manual S 186 6.2937 158 -0.21 98
IV.PLAC.HNZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:47.62 0.1 negative manual P 120 29.8479 112 -0.15 98
IY.CHCE.HHZ.00 2024-07-30T17:04:47.13 0.1 negative manual P 65 26.3514 116 -0.14 98
IV.BRICA.EHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:46.24 0.1 positive manual P 329 18.3705 128 0.01 100
IY.SPDC.HHZ. 2024-07-30T17:04:45.10 0.1 negative manual P 186 6.2937 158 0.01 99
Station Magnitude and Amplitude
SCNL mag Generic_amplitude Period Type Category Unit Time_window_reference
IY.SPDC.HHE. ML:4.5 0.25753095 0.3328 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:47.82
IY.SPDC.HHN. ML:4.1 0.09781162 0.2432 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:49.11
IV.BRICA.EHN. ML:3.9 0.046468395 0.2688 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:49.49
IV.BRICA.HNN. ML:3.8 0.036528504999999996 0.1152 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:49.96
IV.BRICA.HNE. ML:3.8 0.037149815 0.1152 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:50.03
IV.BRICA.EHE. ML:4.0 0.059359880000000004 0.1152 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:50.03
IY.CHCE.HHN.00 ML:3.8 0.033413105 0.32 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:51.71
IV.PLAC.HHN. ML:3.8 0.027975185 0.3584 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:52.95
IV.PLAC.HNN. ML:3.9 0.03507605 0.3584 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:52.77
IV.PLAC.HHE. ML:4.0 0.044684434999999995 0.2432 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:53.14
IV.PLAC.HNE. ML:4.0 0.04218295 0.2304 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:53.15
IV.GRI.EHN. ML:3.7 0.018699999999999998 0.3 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:53.52
IY.CHCE.HHE.00 ML:3.9 0.035412874999999996 0.32 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:54.06
IV.GRI.EHE. ML:3.9 0.027800000000000002 0.56 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:54.40
IV.CSGE1.HNN. ML:4.4 0.09486081999999998 0.4224 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:55.94
IV.CSGE1.HHN. ML:3.9 0.028013640000000003 0.4224 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:55.94
IV.CSGE1.HNE. ML:4.5 0.1220765 0.4096 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:55.92
IV.CSGE1.HHE. ML:4.0 0.0396 1.6 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:56.93
IY.OPPI.HHE. ML:3.7 0.018554325 0.2432 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:56.88
IY.OPPI.HHN. ML:3.7 0.017131109999999998 0.256 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:57.08
IV.GIZZ.HHN. ML:3.8 0.018049999999999997 0.24 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:59.52
IV.GIZZ.HHE. ML:3.8 0.01784751 0.192 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:04:59.71
IV.SOI.HNE. ML:3.4 0.004705 1.6 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:00.09
IV.SICLA.EHN. ML:3.8 0.01495561 0.1408 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:01.79
IV.SOI.HNN. ML:3.4 0.005154999999999999 0.5 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:02.11
IV.SOI.HHN. ML:3.3 0.0044096735 0.4992 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:02.11
IV.SERS.HHE. ML:3.4 0.004313567 0.4992 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:04.44
IV.SERS.HNN. ML:3.4 0.00387 0.5 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:04.44
IV.SICLA.EHE. ML:4.0 0.021740839999999997 0.5632 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:04.70
IY.CNDF.HHE.00 ML:3.4 0.003965565 0.2816 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:05.71
IV.MSRU.HNN. ML:3.9 0.013361765 0.384 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.04
IV.MSRU.HHN. ML:3.9 0.013871449999999999 0.3584 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.04
IV.CAR1.HHE. ML:4.0 0.01345966 0.4224 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.02
IV.MSRU.HNE. ML:4.0 0.01918376 0.4992 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.57
IV.SELL.HNE. ML:3.6 0.00852 0.5 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.40
IV.SELL.HHE. ML:3.2 0.002735 0.38 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.40
IV.MSRU.HHE. ML:4.0 0.019863485 0.4992 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.57
IV.CAR1.HHN. ML:4.0 0.016061685 0.3328 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.87
IY.CNDF.HHN.00 ML:3.5 0.004922009 0.2176 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.87
IV.CAR1.HNN. ML:4.0 0.015050000000000001 1.68 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:06.88
IV.SELL.HHN. ML:3.2 0.002755 0.62 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:08.73
IV.SELL.HNN. ML:3.6 0.008510000000000002 0.6 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:08.73
IV.SPS2.HHE. ML:3.3 0.0026399999999999996 0.4 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:08.99
IV.SERS.HHN. ML:3.3 0.0035499999999999998 0.42 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:09.10
IV.SERS.HNE. ML:3.3 0.00346 0.42 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:09.11
IV.SPS2.HHN. ML:3.5 0.003855 0.3 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:09.30
IV.MILZ.HHE. ML:4.0 0.011007445000000001 0.384 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:09.89
IV.CAR1.HNE. ML:3.8 0.009231749000000001 0.32 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:09.76
IV.IST3.HHE. ML:4.3 0.024437784999999997 0.1664 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:10.29
IV.MILZ.HHN. ML:3.9 0.010378222999999999 0.3584 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:10.18
IV.MPNC.HHN. ML:4.3 0.02490736 0.4352 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:10.61
IV.MPNC.HHE. ML:4.1 0.016728345000000002 0.5888 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:11.17
IV.IST3.HNE. ML:4.2 0.021307724999999996 0.4352 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:11.35
IV.IST3.HNN. ML:4.3 0.023632939999999998 0.2816 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:11.46
IV.IST3.HHN. ML:4.3 0.02699536 0.3072 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:11.46
IV.CELI.HHN. ML:3.5 0.0032800000000000004 1.66 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:11.08
IV.CELI.HNN. ML:3.5 0.003155 0.36 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:12.26
IV.CELI.HHE. ML:3.5 0.0030481195000000003 0.3456 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:11.96
IV.CELI.HNE. ML:3.5 0.00303 0.36 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:12.13
IV.MTTG.HHN. ML:3.5 0.005307079500000001 0.5248 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:12.52
IV.MTTG.HHE. ML:3.5 0.00526 1.02 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:14.75
IV.CET2.HHN. ML:3.9 0.006914823999999999 0.3456 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:14.46
IV.IVUG.HHN. ML:3.6 0.0033250000000000003 0.44 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:14.24
IV.CET2.HHE. ML:3.7 0.0041623865 0.2176 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:15.49
IV.PIPA.HNE. ML:4.1 0.009103562999999999 1.0112 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:16.00
IV.AIO.HHN. ML:3.1 0.001067545 0.4352 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:16.22
IV.IVUG.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0033073379999999995 0.5376 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:16.64
IV.AIO.HHE. ML:3.0 0.0009855 1.48 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:16.24
IV.NOV.HHE. ML:3.7 0.0046099999999999995 0.44 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:18.49
IV.NOV.HHN. ML:3.6 0.00365 0.4 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:18.76
IV.GRIS.HNE. ML:3.6 0.002461088 0.256 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:19.62
IV.GRIS.EHE. ML:3.6 0.0024270529999999998 0.256 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:19.62
IV.LADO.EHE. ML:3.4 0.002055 0.54 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:19.45
IV.LIBRI.HHN. ML:3.2 0.0012785605 0.3584 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:20.31
IV.IVPL.HNE. ML:3.8 0.0058915975 0.4096 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:20.51
IV.IVPL.HHE. ML:3.8 0.00632 0.4 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:20.32
IV.LIBRI.HNN. ML:3.6 0.0032581105 0.32 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:20.92
IV.GRIS.EHN. ML:3.6 0.0025769424999999998 0.448 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:20.92
IV.GRIS.HNN. ML:3.6 0.002665 0.46 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:20.92
IV.IVPL.HHN. ML:3.8 0.006025 0.6 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:21.20
IV.LADO.EHN. ML:3.5 0.0030700000000000002 0.56 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:21.31
IV.LIBRI.HNE. ML:3.6 0.0030445190000000003 0.5248 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:21.64
IV.LIBRI.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0016607215 0.4864 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:21.41
XE.T0702.HHN. ML:3.4 0.001515 0.52 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:22.71
XE.T0702.HNN. ML:3.0 0.0007725 0.5 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:22.71
XE.T0702.HHE. ML:3.3 0.0014515 0.26 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:22.74
XE.T0702.HNE. ML:3.0 0.0007 0.26 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:22.74
IV.EPMN.HHN. ML:3.6 0.0026061544999999996 0.64 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:23.22
IV.TDS.HHE. ML:3.0 0.0008472211499999999 0.8192 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:23.71
IV.IFIL.HHN. ML:3.6 0.0022532579999999997 0.4736 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:24.13
IV.MCPD.HHE. ML:2.9 0.0004765 0.4 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:24.65
XE.MORMA.HHE. ML:3.6 0.00212 0.28 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:25.36
XE.MORMA.HNE. ML:3.6 0.002093656 0.2688 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:25.36
IV.MUCR.HHN. ML:3.5 0.002255 0.58 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:25.60
IV.PIPA.HHE. ML:3.3 0.0017007845 0.6016 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:26.04
IV.IFIL.HHE. ML:4.0 0.006589943 0.3968 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:26.48
IV.PIPA.HHN. ML:3.4 0.0018599999999999999 0.4 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:27.43
IV.SALB.HNN. ML:3.0 0.0005394999999999999 1.3 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:27.26
IV.SALB.HHN. ML:3.0 0.0005755000000000001 1.28 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:27.26
MN.CUC.HHE. ML:3.7 0.002205 0.52 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:27.88
MN.CUC.HNE. ML:3.7 0.0021799999999999996 0.52 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:27.63
IV.EPZF.HNE. ML:3.7 0.0027750000000000006 0.4 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:27.98
IV.EPZF.HHE. ML:3.7 0.00275 0.4 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:27.99
IV.PIPA.HNN. ML:4.0 0.0089884995 1.1648 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:28.03
IV.MUCR.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0016466005 0.448 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:28.70
IV.TDS.HHN. ML:3.0 0.0007086109 0.6912 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:28.99
IV.EPZF.HNN. ML:3.8 0.00339 0.48 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:29.61
IV.EPZF.HHN. ML:3.8 0.003525 0.48 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:29.61
IV.SALB.HNE. ML:3.1 0.0006918885 0.3328 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:30.58
IV.MCPD.HHN. ML:2.9 0.00047635289999999996 0.4608 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:30.69
MN.CUC.HHN. ML:3.4 0.0011165 0.46 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:31.29
MN.CUC.HNN. ML:3.4 0.0011095 0.44 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:31.29
XE.MORMA.HHN. ML:3.4 0.0014931755 0.4352 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:31.67
XE.MORMA.HNN. ML:3.4 0.0015 0.44 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:31.68
XE.T0701.HHE. ML:3.5 0.0015119685 0.4992 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:31.80
XE.T0701.HNE. ML:3.2 0.000768 0.48 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:31.80
IV.MSFR.HHN. ML:2.8 0.00035239685 0.64 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:33.11
XE.T0701.HHN. ML:3.3 0.00089117115 0.32 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:32.98
IV.SALB.HHE. ML:3.1 0.0007313931499999999 0.3072 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:33.31
XE.T0701.HNN. ML:3.0 0.00046721025 0.6272 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:34.23
IV.MCEL.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0007435 0.46 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:34.56
IV.MCEL.HNE. ML:3.6 0.0013 1.28 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:34.00
IV.ESML.HNE. ML:3.6 0.0019956515 0.512 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:34.82
IV.CMPR.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0006705 1.58 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:35.01
IV.CMPR.HNE. ML:3.3 0.0006215 1.58 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:35.01
IV.HLNI.HNN. ML:3.2 0.00068270085 0.5376 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:35.33
IV.HLNI.HHN. ML:3.2 0.00069267925 0.5376 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:35.34
IV.HLNI.HNE. ML:3.2 0.0006057942 0.512 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:34.90
IV.HLNI.HHE. ML:3.2 0.0006298783 0.5248 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:34.90
IV.ESML.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0018199999999999998 0.7 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:35.08
IV.MSFR.HHE. ML:3.0 0.0004895 0.7 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:36.40
IV.MCEL.HNN. ML:3.6 0.001185 0.62 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:38.21
IV.ESML.HHN. ML:3.4 0.0012900000000000001 1.36 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:40.29
IV.ESML.HNN. ML:3.5 0.0014100000000000002 0.64 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:40.00
IV.SLCN.HHN. ML:3.5 0.000993 0.74 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:40.74
IV.SLCN.HNN. ML:3.6 0.001049 0.74 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:40.75
IV.SSY.HNE. ML:3.6 0.001355 1.66 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:40.83
IV.CDRU.HNE. ML:3.5 0.0007055 1.54 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:41.21
IV.CDRU.HHE. ML:3.5 0.000747 1.56 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:41.21
IV.SSY.HHE. ML:3.3 0.0007796476500000001 0.3456 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:42.30
IV.GALF.HHE. ML:4.0 0.003925 0.66 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:42.38
IX.SRN3.HHE.02 ML:3.6 0.0009235 0.42 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:42.52
IX.SRN3.HNE.01 ML:3.6 0.000995 0.44 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:42.52
IV.GALF.HNE. ML:3.7 0.00199 0.66 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:42.41
IV.MCEL.HHN. ML:3.3 0.00065985845 0.5888 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:43.42
IV.MTSN.HHN. ML:3.5 0.0011277445 0.6016 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:44.59
IV.MTSN.HNN. ML:3.5 0.0011233309 0.6016 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:44.60
IV.SCIAR.HHE. ML:2.8 0.00015493775 0.4224 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:44.53
IV.SCIAR.HNE. ML:3.0 0.0002609091 0.576 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:44.53
IV.GALF.HNN. ML:3.6 0.0018735694999999998 0.7296 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:45.02
IV.HAVL.HHN. ML:3.3 0.0005994999999999999 0.42 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:45.32
IV.SSY.HNN. ML:3.6 0.001349491 0.6912 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:46.37
IV.CSLB.HNE. ML:2.7 0.00016961779999999997 0.6272 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:46.09
IV.CSLB.HHE. ML:2.7 0.0001680319 0.704 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:46.11
IV.HAVL.HHE. ML:3.2 0.0005031436 0.32 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:46.20
IV.GALF.HHN. ML:4.0 0.003875 0.56 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:46.56
IV.SSY.HHN. ML:3.6 0.0013700000000000001 0.34 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:46.35
IV.SNAL.HNE. ML:4.2 0.002724021 3.008 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:45.27
IX.SRN3.HHN.02 ML:3.5 0.0008075 0.46 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:47.78
IV.MTSN.HHE. ML:3.6 0.0014158765 0.9216 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:47.81
IV.MTSN.HNE. ML:3.6 0.0014449999999999999 1.06 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:47.29
IV.CDRU.HNN. ML:3.0 0.00026000000000000003 0.8 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:48.32
IV.CDRU.HHN. ML:3.1 0.0002825174 0.8064 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:48.32
IV.CMPR.HHN. ML:3.2 0.000451 0.42 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:49.06
IV.CMPR.HNN. ML:3.2 0.00047154045 0.5376 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:49.08
IV.GIB.HHN. ML:3.2 0.0005385 0.72 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:49.53
IV.SCTE.HHN. ML:3.1 0.00022699585 0.4608 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:49.94
IV.GIB.HHE. ML:3.4 0.0007050000000000001 0.68 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:50.49
IX.SRN3.HNN.01 ML:3.5 0.00078543295 0.384 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:50.74
IV.AMUR.HHN. ML:2.9 0.0001455 0.46 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:51.66
IV.AMUR.HNN. ML:2.9 0.0001388644 0.4352 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:51.44
IV.SLCN.HNE. ML:3.6 0.001101 0.44 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:51.72
IV.SLCN.HHE. ML:3.6 0.001177864 0.448 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:51.72
IV.CSLB.HNN. ML:2.8 0.0001885 0.96 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:53.32
IV.AMUR.HHE. ML:3.1 0.0002105 0.84 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:54.17
IV.AMUR.HNE. ML:3.1 0.00020547074999999998 0.4224 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:55.17
IV.CSLB.HHN. ML:2.8 0.000193 0.66 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:55.88
IV.MMGO.HHN. ML:2.5 0.00004117593 0.512 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:57.16
IV.SCIAR.HHN. ML:2.8 0.000169 1.52 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:58.22
IV.SCIAR.HNN. ML:3.0 0.000256 1.54 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:58.22
IV.SNAL.HHN. ML:3.5 0.00047250000000000005 1.06 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:59.09
IV.SNAL.HNN. ML:3.4 0.00042718185 1.0496 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:05:59.10
IV.SNAL.HHE. ML:3.4 0.00042800000000000005 1.16 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:06:01.76
IV.MMGO.HNN. ML:2.6 0.000052403175 0.448 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:06:02.89
IV.NOCI.HHE. ML:3.0 0.0001845642 0.576 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:06:04.02
IV.NOCI.HNE. ML:3.0 0.00016414825 0.3584 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:06:04.47
IV.NOCI.HHN. ML:3.2 0.0002465 0.5 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:06:08.61
IV.NOCI.HNN. ML:3.1 0.00024045179999999998 0.4992 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:06:08.86
IV.MMGO.HHE. ML:2.5 0.000044678655 0.8192 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:06:18.21
IV.MMGO.HNE. ML:2.7 0.00006824270499999999 0.8704 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:06:18.20
IV.SCTE.HHE. ML:3.0 0.00018804705 0.6528 AML other m 2024-07-30T17:06:21.03
TDMT - Time Domain Moment Tensor - AUTOMATIC SOLUTION

TDMT details

Field Value
Scalar Moment1.85255E+21 dyne-cm
Computed depth17 km
Variance Reduction25.24%
Double Couple77%
Model usedCIA

Moment Tensor Components

Component Value

Nodal Planes

Name Strike Dip Rake

Fault Plane solution

Focal Mechanism

psmeca (GMT documentation)

16.1502 38.5795 17 222 50 -93 47 40 -86 1.85255 21 16.6502 39.0795

TDMT references

More info and references

Station Distribution

Station Distribution

TDMT station details

Sta Dist Azi V R zcor
CAR1 75 4 63.56% 101
CELI 96.5 18.7 25.17% 102
SERS 68.9 42.5 11.13% 99
MTTG 75.1 211.8 19.77% 99
EPZF 140.9 233.9 28.99% 110
MSFR 149.2 246.5 24.38% 108
IVPL 104.6 257.9 30.4% 104
IFIL 137.3 269.8 19.88% 108
IST3 83.7 287.2 27.92% 102
CMPR 206.3 339.6 25.38% 117
MCEL 196.1 351.3 10.7% 115
Fault Plane solutions in the area
Fault Plane solutions

Fault Plane solutions

The map reports the fault plane solutions for earthquakes in the region from 1977 to the date of this event. Red moment tensors are determined using the Regional Centroid Moment Tensor technique (RCMT, applied for earthquakes with magnitude larger than 4.5 in the Euro-Mediterranenan area. Occasionally, when a station azimuthal coverage exists RCMTs can be obtained also for earthquakes with magnitude down to 4.0. The gray moment tensors are obtained with the Time Domain Moment Tensor method (TDMT, /tdmt). This technique is applied to earthquakes with magnitude ML greater than 3.2, when it is possible. The size of symbols scales with the calculated moment magnitude Mw.
Type Description Link
QuakeML - small Event, Origin, FocalMechanism Download
QuakeML - full Event, Origin, FocalMechanism, Amplitude, Arrival, Pick, Station Magnitude Download
Waveforms Seismic signals in miniseed + resp format Download