Earthquake with magnitude of ML 1.7 on date 11-07-2024 and time 00:46:22 (Italy) in region 5 km N Sant'Angelo Romano (RM)

A magnitude ML 1.7 earthquake occured in region: 5 km N Sant'Angelo Romano (RM), on

  • 10-07-2024 22:46:22 (UTC)
  • 11-07-2024 00:46:22 (UTC +02:00) Italian time

and geographic coordinates (lat, lon) 42.0780, 12.7050 at 9 km depth.

The earthquake was located by: Sala Sismica INGV-Roma.

Search earthquakes: Any within 30 km radius

The values of hypocentral coordinates and magnitude may be revised at a later time as more information becomes available.

Municipalities within 20 km from the epicenter

Distances are determinated based on the geographic coordintes of the (Istat).
Municipality Region Dist Inh Cum Inh
Sant'Angelo Romano RM 5 5018 5018
Palombara Sabina RM 5 13269 18287
Montelibretti RM 7 5323 23610
Moricone RM 7 2650 26260
Mentana RM 7 22921 49181
Monterotondo RM 8 40830 90011
Guidonia Montecelio RM 9 88673 178684
Marcellina RM 10 7280 185964
Montorio Romano RM 11 1984 187948
Monteflavio RM 11 1348 189296
Fonte Nuova RM 11 32562 221858
Nerola RM 12 1926 223784
San Polo dei Cavalieri RM 13 2992 226776
Fiano Romano RM 14 15360 242136
Fara in Sabina RI 15 13742 255878
Tivoli RM 15 56533 312411
Scandriglia RI 15 3108 315519
Riano RM 15 10466 325985
Capena RM 15 10592 336577
Toffia RI 16 1058 337635
Licenza RM 16 1011 338646
Roccagiovine RM 16 263 338909
Civitella San Paolo RM 17 2066 340975
Vicovaro RM 17 4019 344994
Poggio Nativo RI 17 2622 347616
Percile RM 17 255 347871
Castelnuovo di Farfa RI 18 1059 348930
Castelnuovo di Porto RM 18 8630 357560
Castel Madama RM 18 7399 364959
Morlupo RM 18 8696 373655
Montopoli di Sabina RI 19 4210 377865
Mandela RM 19 917 378782
Frasso Sabino RI 19 743 379525
Nazzano RM 19 1436 380961
Torrita Tiberina RM 19 1089 382050
Mompeo RI 19 530 382580
Poggio Moiano RI 20 2751 385331

Municipalities with at least 50000 inhabitants

An earthquake occurred to
9 Km N of Guidonia Montecelio (88673 inhabitants)
15 Km NW of Tivoli (56533 inhabitants)
28 Km NE of Roma (2864731 inhabitants)
44 Km N of Velletri (53303 inhabitants)
48 Km NE of Pomezia (62966 inhabitants)
51 Km NE of Fiumicino (78395 inhabitants)
54 Km N of Aprilia (73446 inhabitants)
54 Km S of Terni (111501 inhabitants)
62 Km SE of Viterbo (67173 inhabitants)
65 Km W of L'Aquila (69753 inhabitants)
70 Km N of Latina (125985 inhabitants)
70 Km N of Anzio (54211 inhabitants)
75 Km E of Civitavecchia (52991 inhabitants)
98 Km S of Foligno (57155 inhabitants)
Recent and historical seismicity
Seismic hazard
Felt maps
Locations history
Type Magnitude Date and Time (UTC) Latitude Longitude Depth (km) Published time (UTC) Author Location ID
ML 1.7 2024-07-10
42.0783 12.7053 9 2024-07-10
Sala Sismica INGV-Roma 129704841
Preferred location and magnitude until now.
Origin information


Field Value
Time (UTC) 2024-07-10 22:46:22 ± 0.11
Latitude 42.0783 ± 0.0081
Longitude 12.7053 ± 0.0109
Depth (km) 9 ± 1 (from location)
Evaluation mode of Origin manual
Evaluation status of Origin reviewed
Version 100 -> SURVEY-INGV
Event type earthquake
Origin ID 129704841


Field Value
Preferred uncertainty description uncertainty ellipse
Semi-major axis of confidence ellipse (meter) 1217
Semi-minor axis of confidence ellipse (meter) 181
Azimuth of major axis of confidence ellipse. Measured clockwise from South-North direction at epicenter (gradi) 225
Circular confidence region, given by single value of horizontal uncertainty (meter) 1220.0
Confidence level of the uncertainty (%) 68


Field Value
Largest azimuthal gap in station distribution as seen from epicenter (degree) 135
Number of associated phases, regardless of their use for origin computation 28
Number of defining phases 15
RMS of the travel time residuals of the arrivals used for the origin computation (sec) 0.29
Epicentral distance of station closest to the epicenter (degree) 0.00000
Epicentral distance of station farthest from the epicenter (degree) 0.72216
Number of stations at which the event was observed 21
Number of stations from which data was used for origin computation 11
Magnitude information


Field Value
Value 1.7
Uncertainty 0.2
Num. used stations 36
Type of magnitude ML
Reference to an origin 129704841
Agency INGV
Autore Sala Sismica INGV-Roma
Time of creation (UTC) 2024-07-10 22:53:08
Picking and Arrival
SCNL Time Uncertainty Polarity Evaluation_mode Phase Azimuth Distance(km) Takeoff_angle Residual Weight
IV.GATE.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:47:16.13 3.0 undecidable manual Sn 1.12 0
IV.CAFI.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:47:04.46 3.0 undecidable manual S -0.99 0
IV.FDMO.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:56.57 3.0 undecidable manual S -0.26 0
IV.ASSB.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:55.91 3.0 undecidable manual S 0.04 0
IV.NRCA.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:51.16 3.0 undecidable manual S -0.44 0
IV.ATMI.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:47.80 3.0 negative manual P 2.18 0
IV.CAFI.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:46.59 3.0 undecidable manual P 0.08 0
IV.MML1.EHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:42.36 3.0 negative manual P -0.04 0
IV.MGAB.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:41.74 3.0 negative manual P 1.04 0
IV.T0110.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:41.07 3.0 negative manual P 2.32 0
IV.PTQR.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:41.28 0.6 undecidable manual S 96 57.5979 50 0.31 44
IV.ASSB.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:41.51 3.0 positive manual P 0.38 0
IV.NRCA.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:38.17 3.0 undecidable manual P -0.56 0
IV.SMA1.EHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:37.19 0.1 undecidable manual P 40 80.1642 50 0.48 81
IV.MOMA.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:37.05 3.0 negative manual P -0.02 0
IV.GIUL.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:35.42 0.1 undecidable manual P 142 73.371 50 -0.26 86
IV.RCAV.EHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:34.63 0.6 undecidable manual S 142 32.3454 50 0.39 45
IV.BARO.EHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:33.28 0.1 undecidable manual P 289 56.9985 50 0.14 91
IV.CESX.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:33.91 0.1 undecidable manual P 351 59.5959 50 0.36 87
IV.RM33.EHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:33.65 0.1 undecidable manual P 41 63.492 50 -0.49 84
IV.PTQR.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:32.98 0.1 undecidable manual P 96 57.5979 50 -0.26 89
IV.ARRO.EHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:32.64 0.6 positive manual P 5 55.7997 50 -0.32 44
IV.CERT.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:32.68 0.3 undecidable manual S 122 26.9508 109 0.15 72
IV.SRES.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:31.19 0.6 undecidable manual S 318 23.8539 111 -0.33 47
IV.RCAV.EHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:29.10 0.1 undecidable manual P 142 32.3454 50 -0.25 93
IV.CERT.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:28.30 0.1 positive manual P 122 26.9508 109 -0.07 98
IV.SRES.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:27.89 0.1 undecidable manual P 318 23.8539 111 0.11 98
IV.MTCE.HHZ. 2024-07-10T22:46:25.08 0.1 positive manual P 154 6.8931 143 0.13 100
Station Magnitude and Amplitude
SCNL mag Generic_amplitude Period Type Category Unit Time_window_reference
IV.MTCE.HHN. ML:1.9 0.001435 0.3 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:27.22
IV.MTCE.HHE. ML:1.8 0.00101 0.54 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:28.42
IV.SRES.HHN. ML:1.6 0.000261 1.46 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:32.74
IV.CERT.HHN. ML:2.0 0.0005480000000000001 0.38 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:33.06
IV.CERT.HNN. ML:2.0 0.0005425 0.36 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:33.06
IV.SRES.HHE. ML:1.5 0.0002 1.06 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:33.92
IV.CERT.HHE. ML:2.1 0.0006775 0.68 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:35.45
IV.CERT.HNE. ML:2.1 0.0006805 0.68 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:35.45
IV.RCAV.EHN. ML:1.6 0.0001995 1.24 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:36.23
IV.RCAV.EHE. ML:1.8 0.00029749999999999997 1.48 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:38.91
IV.PTQR.HHE. ML:1.5 0.0000724 0.28 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:42.44
IV.ARRO.EHE. ML:1.7 0.00011305000000000001 1.14 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:43.05
IV.ARRO.EHN. ML:1.7 0.00011835000000000002 1.1 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:45.07
IV.PTQR.HHN. ML:1.5 0.0000627 0.36 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:45.35
IV.CESX.HHN. ML:1.6 0.0000899 0.72 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:45.04
IV.CESX.HHE. ML:1.5 0.0000604 0.72 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:46.41
IV.BARO.EHN. ML:1.5 0.00007400000000000001 0.66 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:46.58
IV.GIUL.HHN. ML:1.7 0.00007335 1.32 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:47.22
IV.BARO.EHE. ML:1.4 0.0000618 0.46 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:47.13
IV.RM33.EHE. ML:1.6 0.00008025 0.42 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:47.42
IV.GIUL.HHE. ML:1.4 0.00004155 1.28 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:48.76
IV.MOMA.HHE. ML:1.7 0.00007135 0.28 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:50.46
IV.RM33.EHN. ML:1.7 0.000088 0.58 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:50.59
IV.NRCA.HHE. ML:1.7 0.00005895 0.14 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:52.35
IV.MOMA.HHN. ML:1.7 0.00006665000000000001 1.3 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:53.22
IV.NRCA.HHN. ML:1.6 0.000049250000000000004 0.62 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:53.57
IV.ASSB.HHN. ML:1.5 0.00003145 1.62 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:57.96
IV.ASSB.HHE. ML:1.5 0.0000286 0.3 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:58.55
IV.FDMO.HHE. ML:1.6 0.00003715 0.7 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:58.80
IV.MGAB.HHN. ML:1.5 0.00003225 0.64 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:46:59.81
IV.MML1.EHE. ML:1.8 0.0000427 1.28 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:47:00.83
IV.FDMO.HHN. ML:1.6 0.000036750000000000006 1.68 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:47:00.04
IV.MGAB.HHE. ML:1.6 0.0000422 1.7 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:47:00.88
IV.MML1.EHN. ML:1.8 0.000052699999999999993 0.96 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:47:02.48
IV.CAFI.HHE. ML:1.7 0.000024750000000000002 1 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:47:04.26
IV.CAFI.HHN. ML:1.5 0.00001349 1.14 AML other m 2024-07-10T22:47:05.27
TDMT - Time Domain Moment Tensor
Fault Plane solutions in the area
Type Description Link
QuakeML - small Event, Origin, FocalMechanism Download
QuakeML - full Event, Origin, FocalMechanism, Amplitude, Arrival, Pick, Station Magnitude Download