Earthquake with magnitude of ML 0.9 on date 07-08-2024 and time 02:55:53 (Italy) in region 2 km NW Nusco (AV)

A magnitude ML 0.9 earthquake occured in region: 2 km NW Nusco (AV), on

  • 07-08-2024 00:55:53 (UTC)
  • 07-08-2024 02:55:53 (UTC +02:00) Italian time

and geographic coordinates (lat, lon) 40.8980, 15.0650 at 12 km depth.

The earthquake was located by: Sala Sismica INGV-Roma.

Search earthquakes: Any within 30 km radius

The values of hypocentral coordinates and magnitude may be revised at a later time as more information becomes available.

Municipalities within 20 km from the epicenter

Distances are determinated based on the geographic coordintes of the (Istat).
Municipality Region Dist Inh Cum Inh
Nusco AV 2 4203 4203
Castelfranci AV 4 2041 6244
Cassano Irpino AV 4 982 7226
Montemarano AV 6 2851 10077
Torella dei Lombardi AV 7 2144 12221
Bagnoli Irpino AV 7 3217 15438
Montella AV 7 7780 23218
Castelvetere sul Calore AV 8 1615 24833
Villamaina AV 9 995 25828
Paternopoli AV 9 2384 28212
Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV 10 4250 32462
San Mango sul Calore AV 10 1185 33647
Rocca San Felice AV 10 851 34498
Lioni AV 11 6201 40699
Luogosano AV 12 1187 41886
Gesualdo AV 12 3516 45402
Volturara Irpina AV 13 3289 48691
Chiusano di San Domenico AV 13 2277 50968
Frigento AV 13 3780 54748
Sant'Angelo all'Esca AV 14 801 55549
Guardia Lombardi AV 14 1718 57267
Lapio AV 14 1572 58839
Fontanarosa AV 14 3170 62009
Sturno AV 15 3080 65089
Salza Irpina AV 15 772 65861
Sorbo Serpico AV 15 583 66444
Taurasi AV 15 2377 68821
Morra De Sanctis AV 15 1297 70118
Parolise AV 16 663 70781
Santa Lucia di Serino AV 16 1402 72183
Caposele AV 17 3483 75666
Santo Stefano del Sole AV 17 2208 77874
San Potito Ultra AV 17 1558 79432
Candida AV 17 1147 80579
Teora AV 17 1537 82116
Serino AV 17 7034 89150
Montefalcione AV 17 3359 92509
Mirabella Eclano AV 17 7684 100193
Acerno SA 18 2783 102976
San Michele di Serino AV 18 2530 105506
Calabritto AV 18 2391 107897
Montemiletto AV 18 5313 113210
Torre Le Nocelle AV 19 1324 114534
Manocalzati AV 19 3160 117694
Carife AV 19 1408 119102
Atripalda AV 19 11020 130122
Grottaminarda AV 19 8137 138259
Castel Baronia AV 20 1129 139388
Cesinali AV 20 2584 141972
Solofra AV 20 12495 154467

Municipalities with at least 50000 inhabitants

An earthquake occurred to
23 Km E of Avellino (54857 inhabitants)
33 Km N of Battipaglia (50786 inhabitants)
35 Km SE of Benevento (60091 inhabitants)
35 Km NE of Salerno (135261 inhabitants)
37 Km NE of Cava de' Tirreni (53659 inhabitants)
48 Km E of Scafati (50787 inhabitants)
54 Km E of Castellammare di Stabia (66466 inhabitants)
59 Km E of Acerra (59573 inhabitants)
60 Km E of Torre del Greco (86275 inhabitants)
60 Km E of Portici (55274 inhabitants)
61 Km E of Ercolano (53709 inhabitants)
63 Km E of Afragola (65057 inhabitants)
65 Km E of Caserta (76326 inhabitants)
65 Km E of Casoria (77642 inhabitants)
69 Km W of Potenza (67122 inhabitants)
69 Km E of Napoli (974074 inhabitants)
73 Km E of Aversa (53047 inhabitants)
73 Km E of Giugliano in Campania (122974 inhabitants)
73 Km E of Marano di Napoli (59874 inhabitants)
75 Km SW of Foggia (151991 inhabitants)
81 Km SW of Cerignola (58396 inhabitants)
82 Km E of Pozzuoli (81661 inhabitants)
92 Km S of San Severo (53905 inhabitants)
Recent and historical seismicity
Seismic hazard
Felt maps
Locations history
Type Magnitude Date and Time (UTC) Latitude Longitude Depth (km) Published time (UTC) Author Location ID
ML 0.9 2024-08-07
40.8978 15.0648 12 2024-08-07
Sala Sismica INGV-Roma 130466561
Preferred location and magnitude until now.
Origin information


Field Value
Time (UTC) 2024-08-07 00:55:53 ± 0.15
Latitude 40.8978 ± 0.0054
Longitude 15.0648 ± 0.0071
Depth (km) 12 ± 1 (from location)
Evaluation mode of Origin manual
Evaluation status of Origin reviewed
Version 100 -> SURVEY-INGV
Event type earthquake
Origin ID 130466561


Field Value
Preferred uncertainty description uncertainty ellipse
Semi-major axis of confidence ellipse (meter) 653
Semi-minor axis of confidence ellipse (meter) 276
Azimuth of major axis of confidence ellipse. Measured clockwise from South-North direction at epicenter (gradi) 133
Circular confidence region, given by single value of horizontal uncertainty (meter) 650.0
Confidence level of the uncertainty (%) 68


Field Value
Largest azimuthal gap in station distribution as seen from epicenter (degree) 111
Number of associated phases, regardless of their use for origin computation 18
Number of defining phases 18
RMS of the travel time residuals of the arrivals used for the origin computation (sec) 0.26
Epicentral distance of station closest to the epicenter (degree) 0.05126
Epicentral distance of station farthest from the epicenter (degree) 0.24641
Number of stations at which the event was observed 9
Number of stations from which data was used for origin computation 9
Magnitude information


Field Value
Value 0.9
Uncertainty 0.3
Num. used stations 12
Type of magnitude ML
Reference to an origin 130466561
Agency INGV
Autore Sala Sismica INGV-Roma
Time of creation (UTC) 2024-08-07 01:02:12
Picking and Arrival
SCNL Time Uncertainty Polarity Evaluation_mode Phase Azimuth Distance(km) Takeoff_angle Residual Weight
IX.CMP3.EHZ.02 2024-08-07T00:56:03.40 0.6 undecidable manual S 177 27.3504 95 0.16 48
IV.CAFE.HHZ. 2024-08-07T00:56:01.82 0.3 undecidable manual S 45 20.3685 99 0.42 69
IV.MCRV.HHZ. 2024-08-07T00:56:00.05 0.3 undecidable manual S 146 15.4734 108 -0.08 76
IX.SALI.HNN.01 2024-08-07T00:55:59.68 0.3 undecidable manual S 70 10.2786 127 0.78 61
IX.CMP3.EHZ.02 2024-08-07T00:55:59.14 0.6 positive manual P 177 27.3504 95 0.02 50
IX.NSC3.EHZ.02 2024-08-07T00:55:58.19 0.3 undecidable manual S 140 7.3815 139 -0.16 76
IX.MNT3.EHZ.02 2024-08-07T00:55:58.63 0.3 undecidable manual S 216 8.2806 135 0.12 76
IV.CAFE.HHZ. 2024-08-07T00:55:58.12 0.1 undecidable manual P 45 20.3685 99 0.07 100
IV.MTMR.HNZ. 2024-08-07T00:55:58.08 0.3 undecidable manual S 294 5.6943 148 0.01 77
IV.SNAL.HHZ. 2024-08-07T00:55:58.82 0.3 undecidable manual S 76 12.4764 118 -0.57 69
IX.RSF3.HNZ.02 2024-08-07T00:55:58.95 0.3 undecidable manual S 52 11.877 121 -0.3 73
IV.MCRV.HHZ. 2024-08-07T00:55:57.17 0.3 undecidable manual P 146 15.4734 108 -0.15 75
IV.SNAL.HHZ. 2024-08-07T00:55:56.94 0.3 undecidable manual P 76 12.4764 118 0.05 76
IX.RSF3.HNZ.02 2024-08-07T00:55:56.59 0.3 undecidable manual P 52 11.877 121 -0.22 74
IX.NSC3.EHZ.02 2024-08-07T00:55:56.48 0.6 positive manual P 140 7.3815 139 0.19 50
IX.SALI.HNN.01 2024-08-07T00:55:56.78 0.3 undecidable manual P 70 10.2786 127 0.17 74
IX.MNT3.EHZ.02 2024-08-07T00:55:56.49 0.6 positive manual P 216 8.2806 135 0.11 51
IV.MTMR.HNZ. 2024-08-07T00:55:55.96 0.1 undecidable manual P 294 5.6943 148 -0.17 99
Station Magnitude and Amplitude
SCNL mag Generic_amplitude Period Type Category Unit Time_window_reference
IX.NSC3.EHN.02 ML:1.0 0.000117 1.84 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:55:59.03
IX.NSC3.EHE.02 ML:0.9 0.000094 1.54 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:55:59.84
IX.MNT3.EHN.02 ML:1.7 0.0006745 0.08 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:55:59.05
IX.MNT3.EHE.02 ML:1.4 0.00028000000000000003 0.72 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:55:59.39
IV.MCRV.HHN. ML:1.0 0.00009504999999999999 0.22 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:56:00.48
IV.MCRV.HHE. ML:0.9 0.00006850000000000001 0.62 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:56:00.91
IV.SNAL.HHN. ML:0.6 0.00003845 0.64 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:56:01.12
IV.SNAL.HHE. ML:0.7 0.000049000000000000005 0.26 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:56:01.46
IV.CAFE.HHN. ML:0.6 0.00002795 0.44 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:56:02.13
IV.CAFE.HHE. ML:0.8 0.00004720000000000001 0.8 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:56:02.45
IX.CMP3.EHE.02 ML:1.0 0.00004825 0.68 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:56:03.75
IX.CMP3.EHN.02 ML:1.0 0.00005375 0.2 AML other m 2024-08-07T00:56:07.09
TDMT - Time Domain Moment Tensor
Fault Plane solutions in the area
Type Description Link
QuakeML - small Event, Origin, FocalMechanism Download
QuakeML - full Event, Origin, FocalMechanism, Amplitude, Arrival, Pick, Station Magnitude Download